Look at what Bernie just did and hes not even President yet!
New Yorkers can now get 4 years of state college for FREE
Look at what Bernie just did and hes not even President yet!
New Yorkers can now get 4 years of state college for FREE
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>If someone else pays for it, then it's free!
You are not entitled to the product of someone else's labor
We have so many taxes that if we had as much as americans we could go to college for the rest of our lifes with the savings, our Federal Colleges are frequented by the richier, and the Private ones are fucking terrible because of the Public ones, it didn't worked in Brazil, don work in Chile, and WONT WORK IN BURGERLAND
I think the student are very happy with this FREE arrangement
I don't think you understand that word.
*if we had the same amount of taxes as USA, i mean.
Oh trust me, it will worl in the Great State of New York. Public universitys here arent shit like yours
Thanks, senpai. I was about to say that.
The funny thing is: poor people tends to go to private colleges in Brazil.
>implying the current welfare for corporations is acceptable
I'm certain you're a fan of privatizing profits for corporations while they *socialize* the losses.
Until they try and get a job with their worthless degree and end up paying for someone else's worthless degree while working a drive-thru yacking about their gender studies classes.
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Yes, man everything is wrong here, "the post pees on the dog, and the wall walk on the cat"
sucks cause i graduated 2 years ago from a SUNY school, wish i could get reimbursed for it but nope, now i gotta pay for the next generation of feminist socialists as if we don't have enough already.
Uh Why wouldn't they be working in an awesome New York City job with a FREE degree that works in that city?
Our Universities fucking suck though.
We don't have Colleges.
And guess what, now more people are going to flee the damn state after taxes go up even higher
If it wasn't for immigrants not knowing any better and ending up in NYC when they come here, or people like my grandparents who are alive because of modern medicine, NY would have a declining population just like Michigan
>Chile: free
Top kek
Tbh though U de Chile is the best university and it's public though.
Thats perfect if more people want to leave because plenty of people like myself want to live there for 4 years
>Actual cost: A lifetime of paying 60% income tax
University isn't free, neither is healthcare or welfare. Half of my pay is being stolen by the state each month to fuel that shit. Not to mention the 20% (soon to be 22%) VAT I pay on every single manufactured product.
Now kys faggot
>millions of shitters every year, from all these countries and more, desperate to come to the US to enroll in a university
hmmm i am made to think
...yet not one nation, including the US has any kind of surplus, only national debts. So much for socialism working, huh?
Then what? You'll leave too?
New York thinks it's hot shit like California, except what New York doesn't know is that people can tolerate more liberal bullshit when they're warm year round like in California, and New York doesn't have that
I'd rather pay more money for a good education than less for shit or no education
>t. private and public uni failure
You can't change the world just because you made an infographic. If so my elementary social studies reports would have been ground breaking doctrine amongst politicians.
>when will libs learn
Ill stay if i get that awesome Manhattan Tech job :')
This is Bernie Sanders exploding on a liberal girl for daring to question the apartheid state of Israel
I agree that you need ot pay SOMETHING..her ein italy you pay from 1000 for humanistic Univeristy per year to 10.000 per medicine...plus public funds to help poor students...
Thats pretty resonable desu...
BUT 75.000???? How? WHY? WHy does that cost so MUCH? What are the expenses for??????? Paying the teachers and the administration? thats TOO FUCKING MUCH! 75.000 multiplied for AALL the students is an ABSURDITY!
Top universities can cost 15-20k per year..and Im talking about NOBLE STUFF! Universities where just rich assholes go..still in the US the AVEAGE shitty university costs tens of thousands of dollars?
Seriously..I need to know WHY???
feels good man
By "free" you mean out of another person's pocket, the money just doesn't come out of nowhere.
America has the best schools BY FAR in the world. What exactly are we trying to catch up to?
Top universities? Yeah..you got the best..but your lower education and your AVERAGE student is pretty lacking.
It may be for the amount of niggers in your system..but it looks like your lower school system isn't that good.
and what if they have to move somewhere else than NYC?
oh yeah that's right bitch that degree shrivels up faster than a penis next to hillary's face
Dont worry, New York is leading the way
Public education is not fixed with more money. You need to fix the students and teachers.
Then you can move to Austin, Tx , San Francisco, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Tampa Bay, Boston, Philly, Phoenix, Seattle, Denver, ext. Plenty of good cities for a city degree so stay mad
>tfw no free college
This is a myth. We do pay something.
