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Hi comrade nice to see you

Nice to know at least you will never stop posting the generals. Do you have the full OP text?

Is garbage

Pinochet fucked up Chile and overthrew a democratically elected government. Why would you support him?

Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism.

Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage.

What exactly is communism according to Marxist-Leninists:

>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.

>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."

>To acheive such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said.

ML uses a philosophy called dialectical materialism, see here:

It is reccomended that you read some of the critical works of Marxism-Leninism so you can make an informed assessment of the ideology.


Not an argument.

Daily reminder that all communists should be killed.

Not an argument.

I don't like democracy so I don't give a fuck that he overthrew a democratlly elected government.

And Chile was turning into another Venezuela before he took power.


Convince me being rightwing is wrong

If socialism did all that to Venezuela then what about Bolivia. Its got a similar form of government and its doing better than ever.

Everything is going to be automated. The two options are a right wing oligarchy of factory owners who don't have to hire anyone because everything automated and everyone else starving. Or communism. Where everyone owns the factories and everyone benefits from the resources generated by them and few people have to work.


Is there any form of communism which accepts that non-whites are shit tier and that Jews are a plague on society's social fabric?

Here to support leftypols forward operating base.

It must be nice to be riding on a commodity boom of natural gas, which makes up a large amount of Bolivia's exports.

>hey did you build this?
>yeah i did
>well can i have it?
no you cant its mine

haha you cucks aren't even trying anymore


Who /socdem/ here?

Why would we not be able to do such a thing in a nationalist society? Wouldn't worker ownership work better for us without the drain of shitskins also claiming ownership?

Not an argument against socialism.

Where are my fellow left libertarians?

So its ethical to let everyone but a small circle of factory owners starve?

Debatable national Bolshevism.

famine time comrade!


One here. Reading The Conquest of Bread now.

>hey you build this
>no I hired workers
>well is it there's?
>can I transfer it to them?
>no you can't its mine.
>there's no such thing as "yours" PROPERTY IS THEFT

You have no argument FOR communism you stupid nigger

So why do you guys pretend cultural marxism isnt real?

Funny how the Soviet and Maoist regimes actually ended the cycle of famines that had plagued their respective countries.

What do you mean comrade? Are you interested in communism? you should it is the future of humans living in harmony

Its pretty cool.


Why is Bernie so based?

We don't its going along pretty smoothly soon the united states will be prepped for a Marxist dictatorship HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH OY VEY THE GOYS ARE CATCHING ON SHUT IT DOWN

How's the fifth grade treating you?

I just did a quick google and I can see any ethno nationalist ideas in national Bolshevism

I have a question for you. Where do you see yourself in your "workers' paradise"? What role do you see yourself playing? Are you a factory worker? A collective farmer? A miner? I bet you see yourself as a factory owner, or a member of the centeal commitee, or maybe even a premier don't you? Work is beneath (you) isn't it? Your hypocrisy disgusts me.

Like what? Killing the countries native race and letting minorities rule? Soviet Russia.

according to our abilities--> what we have studied/trained

I would like to work in a farm actually. It would be a nice life.


Fug. I meant to type can't. I can't see any ethno nationalist ideas

Farmers son checking in
Protip: you don't want to work on a farm

Right? And what have (((you))) "studied" or "trained"? Submitting to an oppressive and degenerate system of govt.? Or adminstering it? And why do you "leftist intellectuals" always respond to an argument in one or teo senteces without explaining it any further than that?

Farming actually fucking sucks

A collective farm where you are treated like pre 1860 farm equipment (niggers)?

All good mein freund

Nah. A modern somewhat automated farm. If It didn't work out I would have to find something else that suited my ability.


Explin you gigantic faggot, you know the soviet unions equivilant of a grocery store was a ration center right?

>according to our abilities

>I would like to work in a farm actually

well you speak as if its a meritocracy, yet this guy wants to work on a farm because he thinks it would be fun. So are you going to be picking crops since you obviously know dick about farming?

Can someone explain to me what the fuck is up with the DSA - Democratic Socialists of America? I'm seeing their name more and more in leftist media circles, and it looks their twitter account has exploded with followers after the election. Are they going to overtake the Green Party as the leftwing alternative to the Democratic Party? Pic related.

Why do you communists always assume we support Capitalism? We support a free market regulated by a government of any particular country in order to best benefit its iwn respective people, a nationalized economy if you will

Just lol, if it didn't work out you'd be shot in the head. You really think anyone would be doing hard labour if you could just say it's not working out and get an office job?

