>colored person gets killed
>no one on here bats an eye
>a white guy gets a few cuts
>people on here go apeshit
And you people claim to not be racists
>colored person gets killed
>no one on here bats an eye
>a white guy gets a few cuts
>people on here go apeshit
And you people claim to not be racists
WE dont claim anything, Sup Forums is not one person, fuckhead.
Those colored people are never being killed by racists, though. It's always inter-racial or a cop killing a criminal.
This is straight hate-crime for having a different political opinion. Assuming we're talking about the same thing here.
You weren't watching television at all during the last year? BLM?
No, that didn't happen. Police weren't killed. There were no riots, fires, property destruction. George Soros didn't fund them, just like he didn't fund Barack Obama's campaigns.
Canada needs an IP ban
>dumbass unelected republicans keep deregulating gun laws and turning American cities into third world shitholes
Canadians are the most subversively racist pieces of shit of all time. So the fuck what?
Damn right IM racist, now what?
We don't care about black people.
You new or something?
>colored person
the correct term is "person of color"
>>colored person gets killed
>>no one on here bats an eye
No one makes excuses either, you fucking fag.
Why must you leafs be so insufferable?
Can we all make a pledge to not respond to canadians anymore
>And you people claim to not be racists
>And you people claim to not be racists
dude we're nazis lmao what forum have you been posting on
It's okay we're allowed.
>American cities have some of the strictest gun laws in the country
>Cities are shit because of the guns nobody can legally acquire
Range an all Canadians when?
GR8 B8, M8! I R8 8/8!
>American cities have some of the strictest gun laws in the country
>And you people claim to not be racists
>Leaf posting retarded nonsense.
Well, that's just bizarre, who could've possibly expected that?
>dumbass unelected republicans keep deregulating gun laws and turning American cities into third world shitholes
I could have sworn those were all about police shootings. You aren't some kind of idiot, are you? If you are talking about crime, criminals don't buy guns legally. If the police shoot a criminal, more often than not, this isn't a hate crime, it is their fucking job.
Check my id, fag
I care all the time, in every attack in Syria and Iraq (done by Russians and ISIS) innocent people and children dies. If only we had relocated those individuals to Sweden they would have lived.
Future generations will look at us with shame
They also supported Dylan Roof.
Sup Forums is full of racist DEPLORABLES who get triggered when a white boy get's touched a little bit but support a white guy killing 9 innocent church goers.
Shall not be infringed leaf
Lurk more
Ur forgetting Dylann Storm Roof crackalaka
Name one major American city where it's easy to get a gun.
Nothing wrong with animals getting killed. And the MSM doesn't give a shit about whites so why should we care about subhumans?
black people are though apparently
Ur a nigger
>a fucking leaf
>And you people claim to not be racists
>And you people claim to not be racists
>bowl haircut
Can't judge all whites on one kid with down syndrome.
Wasn't there some hubbub when that Castillo guy got shot for telling cop he was legally conceal carrying?
Dog shits in the lawn. Nobody bats an eye.
Dog shits on the kitchen table, well, there will be hell to pay.
It's best if you rub the dog's nose in it, then shoot it behind the shed like ole yeller.
>And you people claim to not be racists
Not all of us. I think some shifty things went down with that kid. I'm not going to defend shooting up a church.
Hmmm, its almost as if there is a difference between torturing a handicaped kid and trying to fight the cops as a career criminal.
I don't know what the difference is.
Funny how only the areas filled with minorities turn into third world shitholes. You don't hear about Idaho or Wyoming turning into a shithole, even with their lax red state gun laws.
It's almost like it's something other than the mere presence of guns that causes these places to go to shit. Hmm. It really gets my neurons firing..
>definitely browsed (((pol)))
We are racist what the fuck are you on about leaf lmao.
>nigger gets shot commuting a felony/ attacking a police officer
Muh muh chimp lives matter
>white dude gets kidnapped and tortured based on his politics beliefs
It's not hard to pick a side senpai
Forgot image.
>Colored person gets killed
>No one bats an eye
What is trayvon, what is Eric holder, what is who ever the guys name that got shot in his car ... ETC ETC ETC
Because nobody cares about niggers, not even other niggers. I care what happens to other whites because tribalism. What happens to one of us happens to all of us.
