How does Sup Forums respond?

How does Sup Forums respond?

>How does Sup Forums respond?

I'm sorry, but you have to go back.

>Brayan, your mother is calling

"It's time to make Japan Ainu again"

Make Mexico Spain Again

Make Mexico Spain Again

the indio mongrels lost the land


Make mexico New Spain again.

they can spray paint on their side of the wall they built all they want

Image related is the only non-cucked response.

Isn't Mexico due to be shutdown on the 20th? What's this shit about making America Mexico?

Kick out the liberals first, send them to NY


Well Mexicans believe in satan so we better kill them.

That's what they've been doing, they are going back to their rightful land.

Tell them they probably shouldn't have declared war on the fledgling United States in a landgrab that backfired tremendously on them.


Make Africa Kangz again


It's fitting that the anagram for this is MAMA, since they are a bunch of mommies boys.


Sup Forums BTFO


It's over for america

Make Mexico Spain Again


Imagine with their unemployment #'s, you would actually need to build that steel wall surrounded by lazer sharks.


Glorious :D

>welfare benefits
>no paying taxes
Im not trilled gringo

America was never mexico
Never ever

Spray paint wall over text