I worked there a while ago. Electrician now. I guess I could keep that.


There were no famines in the Soviet Union after 1947. This is corroborated by virtually every resource you look up. That didn't mean that the variety of food was that huge or that everything was always available.

How would you know how a collective farm is anyways? And what makes you think it would all be automated

The DSA is hardly socialist. They're more... Social democrat with very mild socialist undertones. There definitely not going to overtake the greens any time soon. They only got popularity due to bernie in the first place.

>dat false equivalency

More capitalism but regulated, not real socialism (the means of production not seized by the working class).

Collective farming is dumb. In socialism the land and equipment would be owned cooperatively by the people who work there. If I was the only one who worked there then I would own the whole thing.

I really like your source

>that didn't always mean that everything was availiable
So you admit that there are food shortages in these utterly garbage countries?

Stop shitting on this board you filthy commie scum

>da joos

Interesting. They seem to have an aesthetic hipness that reminds me of the Jacobin magazine. Both are definitely making socialist ideas "cool again", and updating it for a younger, more educated and tech-savy base.

hey retard, the communist were rebelling AGAINST the German Revolution social democrats. And your source even says how they oppressed jews as well as christians, so this attempt to frame it as it being purely anti-christian is stupid

>the land and equipment would be owned by the people whi live there cooperatively
Thats what collective farming is you ponce.


Do You have anything to refute this?

Thats cooperative farming.
"There have been no major famines after 1947 despite issues with food security in the USSR and its successor states. The drought of 1963 caused panic slaughtering of livestock, but there was no risk of famine. Since that year the Soviet Union started importing feed grains for its livestock in increasing amounts.[24]"
There were food shortages periodically in the Eastern Bloc, China, and the USSR, but people weren't starving after 1947 in the USSR and 1961 in China.


It says Zetnik was Married to a jew you autist

Also you can't just put "lies" and "literally who?XD" without a fucking source

And hitler being a soviet in 1919?
He was in the German army at the time

Then what is the fucking difference? Please explain

How does a system that relies on public requirements do without central authorities? I've never understood how a violent system can be anarchist.

And were did they get these numbers? Soviet officials? Or the KGB propoganda arm NOVOSTI?


Isn't that basically communism anyway? Except the circle's smaller, because only government officials are the ones not starving.

I'm pretty sure collective farming is combining all the farms in an area and making all the farmers work in the one big farm. It increases efficiency drastically but it also is basically stealing from poor working class farmers.

The fact that no former Soviet citizens have mentioned famines past 1947. There's no historical evidence for it.

Informal norms and social structures, plus Coasean trading and game-theoretic bargaining equilibrium between entities for security

Not actually socialists, they are dem soc like Bernie so they believe in parts of both capitalism and socialism. They don't seize the memes of production. They seem to be on the upswing, far more preferable than Clinton democrats or feminazis.

The Hungarian revolution was largely led by other socialists. As was the Prague Spring.

YURI BEZMEHNOV a KGB defector talks about how food was always scarce, the only US style grocery store were you could take as much food as you needed was in Star city, where cosmonauts lived

>It says Zetnik was Married to a jew you autist

wow, who fucking cares? Do you not see what a desperate grasping for straws that is to tie jewishness to communism?

>Also you can't just put "lies" and "literally who?XD" without a fucking source

the source is the wikipedia articles you guys just ctrl+f "jew" on instead of actually reading the articles.

Again, The German Revolution isnt one thing. what happened is sailors started protesting against the kaiser and it led to a nation wide protest against him, so after a week, he abdicated the throne and a new democracy was formed headed by the social democrats.

Then the communist tried to overthrow them in a revolt (the sparticist uprising) which was led by a jew (Rosa Luxembourg) and Karl Liebknecht, a goy.

stop with this gay retarded ass jewlluminati shit because you just end up making our side look bad

your dad was led by my dick

They do seem to be growing rapidly in internet visibility

wow. nice.

>you just end up making our side look bad
Yea thats the point schlomo
Also the german revolution was led by 40 people 39 of which were jews, I get this from an old radio broadcast by Fr. Charles Coughlin in 1939. The fact that zentik was married to a jew means she accepted her husband's religion's tennets (talmudic judaism) and take a look at oic related why don't yiu and "refute" that

Communists will never be accepted on Sup Forums. Fuck off

I've never seen any other such claims or support for such claims. Foreign visitors to the USSR saw poverty and waiting lines but no famines.

If they were real socialists it would be better but maybe it will get some people to research socialism themselves.