Which is your favorite?

Armenia, Georgia, or Azerbaijan?

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Fuck Azerbaijan

Georgia is responsible for Stalin
Armenia is responsible for the Kardashians
Azerbaijan is muslim

None desu

Armenia: Rats
Georgia: Cool
Azerbaijan: Rats

They're all equally shitty and irrelevant

Would you rather be from Georgia Europe or Georgia USA?

at least Stalin killed more Russians than you yanks will ever do

Kardashians are an all-American product. Armenia has its own sins and filth, but Kardashians are all yours, murica

Azerbaijan is a country deserving a good old genocide

Georgia. Mostly becaise of their cuisine. And they hate gays. Cool guys.


I believe all of them hate gays since they are all pretty conservative nations

Azerbaijan. Most developed country out of the 3.

Georgia. Cool language, cool dudes and cool army.

Stop it with your common sense you dipshit

>Cool guys
>Invade them in '08

I like Azerbaijan, I did a project about them in high school

Georgia because crusader flag

armenia I guss. Georgia is NATO's bitch and Azerbaijan are muzzies.

Actually, Azeris are one of the most cucked Muslim countries. most population is nominally muslim but irreligious. They drink, eat pork and party (at least the rich ones). Azeri girls are one of the easiest to lay in the muslim world.
quite uneducated and backwards in other regards. They do live and are content under feudalism. Their mustachiod king was even features as a fictional Kazakhstani president in 'Borat'

we also stole our flag from you

Armenia was more relevant during the crusades than Georgia

>we also stole our flag from you

Good taste aswell then. Although I'm glad you've added more of a Deus Vult vibe upon your flag.

Nagorno-Karabach of course. Just look at the rates of growth. For a landlocked unrecognised country constatly in war that is amazing.
Also Azerbaijan is poor as hell. Yeah, Baku is a nice facade but the people are poor. All that oil money went in the pockets of the few. Actually, average salary in Azerbaijan is even lesser than the one in Nagorno-Karabakh (in $ equivalent, ofc).

Armenia, more Christian than the fucking Vatican

Georgians are the only good ones desu. Armenians are gypsies and Azeris are turkoiranians. They're all not European though despite them saying they are.

cause they were a crusader puppet kingdom , created as a buffer and populated by armo migrants from Armenia proper.
Georgieland was far away in the north, more closely allied to the Byzantines than to the westerners, dealing with norther seljuks and other sorts of turkroaches. couple of instances of supporting each others' troops here and there, but yeah - never a true coop military operation.

To support my point.

That doesn't change the fact that they were still more relevant. Plus Cilciia existed during Hittite times. They weren't always a puppet even if that is true. Armenians were also part of Byzantium though and even had Armenian emperors.


Georgian posters are usually pretty based. Fucked the pro-commie Albanian as well.

Principality of Cilicia was established 15 years before the first crusade due to internal reasons.
Also how does that feel to have armenian dynasty as your kings?


The Black Sea

Armenia only because I used to have a crush on an Armenian girl. Still do desu.

Armenia splitting the turk folks.

What goes on in your country and how is life?

which one has oil again?

Georgians and Armenians are both good civilised people, Christians, so I like them. Their rivarly is mostly memes. Its a shame that Georgians had to fight Ossetians, but this is mostly the latters fault.

Azerbaijan is a muslim Turkic shithole. Ruthless killers of Armenians.


oh, they probably need some freedum

Restored Georgian Kingdom when?

Armenians didn't exist during the hittite times. the medieval kingdom of cilicia has nothing to do with ancient history
as for the crusader alliance - cilicia was right next to Jerusalem. of course they would be closer and more relevant, as you say. but keep in mind that the war against muslims was kept on many fronts and the catholic crusade was mere the southern one.

and how does it feel to have a muslim president, which you are going to have very soon?

Georgians are top tier kebab removers.

armenians are not civilised

azerbajan is technically muslim but no one gives a fuck about religion there.

also armenians have a weird oriental type of christianity which is middle eastern as fuck, Georgians are orthodox and thus seem more european

How are Armenians not civilized?