There are no cities in Idaho or Wyoming
Probably psyop-ed.
Show me the last time a group of white people tortured a black dude on a Facebook livestream.
If you say a black criminal being killed and no one bats an eye, then you are retarded because they are not comparable.
Word racist doesnt exist anymore. Soon you fucker
>And you people claim to not be racists
When did we claim that?
Fuck niggers
Canada is worse than Sweden, holy shit.
I know this is bait but I am a racist.
A criminal getting killed =/= Innocent man kidnapped and tortured
I don't ever look at the flags until someone points it out.
Or, just nuts. I don't know. Bringing up Roof doesn't change the discussion. There have been mass riots and cop killings. What about Dallas? Was that needed? You are comparing some crazy kid on a shooting spree to an organized crime spree. Organized cop killings.
we are the bestest cherry pickers of all the internets
You racist shitlord. Check your fucking privilege.
kill yourself ultrafag
You need to try harder leaf, but on the off chance you're genuine: the minorities have a global multimedia news conglomerate shilling for them 24/7. They don't need anyone shilling for them on an image board with less that 100,000 unique visitors per year.
What are you talking about Dylan was the man of the hour around here when he went off.
Meanwhile leafs here hate us Chinks trying to make a living in Vancouver. Fuck your double standards leaf.
Literally no one but Canadians have supported Dylan Roof because he was a fucking faggot.
Im all for needless violence and fanning the flames of anger but leave the special needs people out of it, their lives and the parents are already FUBAR, they don't need this shit but the common people do!
Black people get mourned all the time everywhere. White people barely so i dont see any issue with this place taking the job of doing so since no other is willing to apperently.
And no this isnt coming from a white supremacist but a lefti krautkebap.
If you get angry about white people thinking its not okay to kidnap and torture (white) people then maybe you are the racist
I never claimed that you faggot leaf.
The Daily Show, mainstream media, everything belongs to the SJW left.
Suck a fat one, OP.
Boise-Nampa. Triple the population of my capital city.
There aren't any urbanite shitholes filled with minorities, you mean?
Because I'm pretty sure that's what you're talking about when you mean "city".
It only goes to prove my point that something else about city culture is to blame for them being third world shitholes, because if it was the gun laws then those places would be shit too. There are plenty of third world shitholes in the world with low population density.
From Wyoming. Literally all my friends carry pussy bangers. Never shoot anyone. Fist fight constantly but never shit. Is that what white privilege feels like? Feelsgoodman.jpeg to be of a civilized race.
>claim to not be racists
LOL first day here kid?
fuck niggers make america white again
People weren't kidding when they said Sup Forums is the easiest board to bait
Thanks for the (You)s
They are probably worth more than the Canadian dollar so you're smart to get them while you can.
I'm still unaware of what he did wrong.
>claim not to be racists
are you fucking retarded
the word racist means nothing in 2017
Canadians all seem to be total fucking pussies
stay out of our business you fucking nigger apologist
>You people claim not to be racist
How was your first day on Sup Forums brown person? I fell for the bait didn't I
Shot up a Black church during congregation.
>implying that most people on here see racism as a bad thing.
>And you people claim to not be racists
We did?
Ironic how many of those inner cities have some of the strictest gun laws in the country.
This is a board of peace leaf, take your racism to /po/ with the rest of those paper frog folding racists
Top kek
Right, because as we all know it's impossible to drive a few miles to a place that doesn't have strict gun laws and buy a gun from there.
Try buying a gun in Chicago and then compare it to buying a gun in a smaller town of a red state.
This is actually a good idea. Any white suburban dweller knows people come from the ghettos to get da good gibs on Halloween.
"Das raciss" doesn't work on me.
I will shoot a nigger the moment I get a chance.
Racist this. Racist that. Nigger, you'll get the fucking racists you want.
reverse racism doesn't exist
Please post a recent comparable video of a group of whites using racial slurs and torturing a retarded black kid. Post it now.
go SHOOT SOME DRUG DEALERS you wont get in no trouble right?
Did you just call me a "colored" person you fucking leaf?
born and raised in idaho
almost 100% white
guns all over the place
virtually no violent crime