Its not free
free universities are scam. I tried that here I didint learn shit, the professors are either lazy fucks who sleeps in front of the class or hardcore commie guerillas that teaches us how to make ied's.
i could not fucking believe this so i searched for it and it is true wtf sven u tard
didn't you went to a public school burger?
who paid for that?
Lmao, you'll go to California like the rest of them, and whoever's left in this sorry state will foot the bill
Honestly if it prevents people from becoming massive libcucks I see no problem with college costing money.
How about you make me? This shit free for every new yorker from teh hood
I think you just went to a shitty university
Well mate, I hope you enjoy paying higher taxes for the sake of sending niggers to college for free...
I didn't. I was homeschooled.
Brazil is shit
>interest free higher education government loan
>repayment money automatically deducted in small amounts from your paycheck when you earn over ~45k
>1.5 years out of university
>bachelors and post graduate degree
>no student debt
Feels good man. Being a student and a burger must suck
Just like how the Rust Belt aren't entitled to getting their old jobs back by giving our corporate welfare on the tax payers dime. Those white niggers need to learn a real skill or trade instead of moaning about how their 1950s era job is gone.
If you disagree, you're a fucking hypocrite.
NYC the 2nd biggest tech sector behind Silicon Valley. Ill be fine
Yes, i do. Do you know how much money is inside NY? The state can afford it, the rich can afford it and ill pay higher taxes for it
>New Yorkers can now get 4 years of state college for FREE
Since nobody has pointed it out yet, this isn't true. All Cuomo did was propose the idea. It still has to go through the New York State legislature, which (if it even passes) will take a while. So no, New Yorkers can not now get "free" state college, but they might be able to later
>Being a student and a burger must suck
Believe it or not, not every student here makes retarded financial decisions and ends up with huge debt. Also some of us just aren't poor and can afford our college. So no, it doesn't necessarily suck to be an American student
Why do people continue to go to state/private colleges out of state for 4 years and rack up debt like this? WHere are the parents????
2 years of community college and then the nearest state college that's relatively cheap and offers what you want.
I just don't get it. This should be the only way to get a college degree loan.
Can you name one tech or positively culturally shifing thing that has come from those countries in recent history? A world changing thing? A google? A Tesla? A Microsoft?
Can you name a french product that I use in that last 10/20 years? A service? A website?
Jews don't care dude they just want the interest money
>New Yorkers get to pay for kids majoring in women's studies and art
Oh, that explains it.
True that.
If me and my middle income family lived in America it's likely that I wouldn't have been financially able to get the same education that I got here. And it undoubtedly would have cost a lot more. I really like Australia's Higher Education system and it triggers me when people say that government funded education cant work
>Bunch of liberal hellholes
Yea dont try to emulate Eurotrash America, If a nordic country does it stay far away
Because kids are dumb as shit and irrational. They wanna get away from mommy and daddy while racking up debt going to school, living in dorms, eating out.
I've actually had to pay about 120 euro fee annually to my university. It's not free at all.
the lower education is public funded, that's why it sucks ass. also, ivy leagues and other post-secondary schools have started employing positive discrimination, so we have more idiot nogs in our unis that we do intelligent whites or chinks. sad truth.
Free shit...fucking meme there ain't such thing as free shit,you pay it with your taxes,and the funniest thing is mostly you wouldn't even benefit but most probably some minority would so yup,free stuff..
It's free if you never do any work. Check mate.
Faggots read the plan
>Cost $200 million (underestimated cost)
>Needs to the pass the legislature
>Works in conjunction with Pell Grants and already existing state aid
>WITHOUT aid SUNY tuition is already only $6k for in state students
It's a meme. Cuomo only did this because he wants to run for president.
No we don't. They're just the highest rated because the richest people go there.
The actual education isn't much different.
>It may be for the amount of niggers in your system
This is mostly it. If you subtract nigs from the equation our education system is no worse than than most Europeans.
Because guidance counselor said they'd make 6 digits on graduation and pay off their loans easily.
Mom and dad think she's a special little snowflake that's worth every penny they don't have.
There should be federally funded colleges desu, people like me are stuck paying out of state prices even though I lived in NY for 10 years.
What the fuck does any of that even mean?
No, we hate welfare, for people or for corporations. It's awful eother way. A company should stand onot it's own feet, not the tax payer's.
High school guidance counselors really are fucking terrible.
What I said,minorities...see we are just agreeing with different words
Still no college ranking posted?
Where the fuck is tuition $75K per year? Also, what about Canada?
fuck commies