Georgia has a cute alphabet, so them

they are like any 3rd world people, just because they are technically christian doesn't make them more civilised than uganda lmao. and their christianity is basically arab christianity anyway

They aren't 3rd world people. No one in the South Caucasus is.

Georgia because I love their peaches and their grits.


>at least Stalin killed more Russians than you yanks will ever do
Sup Forums is a board of peace George.

This place is actually a shithole
But still en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Armenian_scientists_and_philosophers

the trouble with armenia was that they lost their statehood early on. Cilicia was the last Armenian state , which was overrun by slimos in the 14th century (if not mistaken). afterwards Armenians were left wondering people with their own brand of christianity. Armenia proper was ruled directly by muslim states.
Now, I'm not saying that Georgieland was not overrun either (it was. bigtime), but there always was some kind of autonomy / statehood and some parts of Georgia were never conquered (thanks, Caucasus mountains)

i kinda feel sorry that there are no Armos here. don't want to badmouth armenistan without no one replying

Armenia is one of the oldest civilizations out there and it isn't a third world country.

Well, Artsakh had autonomy also. Google the Principality of Khachen and Hamsa.

Whatever it is it's not comfy

Muslim president? Youmad, vratsibro? Estimated percentage of muslims in Armenia is about 0.1%

Not saying it is axper

yes. the truth is that the five autonomous melikdoms were indeed the last vestige of Armenian statehood (until they got abolished in the early modern times) but even during their existence they were populated by no more than 10% of world's Armenians. That is not a state, that's a remnant

They always had some autonomy. That is how they kept all their tradition, culture, and tradition.

Երեվանի՞ց ես, թ՞ե ուրիշ քաղաքներում էլ ֆորչանի մասին գիտեն:

Fix your flag then , so that I know who am I talking to, ara


In Ottoman empire armenians had their own millet, which was a huge autonomy in those times.
Anyway, I won't argue that loss of statehood is a bad thing, but it's not that devastating. The loss of Western Armenia with it's population was devastating. Soviet times were also crap with bolsheviks giving away armenian land: Nakhijevan, Kars, Artsakh, bits of Armenian SSR given to Azerbaijan, and yes -- Javakh to Georgia.
But hey, the fact that we are still alive is like a huge fuck you to the world in general and to turks especially.

Sorry, can't do. Currently in Germany.

Georgia because their flag is the flag of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, deus vult!

it's just your Armenian historical narrative
(hyperbolic, as usual) that makes you declare Javakheti as an 'Armenian soil'. Georgian narrative (also hyperbolic and Tolkienesque, but not quite as much as Armenian) claims Javakheti, Tao and Klarjeti to be the birthplace of Kartvelian ethnicity which existen long before proto-Armenians migrated from the Balkans and intermingled with Hurrians.
The truth is probably somewhere in between. Those lands were probably mixed population, with intermarriages between Armenians and Georgians for thousands of years. Now ultranationalists on both sides claim those lands while in reality it belongs to the turks.

Proto-Armenians from the Balkans? Are you retarded?

Actually, since you are here, could you give some insight on how things are in Sakartvelo? There are some stories that people slowly warm up to the idea of cooperation with Russia.
Also, please, accept the fact that Abkhasia is long gone. I mean it's a depressingly irrelevant shithole anyway and if Georgia get's it back you are going to have a lot of troubles just to bring it to the average level in Georgia, which itself not too high, let's be honest (same goes for Armenia). And there are almost no abkhas left there. Even according to official data armenians are around one third of population and abkhasis are leaving the country en mass. And yeah, we really need that railroad.

Yup, from Երեվան.
Actually never met anyone who at least knew about Sup Forums.

Yes elem hay

I don't refer to ancient history, I refer to the simple fact that it is a region with armenian majority, which Georgia tries to assimilate and/or bring more georgians there to tip the scales. If soviets had drawn the borders according to ethnic boundaries present at that time there would have been no room for Crimean crisis, Donbass, South Ossetia&Abkhasia, Karabakh and the tensions around Javakh.

