Get out and start cutting some nigger throats. See a thug and shove your CCW down it's monkey throat
Get out and start cutting some nigger throats. See a thug and shove your CCW down it's monkey throat
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You talk all that defensive shit but in reality, we'll just shitpost about our own people and traditions being wiped away infront of our eyes
No you fucking Slav/Irish/Wop retard
Lol I'm Chinese. Master race and largest population
I live in a town that is 96% white. The .5% black community consists of 2 families. They're very nice. Go fuck yourself OP.
Are you kidding? This video just redpilled millions of normies. Why would you want to fuck that up?
shut yo mouth cracka you aint gonna do shit
>comparing upstate new york to nigger riddled cities
are you retarded or autistic?
Reported for inciting violence
We must distribute the productive negro amongst society. We can resurrect their race for the betterment of civilization.
I don't think we need any plantations anymore though
What video?
Where are we going to find these "productive negro" you are referring to. My experience has been that they are somewhat difficult to find.
gb2 plebbit you fag
This. I'm disappointed we don't already have stories coming out of "RACIST WHITES ATTACK BLACKS FOR PRANK GONE WRONG"
They should all die, there's no reason to keep any of them.
I feel it.
A lot of us do, we just need a few good apples to start the fire.
white supremacists like you are no worse than the blm dindus tbqh pham
Not gonna kill any because I'm too much of a coward to throw away my life for the cause but I'll do my part by driving and shooting minorities with my paintball gun
Have the negro mine rare earths in rural counties across US. Pay them in company scrip to control their movement. We will develop a black under class.
What's your end game? Are you opposition hoping for no retaliation against niggers? Or is it bait? I'm getting stupid from being pissed at these monkeys so I can't tell.
defeatist get out
try to win something instead of demoralizing people because you're a depressed faggot. niggers will bleed in 2017 more than any year before
>Get out and start cutting some nigger throats. See a thug and shove your CCW down it's monkey throat
That's not how CCW works.
You have to be in fear of your life, or equally in fear of another's life such that if you were them, you'd be in fear of your life.
Then you can apply lethal force.
CCW is not a hunting license. That makes you a murderer.
People asking honest questions on the federal reserve threads get closed asap; yet shitposting runs free.
Nice try FBI
>getting mad
Exactly his point.
Sup Forums is a board of peace.
We don't quit yet. There's time. 2017 can give us some hope, but we have to use it to the max. The left will ambush us at any given chance, and we must ignore it
The race war ain't gonna begin until like-minded whites get their shit together, get organized, get massively armed, and formulate a plan
Basically, we need to create a huge secret army that, when shit like this happens, we can launch.
THAT's when the race war will begin
It's not stupidity competition.
I don't believe it.
Whites are beyond cucked.
Here's to hoping.
Shut up, you fucking cuck:
youre in america... cant you just buy grenades at walmart idiot?
You are hilariously, dangerously, and hopelessly idealistic and stupid. Join us here in reality, you fucktard.
>n-not all blacks
>l-lets enslave blacks
>r-rare minerals
If you want to get caught on CCTV then yeah.
>t. Quantavious "Kang" Jackson
black cop looks like wojack
>a fucking kike
Walmart has ShrapBombs. If you want actual Grenade brand grenades you need to go to Target.
>a fucking yid
>a fucking demoralizing jew
Remember buzzfeeds blacks can't be racist? Someone post that video of him being attacked on their website
How come your police officers can be fat? Do they not have any physical or endurance tests?
Hey it's Soros Pay
Protesting DeRay.
Nicest guy you will ever meet.
Last time I saw him, I asked him if he was really living in a house that was given to him by George Soros. He did not answer the question.
Doxx y?
They do but very low standards, obv.
What if they have to chase someone? Do they just shoot them? Or use mobility scooters?
If the Chinese were the master race, 99% of them wouldn't be shit farmers.
Of course they do.
The courses consist of how many hours they can stay awake on free starbucks coffees and their endurance is measured in big macs and donuts per hour.
Physically, so long as they can fit into a patrol car they're fine.
