Gay general.
>sexual orientation
>political beliefs
shitposting is allowed
forgot mine
>national socialist
can't wait for nationalism to rise again in europe!
>All gays should be hung from trees
Leviticus 20
13 “‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
>LGBTQSHIT people should be thrown into Muslim countries so they can experience what real "homophobia" is
Go to lgbt if you want to act like a faggot
>Generally liberal but not retarded or degenerate.
Where's my lobster and polyester. Are you a Jewish priest? Of an order no longer ruling? Also mistranslation. I bet you have curled side burns. Christ fixea everything. Your original sin apples included
Why would you need a general for this?
literally a whole board dedicated to this shit
I'm bisexual and extremely fucking privileged to be born in the US. I've never once complained about homophobia here, so why should I be thrown into a muslim country?
no, fuck you
>>sexual orientation
>>political beliefs
Technocratic Meritocracy.
>Repressed Bisexual
>far right nationalist
I never tell anyone about my sexuality because it's not something I choose to talk about. Though I do notice most people of my generation are far to loose when it comes to sexual relationships.
>social democrat
>burn fags
>Bi Furry , Hetero for humans
>I'm bisexual
Just focus on women then, gays and lesbians are genetic lost causes and shouldn't be a part of society, you at least have an attraction to the opposite sex so don't ruin it by being with some sweaty hairy man.
Romans 1
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
>tfw too smart for ideology
>his first reaction is to burn things
>wonders why his continent has no trees
>Mostly straight but with a few repressed homosexual fantasies that stem from being savagely abused as a child
center right, at least i think i am, ever-evolving due to pol
How to find qt redpilled bf?
You forgot zoofillia faggot
>Helicopter Pilot
>tfw no powerlifter bf to help me purge the lgbt movement of degenerates
I want to fuck that rabbit
fuck this thread it smell like anal lube
Do you offer helicopter rides? A few of my communist pals would like to see the city from high up
goodbye user
>just want someone to cuddle with at night when I cant sleep
>nationalist anti-degenerate free speech advocate
>I still have place in my oven for faggots like you
>Just focus on women
It's objectively more difficult to get women to fuck. I think a lot of "gay" guys would fuck women if it was as easy as it is to attract other guys.
this is one of the only correct answers
>it's difficult
You can't be a man if you're a bitch
Why does it matter if it's more difficult to fuck women? The more difficult the better, I'd never fuck someone who I haven't already been in a relationship with for at least a few months, promiscuity is degenerate full stop, doesn't matter if you are straight or not, but being part of the LGBT spectrum, it's no surprise you're more promiscuous.
That happened when they became Shekinah-believing goat fuckers. It's a curse for gays to become straight or straights gay. You'd know all about curses right Eve? Muh God has tits. Muh Adam has tits. Muh Lucifer "doesn't". Marry Christ. Vagina does nothing. Inb4 surrogacy. You cuck. What did Christ say was the sin of Sodom? What are the "born eunuchs" he spoke of? Rainbows and when they appear. What they represent. David and Jonathan. Uncovering their mothers' nakedness etc. Ethiopian eunuch. Roman Centurion. You have much to learn Platonic rabbi Pharisee. We each have our own "kinds" and be fruitful means to do good. Not "go fuck". An apple a day stupid cows. Israel is spiritual. You extremists are the real cows
Doesn't matter. You are a sodomite. You're still going to hell.
Are you implying gender is a social construct ?
KYS faggots
>ex socialist, now nationalist and racist
I hate trannies
Angels have no gender. The sodomites raped all strangers. Had a special public bench for it. Refused Lot's daughters. Angels become male only after they fall and then, only after straights! You Lilith demon feminist. You kabbalist retard. You want me to go in your woman box lest i be marked. Read these entire sites not just the links and get their ebooks.
>doesn't matter
This is your religion not mine. I said the truths. These words and concepts you believe in are not Biblical nor found in Bible. Mine do and are. Why is Christ come if not to be a perfect ransom to die on the same tree as Adam and Eve? And what kind of fall was that? Not mine. Christ was their opposite but of the line of Abel Abem and Shem and Abraham and David. We aren't supposed to get lost in endless genealogies. Are blowjobs sodomy? Most say it is. Do not fornicate. Marry. But you can't judge a believer or tell any man to not wed. As a gun toting republican or worse you are antichristian and will be the one worse off at final judgment if you do not reform. Christ doesn't shun and grab vaginas like you do. That is no regard for women. An aspect of the antichrist. The 144,000 are male virgins of ONLY women. How can you say that the Bible's longest love story means nothing? Some form of rape or heterosexuality is why men have adam's apples and caused the literal fall of mankind requiring and creating its own rescue. The good is preferable to ANY intimate relationship you witch
Sorry no. LTR and happy
>i don't like it therefore it should be illegal
good one user
Do men in prison who rape. Are they sodomites or faggots? Jew? Didn't exist as a word. Only Judean. There is no Jew or Gentile in Christ. Gay? Homosex? Didn't exist. In mistranslations though! But the concepts did!