Mid 2017
Army shooting
Don't miss out

it ain't that easy, man.
Some retrograde politicians spring up here and there. usually old, corrupt types, preaching that the russian way is the only way. pop doesn't support them. Youth hates Russia (for historical reasons, for Abkhazia and 2008). I mean, if a country bombs you and invades you (America never did) , would you be prone to like them all of a sudden? Would Serbs suddenly wake up and start loving america after what they did to them in Kosovo?

so, nope. I mean, I like the Orthodox pride thing and all the jazz, but I don't suppose an average georgian would ever support any politician who'd say that Abkhazia is gone (which, of course, is). it would be understood not only a betrayal to hundreds of thousands of ethnic georgians from abkhazia but also to the idea of that land, which was symbolic for the unification of the medieval georgian state (just like Kiev was for russia. no wonder russians are so butthurt about ukraine. karma is a bitch)
the things aren't that bad. Lots of turks of course, but last couple of years also yielded some nationalist hooligan groups who harrass them and make pogroms to their kebab shops and despite the cucked government that arrests those hooligans they have support and turks and iranians aren't really as safe as they were, let's say 5 years ago.
economy is shit

The currently accepted theory of genesis of armenians says that the tribe speaking proto-armenian migrated to the region from balkans (greek language is currently the closest living language to armenian). They were dispersed over the Armenian Highland and eventually dissolved in aboriginal tribes, but those tribes took the language and it eventually brought those tribes in close contact and they formed the armenian ethnos. The migration dates back around 5000bc if I'm correct.

Glendale, CA is also armenian majority. so are lots of places around the world. doesn't make it a historical armenian land.
you guys have lots of righteous and true claim around Lake Van and further southwest to it. Much larger than Georgia historically was. Why mention Javakheti all the time, which was not Armenian majority until the 1820s?

That theory has barely any evidence to back it up. We are just a near eastern group that originated in Northern Mesopotamia

Georgia Europe. Georgia USA 50% chance of being black

Yeah, I've heard a lot of complains from georgians (in Moscow) about turks taking all the business and turning Adjaria in a de-facto turkish protectorate.
And I understand what you mean about publicly not accepting the loss. I mean we still say that Western Armenia is ours by right and we will restore it but yeah... In an optimistic scenario it would take a lot of time and some major miracle. But still Ararat should be our and no armenian politician or public person would deny that.

You confuse anthropology and ethnogenesis.
Genetically speaking armenians are descendants of urartians and all the other locals. But our language is not indigenous for the area, it came most likely from Balkans like I explained before.

>Why mention Javakheti all the time
Because there are armenians living there right now. For me they are more relevant and valuable than all the ruins of our cities in Western Armenia.
I don't think that we should, dunno, wage a war over the region, but a simple respect to local armenians and not trying to assimilate them would be nice. In times of Mishiko armenians there were under pressure, schools closing, trying to enforce georgian language and shiet.

so are the refugess from abkhazia. they are not ancient stones, they are living people who were displaced from their ancestral homes by russian backed north caucasians. (and by people of other ethnicities). we did lose wars and it is said among our enemies that georgians can't fight, but we do hold grudges and i hope we will have our vengeance one day...
look, I'm sorry if those armenians in javakheti are poor. so are georgians that live besides them, but I don't believe anyone denies them education in their mother tongue.



To be honest I would be glad to find a compomise solution to Javakhk case, and I don't like the fact that we are on different sides, since, you know, Armenia is ally/hostage to Russia. There were great times during middle ages, when united armenian-georgian army removed kebab together an we clearly need some removal as soon as possible.

I imagine the regions along the Armenian-Georgian frontier were very rich with both cultures. In the times before the nation state, the borders were drawn by ownership of land by nobles and monarchs. Not always culture. But Both Georgians and Armenians have common ancestry, before there were Armenians and Georgians, there were dozens of tribes in the region. Even now there are regional differences. Especially in Georgia since they didnt have Georgians from all over their lost homeland come to one region of their homeland as refugees.
The regions in question are along a common historic fortifier, so the is bound to be legitimate claims to the land on both sides, I would hope that could be something to bring Armenians and Georgians together rather than drive them apart. You guys are the only real friends you have in the region, all memes and preteenshitposting aside, you two are more like brothers than anybody else in the region.

azerbaijan because harry potter