They all wear body armor under their uniform shirts, so they appear even fatter than they are (they're still fat)
roof capped some nogs over travon martin and some other guilty dindus.
i would not be surprised some autistic white nationalism spergs out and blasts some shitskins over this
99.9% of the chinese population lives in rural rice fields, their iq is below 80 on average. The remaining 0.01% is of IQ and live in cities. So no, chinese are not the master race even by a long shot.
Thanks for reminding me, FBI.
Hypothetically, how would the cops find you if you set a mosque on fire with a match while wearing gloves?
pretty much this or take it whitey
only options
CCTV footage. If there isn't any, they'd find you only if you bragged about what you've done, or if you confessed. If there's no evidence of you doing something, you can't get caught. Police doesn't employ magicians.
no debit/credit cards, hide your face everywhere you go (consumer security cameras are everywhere), make sure you were supposed to be somewhere when it happened, leave your phone where you were supposed to be, etc.
true but its very possible that any religion place has plenty of cctvs around nowadays
This makes me furious. The wrath of the white man is reawakening. I am ready to smash some fucking shitskin windows and burn down their business. OUT. OUT. OUT
Homes nearby cctv, mosque cctv, traffic cams, atms etc etc kinda risky
CSI can locate the tendy crumbs trailing from your sneakers within seconds. Then enhance the images of grainy CCTV footage over 9000 times identifying you by your Pepe badges.
We talk the talk. Heroes like Dylann Roof walk the walk.
I only wish he would have targeted a bunch of niggers in the projects instead of old black ladies in a church. He had the right idea though.
So basically
>leave all technology at home
>do it at night
>wear a mask
>have an alibi?
yea but depending on where you are, it can be really difficult to disappear completely, you have to go home eventually
Any msm reporting on this?
Soros loves this shit, he's definitely on Twitter fapping
What if you walked into a club?
Don't get caught or identified. Everything else is pretty much irrelevant. You don't need an alibi, since nobody is going to interrogate you, if they don't have any reason to do it. So yeah, wearing a hoodie and doing it during a night is enough.
>wear a mask
>park car--with covered plates--in a wooded area
>ride a bike to the mosque
>>commence deed
>ride bike back
>ditch it
>ride home safely
you dont know much about fire do you user
Niggotry is a growing problem in the US.
Blacks are intolerant of trans, homosexuality, the mentally handicapped, cats, white people, law and order, intelligence, truth, and justice.
Niggotry is defined as a hate crime committed by African Americans, especially if the crime involves the use of social media to promote their unclear/vague agenda.
Niggotry can only be combated with crime statistics that point out thAt blacks commit the vast majority of murder in the black community, and that when adjusted for population they are the most criminal race in the United States.
Lynching also appears to be an effective preventive measure. Studies show that for every black person publicly lynched in the street, you will see a 1% drop in black crime in that city. Based on your cities overall crime statistics you can determine the most efficient number of blacks to lynch. Simply take the overall number of crimes and multiply it by the percentage of blacks. The number you come up with is the number that must hang.
He's contemplating arson, not murder of president.
I'm surprised at the lack of mosque arsons in europe and america
This thread is specifically designed so some journalist can take a screenshot and post it in order to discredit us 2bh famalam.
Really transparent.
Not really, all I know is Varg was caught. I don't know how though.
Reported for raiding. Your opinion isnt valid niggerlover
Get the fuck back to your rice paddy you soulles dog eating chink.
This Pepe is literally me. I saved it.
Niggers are detrimental to this earth.
Spic here
Feels good living in Compton. Stay safe white fags
This is me
Blackface can come helpfull on that case and a hoodie.
What kind of niggers do you think you're gonna find in an upstanding, safe neighborhood, dumbfuck?
>FBIposting this hard
The Beretta is an aesthetic choice for pepe.
Hunter S. Pepe is the patrician pepe.
You guys have been doing this for like a decade, you're only going to get the newfriends.
This video makes me want to kill myself
Absolutely not.
Sup Forums is a board of peace.
shit, you've just reminded me that this news is going to turn the internet into a shit flinging contest between the worst of humanity left and right.
fucking hell
I thought niggers couldn't read cursive
Is it weird that I don't actually support doing this, but I'd prefer white people started talking like this. The way they do about us?
in Sup Forums we trust
Just saying anons.
Maybe you flicked your cig in the wrong direction.