Masculinity is a construct, it's not social, since every male specimen in existence has to construct itself in order to be a viable mating choice for females.
Femininity is completely inherited.
This is basic biology, we have two chromosomes that express these characteristics in ourselves
Kys sodomite scum.
Learn how to read. Putin's a pedo. Pence is a closet case. Trump made out with him
>muh sodomite
ok mick
And he tells people to kill themselves. There isn't much point discussing theology on a zionist board
Friendly reminder that fags go to hell.
Fuck off to hell with your Jewish degeneracy cunt. The sooner you die of AIDS or realise that your mutilated body and filthy lifestyle has ruined you and join the Suicide Squad the better off society will be.
Youre a stupid fatass with no accountability. All men are halves of fags. You bitch more than women as homophobes. And only the beautiful bird gets caged
Get some zika. Get some charlie sheen. Get some throat cancer. Get in a car crash. Get an implantable HIV prevention patch. Get eggs from skin cells. Get super gonorrhea. Dont use a condom. Fuck everybody and all risk groups. Live in a kleenex box. Lump in the barren with this shit. Nobody cares you menopausal woman. Get a prolapsed vagina and a yeast infection. Piss on everybody. And ignore prostates
I'm not complaining, I am simply telling you fags about the consequences of your actions. If you buttlovers want to suffer via eternal damnation then be my guest. However I will continue to practice the teachings of God, as a straight white male.
Muh hugbox. Fuck you and fuck off
You are a weak bitch smelly twat lower than the soles of my feet
I wanna fug dat roach
Posting a redpill for truth's sake
i can't wait until he ends you HIV-infected faggots once and for all
Actually it is you who is weak since you have succumbed to the sin of sodomy. While you revel in your gay pride parades, I read the Bible. While you are taking up the ass from Pajeet, I am attending church. While you burn in hell, I rest in heaven.
Straight. Virtue signaling in threads like this really make me despise faggots. How many straight general threads do you see? Stop looking for attention and keep your shit to yourself. If you really need the attention, there's an entire board dedicated to it.
Same shit different ignorance different lies different alt rightard reverse SJW cognitive dissonance think tanks different day. Muh 1945
So it's either inherently biological or it is a social construct that is learned. You can't have it both ways.
>uses the word privileged
Enjoy burning in hell faggot.
I listen to Christ. Period. Why did you read Genesis and decide to go have sex with Serpentine sloppy seconds? We all were supposed to just walk with Him. She got raped by a nephilim. She got naked for adam. He fucked her. We then had the nephilim walk the earth and you go lay this. Rape angels. I prove how youre retarded. And you blame me. Guess what caused this? You did. God creates. You directly proCREATE and I will not do that. The fuck you gon do about it? Here's what you can do. Drown in a bucket of pussyjuice because that's all you are. A giant walking talking bucket of uterine lining. Scat fetishist gay porn lover. I guarantee it
tl;dr, you fuck butts and you're going to burn in hell for it leaf. No two ways about it.
>considering pussyjuice an insult
wew lad, that toxoplasma sure is messing you up!
Become as gods. Get painful childbirth and toil the earth. Eat dust. Get banished. Fashion clothes. Know eachother. RAINBOWS ARENT FOR "SODOMITES" LET'S GO DO MORE SHRINE PROSTITUTION GRAB EM BY THE SODOMITES
what are you on mate?
Join /polgbt/ chat today!
You can't accept there exists such a thing as a natural construct?
Have you ever seen a forest, or a plant for that matter?
What kind of argument is that
15, Straight, Gay marriage is fine.
Why do you portend to know more than Christ? Sodomy is being an inhospitable rapist asshole like this entire pagan board
Easily curable. Cats have been around for a long time. You two fucked up first. Then came your government laboratory bullshit and all other sin. All you guys
How to deal with Clovergender's (gay pedos)
>logo of this very site
Friendly reminder that straight ftms are the lgbt master race
>fuck it if its cute
Why do so many faggots think they wont be the first ones swinging from lamp posts during the happening?
Was bad enough with what was there before; now the pedos came out calling themselves Clovergender.
Must end.
Homo, 28
Moderately liberal
because i hope you will be tolerant enough not to kill me
This but from MURICA
I accept that gender is a biological construct based on our genes. There are only 2 genders. Your first post implies you thought gender was a choice or something that was learned.
Because you're a total faggot
Educate yourself
37; very straight and normal; politically apathetic until it affects me and mine.
Educate yourself
Repent of all your sins and God will take you back
But user, the entire point of a happening is to stop "tolerating" degeneracy.
Matthew 18:6
Educate yourself. Aint gon work this time, queefy shitty dick monger. Educate yourself
is lesbian sex the purest form of love?
>politically apathetic until it affects me
Okay. So I hope you don't expect anyone to defend you if you were ever to be attacked. As long as you got yours haha XD