Christianity lead to communism Marxism and the downfall of the west.
It is devoid of all masculine traits, it is a religion for children.
Refute this, if you can
Christianity lead to communism Marxism and the downfall of the west.
It is devoid of all masculine traits, it is a religion for children.
Refute this, if you can
Thanks for reminding me that I should be playing M&B later this night, thanks user
I can't, inshallah.
I can't wait to watch wodin beat the shit out of sandkike that is Jesus desu cunts
Fucking who? Paganism is dead. Whatever you call paganism now will be post-modern construction or if organic some kind of new age bullshit.
LARP harder fgt.
Stfu little girl
You are child paganism is feminine
This is ridiculous. You must learn to turn the other cheek when slighted, and accept the way things are since the meek shall inherit the earth.
>Christianity lead to communism
Stopped reading here.
We will kill every last Muslim
>We will kill every last Muslim
The only thing America is good at is losing.
Christ is going to pave a road made of Gold straight over your heathen ass.
How? With your cashed-up evangelical preachers? They don't seem like the sharing type.
It's just as dead as Christianity will be in 100 years.
OMG who is King Solomon, stay lost heathen.
>Unironically worshipping a cock-sucker
>Christianity lead to communism Marxism
>mfw Marx was a Jew
>devoid of masculine traits
>mfw 1st Timothy 1:12
Judaism led to Communism, you dumb faggot. Communism is literally secular Judaism.
The fact of the matter is that the West was FAR less cucked and susceptible to Kikery when it was more Christian.
No burger those are the result of secularism and turning your back on God golden age of whites is tied to Christianity once we rejected it we declined
>OMG who is King Solomon, stay lost heathen.
Empty promises. The body of Christ is a rotting corpse. Islam will win.
seeing you nu-pagan losers is always hilarious. The pagans were historically btfo by Christians in every possible venue.
>tfw worlds largest religion
>tfw birthrate still twice as large as atheist cucks
>tfw pagans are so insignificant nobody even bothers to keep track anymore.
You people are ones that got cucked my retard friends. even Sup Forums's hero Hitler made fun of the Nazi neo-pagans behind their back.
>Christianity lead to communism Marxism.
>Marxism actually Atheist.
>Non-Marxism Atheist education.
>golden age of whites is tied to Christianity once we rejected it we declined
And will never recover unless...
Sure, only if you can prove your point first.
>If human society is to be healed now, in no other way can it be healed save by a return to Christian life and Christian institutions. When a society is perishing, the wholesome advice to give to those who would restore it is to call it to the principles from which it sprang; for the purpose and perfection of an association is to aim at and to attain that for which it is formed, and its efforts should be put in motion and inspired by the end and object which originally gave it being. Hence, to fall away from its primal constitution implies disease; to go back to it, recovery.
-Pope Leo XIII
* 1st Timothy 2:12 actually
League of the Just senpai
The whole shit started here.
the first step is to make the shitskins know they aren't wanted here. smash some windows
>>Christianity lead to communism Marxism.
>>Marxism actually Atheist.
>>Non-Marxism Atheist education.
This is an extremely simple, historically ignorant way of looking at it.
There have been dozens and dozens of Christian movements throughout history that mimic what became Marxism. Such as the Anabaptists or the movement of the Heavenly Kingdom of Peace.
Then explain Papal encyclicals like Rerum Novarum and Quadragesimo Anno that condemn socialism/communism while calling for a society that is more just to the workers.
The clock is ticking. How does the future look for you, kafir? Surely it has not worked out for you.
Kek, I'm too smart for Mohammed's dumbed-down ripoff of Christianity. So are you a fat virgin ginger boy or a sandnigger?
>I'm too smart
Nice one, degenerate.
>there are too many goats to fuck to try to understand God, so forget about the Trinity, God is only of one nature!
>*penetrates goat*
At least they lost to humans instead of birds
I wish I had time. Too busy with 4 fresh pussies to fuck every day.
I guess the goat farm is coming along pretty well then?
This thread is now under the complete authority of the Swadian kingdom.
Long live king Harlaus.
>goats goats goats
Any other memes, Templar?
If God only has one nature, I only need one meme :^)
>Christianity lead to communism Marxism
obviously you've never read solzhenitsyn
>If God only has one nature
Do you deny this, polytheist?
>confusing natures with polytheism
"Muslim Intellectuals"
>implying the Trinity makes any sense
Pray tell, how does God have divided natures?
>divided natures
Are you trolling me or are you serious?
Are you conceding that you cannot explain the Trinity that is consistent with monotheism?
Here you go. Read it, it'll help you:
It's embarassing to be a muslim in Australia.
>the answer is here I promise
Tbh I've been doing this for a bit now and I can tell if the person I'm talking to is worth it, and I put in an appropriate level of effort.
i still can't believe that there are people on Sup Forums who defend this universalist, egalitarian, anti-in-group Jewish diversion
what can turn a person into such a cuck?
Christianity is one of the few religions that make you wish your neighbour was christian.
The christian relatives I have in Canada and Portugal were beyond supportive and friendly when I stayed with them.
So yes OP is right that christianity itself leads to friendly open people.
It was a necessary element to fight off the barbarian muslim horde once and will be again.
OP is wrong that it led to marxism. That is more closely link to jewry and atheism. It was written by a jew and spread through the frankfurt school into sociology and gender studies to be taught everywhere.
T atheist that's considering turning back to christianity.
desu idk