Meanwhile according to Hillary

>Meanwhile according to Hillary

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Sup Forums always right

The feel pretty sorry for the timeline where she won.

>Mfw she will never be President.

Imagine being in the timeline where Brexit failed and Hillary won in a landslide.

disgusting nasty woman

To hell with that pandering whore.

Didn't she do that in response to sambo rambo's dallas cop shootout?

Even in the other timeline, the niggers torture that autist and probably even yell out the same shit.





imagine being in the timeline where the greater reich lost the liberation of europe and the empire fell to raping slavshits and ameriniggers.

>"seen and unseen barriers"

you mean coincidences? yeah that's one hell of a tough barrier

african american is a racist term

they're americans

terrorism involves violence and fear, not just fear.

if it just needed fear, then trump is a terrorist, too. concentrate on the real things that hillary did wrong, not the existential things that pop into your little head.

See the thing here is she's not talking to white people. she's pandering to blacks. she says "barriers YOU face every day," not "barriers THEY face every day"

Literally Who?

Don't make me feel like that

Yeah just imagine the horror...

free bullets for everybody

Don't feel to sorry for them because in that timeline things might get bad enough that the white rise up and send all the niggers back to Africa, send the Mexiniggers to Mexico, send the sandniggers to the desert, and gas the Jews.

I knew things were looking good for Trump's chances after the Democratic National Convention looked like an outtake reel from 1963.

and here are the results of that bullshit

and loss of the white house, senate, and house

Didn't Hillary lose the nigger vote? Who the fuck is she even pandering to? Pink haired fat broads?


Nothing and I mean nothing hotter than a fine ass black broad that hates niggers as much as I do.

She posted this the morning after a black guy shot a bunch of police officers. She literally fucking supported the murder of cops to be down with the blacks.

she won 90% of it

Hillary won the black vote 89% to 9%, unfortunately for her, Trump's 9% was still 9 times better than Romney's 1%, and enough to propel him to an even bigger victory

Genuine question: how is that picture hypocrisy?

I don't see how those two ideals are mutually exclusive. You can be supportive of the white race while still being indifferent to blacks and vice-versa. Am I reading this out of context or something? The girls seem redpilled to me.

This desu. Every race should be in favor of helping every other race. If that's to varying degrees, depending on real issues, who cares? Also, those are some black qt's if I do say so

Glad to see the black vote doesn't matter. Seriously.

Why listen? I can't do a fucking thing about someone's racial handicap.

In Brazil they have no barriers. What difference it makes?


nice digits

Its true, black americans are on general far poorer and less privileged due to circumstances outside of their control.

>July 8

Hillary signs the tweets she does with an "-H".

Black Americans need to stop killing each other.

Black Americans need to stop killing everyone.


Not this

this is true, blacks often talk in ebonics and it is very hard to listen to them. we could do better

The seen barrier is their skin color.
The unseen barrier is their stupidity and beasthood.


It's through her official account. Her name is written on every tweet. She obviously must approve of it.