Stay scared, crackah

This is what you get for voting for Donald Trump, honky.

Nigga we goona lynch you to the pole

>Racially motivated
>of white man
A mainstream source is finally addressing anti-white crime?


niggas don't even type like that lmao

watch this disappear like the christian and newsom kidnap/torture/murders

and the day of the rope is what you get, nigger. your people are finished


your spelling is too accurate
canacucks confirmed for more nigga than afroamericans


IIRC the Daily News usually posts this sort of thing, and supported Trump. I might have my NY papers mixed up though.

Yeah, it would be more like
>this wat u get 4 votin 4 trump honky (100) (100) (100) smdh

Fuck sub-human nigger trash I'd love to warm myself with their burning corpses hehe

Scared? No, we're mad

no dude its not just broken down english, they have a certain lingo, like ebonics but its not the way some cucks on this site type

muh pipe dreams, niggers kill

cumskins just talk

Do you think trumps gonna tweet about this???

>stay scared

Not only do I conceal carry a Glock 27 (inb4 >Glock), I'm a brown belt in BJJ and boxed from ages 7-19. If I'm squaring up 1v1, I like my odds but knowing niggers are gonna nigger I'll just shop on the rich side of town.

t. A nigger

>tfw the death penalty was abolished in Illinois back in 2011
FUCK, these niggers are gonna get free food and housing for life for this, yet they're the ones who will bitch all day long about a lack of justice.

>racist drumpf supporter doesn't understand that they were just being ironic
White genocide doesn't exist.
All these proud men of colour did was choose to assert their freedom of academic expression.

nigger stunts like this just proves once again how subhuman you are, and will only make things worse for you. You're dindu nuffin days are limited, aids magnet.

Nah, living in NYC helps a lot though

By any chance are you a navy seal

Oh, i'm sorry i can't speak dindu.

> learn english.

Yes but how they type is largely down to regional variation and often phonetic. eg. "Bowta" "Tryna" "yaaasss" Shit doesn't make sense if you don't know what thizz means or understand their stupid writing conventions. You can usually tell where a nigger is from based on their facebook posts

source: go on safari some time, it's easy, just go on facebook and look up nigger networks (niggers can't into privacy settings)

Whites conquer
Niggers receive conquering

consider the current state of most of Europe

>pol meme constantly about "Day of the rope"
>Cries when they are on the receiving end of such day

This is why I browse this board. I love watching you fucks react when the real world bitch slaps you.



please keep doing this BLM.
We will take these sacrifices, we will declare you a hate group, and throw you in with terrorists like isis, then we will wrap up the whole organization with a bow and deliver you to liberia.


If people want to kidnap me because i vote for Trump i will shoot them right in their face.

elsa jean a cute dont bring her into this

What's with blacks trying to use the insult "cumskin" you guys LITERALLY are the color of shit. Human fucking excrement lmao you have NOTHING to be proud about

All depends on whether you consider jews to be white. They're the ones conquering.

The New York Post is the one you're probably thinking of. They're the quasi-respectable tabloid that's all over stuff like this generally and probably supported Trump.

Their covers are hilarious.

>mfw a civic nationalist shows his face on this board after this

>Martial Law
Martial Law
>Martial Law
Martial Law
>Martial Law
Martial Law

No, I was a mechanic in the USAF you fucking leaf. I had good times deploying with your military and you leafs here are ruining those memories.

Lol at all of these weak males. He was a liberal, I thought you guys would be happy. Nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.

Videotaping this crime spree was the greatest idea we ever had.

Meghan Kelly on Fox News is going to cover this story

One of my faves. Some of them are fun like "Enjoy a Foot Long in Jail" because they're just blunt, but this is more elegant in its stupidity.

>germans lost
>europe getting taken over by muslims
quadruple kek!

This is kind of exciting...thus and the talk about strange fruit being sung at the inauguration.

Blood on the leaves
Blood on the roots....

Not even an FBI agent

>On the inner tubes
Does your dad work at Nintendo?

I'd prefer being a cumskin rather than a SHITskin, thank you very much

oh wow what a surprise voting in a dangerous unhinged racist has consequences! shocker!

you brought this on your self, drumpfkins. you back a people up against a wall, feearing for THEIR FUCKING LIVES, HELL YEAH WE GONNA FIGHT BACK

you fucking deserve it

This is the deep breath before the plunge.

The great shitstorm of out time is at hand.

Race war will mar the Trump administration.

It is finally here. This was just the beginning. It'll happen again and the retaliation will spark it. I wonder if the dindus know what they have unleashed?