ITS HAPPENING Venezuela is fucked (((they))) are leaving

Jews are leaving the country like rats that means there's nothing of value left here.

Are we fucked /pol ?

Run now, seek asylum

When the rats flee, you know the ship is sinking

Wait? What the fuck were they doing there in the first place? Your country is not friend of capitalists. Wait...

so all you gotta do is destroy your own country, then jews leave with holocaust accusations?


>111 of 6k-9k jews leave, it's news
that's hilarious have you ever seen a jew before?

I will try to leave this hellhole this year or ill die trying, wish me luck bros.

Is this an actual meme?

Because I started thinking about it I've never actually seen or met a Jew before.

I've even lived in Jew neighbourhoods. I've seen scholomonamed businesses etc, food everything but I've never met a Jew.

I know someone who supposedly met two. That's it.

I have met ppl from nearly every region in this Earth. Are Jews the advanced race of shapeshifting underdwellers and they just go invisible or ((((white)))) in public?

What is it?

my last neighborhood was at least 1/4 to 1/3 orthodox jew

they're friendly and normal, don't worry

orthodox is somewhat oddly concentrated here, but there are like 4 ways to qualify as jewish. many people are giving up kosher, etc

Most normal people don't announce their religion every time the walk into a room.

It's not like football players.

Schlomo Goldstein.. Jewish!
Patrick Omally... Catholic!
Najabiabibivi mookaiboolahdesh... Hindu!

fuck off
we're full

Good luck

>tfw more jews may move to your country

There's so few of them. So why are they so over represented in media, supreme court, wallstreet, etc.?

>Are we fucked /pol ?

you've been fucked for a while now, buddy

So when's Maduro going to get assassinated?

don't come here we r worst, crash on Portugal instead

May the good Lord Kek guide your way in these dank times.

Huh, they're pretty common where I live.

EXTERMINATE the communists!

Don't worry, you let the jews destroy your country, you won.

Hyper kek

The wall just got 10ft higher

Spain isnt that bad, I dont see much "rojos" or podemos voters around, gf is a Spanish traditional value qt from a wealthy family with a distaste of low lifes, Whats the problem with this country?


fucking kek

>For him, the soup signified an escape from the poverty and deprivation he has experienced for more than two years.

>“We were very hungry,” said Oritz, who moved in November. “There was no meat, no sugar, no pasta.”

Oy Vey! It was just like another Shoah!

I love your logic


Evangelicals. You always hear them going "I'm a Christian" for no other reason then to let others know. It's like how blacks go on and on about White privilege.