*sips tea*
Racist Sup Forums BTFO by one single user ;)
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>intelligence is not an objective thing
You fucking leaves have this thing for shitposting right in the dna
Theres some truth to the OP.
For example the air force once tried to determine whether IQ tests could predict who would be better able to survive after getting their plane shot down.
They conducted tests simulaying a pilot being shot down and having to make his way back to friendly lines without being caught.
They dound zero correlation between IQ and performance.
So its obvious that there are many areas of intelligence, and IQ only measures one aspect.
However its also true there is a strong correlation between IQ, Crime, and academic performance.
Take from that what you will,
>IQ Tests are a tremendous load of horseshit
You're right leaf. To doubly prove your point, I suggest you move to the ghetto. If IQ is fallacious then I'm sure you have nothing to fear.
Are you making a serious argument or just acting retarded?
Serious question plz respond
This would only make sense if a Canadian posted it, my honorary Aryan friend.
oy vey, you're right goyim, niggers would have an average IQ of 140 if the tests weren't made by problematic white males!
many people don't realize this, but 90% of gangs in Chicago and Baltimore are actually dedicated to researching theoretical physics!
>moving goalposts
>the intelligence norms of western civilization are the only norms that matter, who gives a shit how they're adapted to living in the desert or something
>published in a national journal that's presumably peer-reviewed, the burden of proof that it was conducted incorrectly is on you, and I guarantee you that the statisticians that oversaw this study did a better job than you ever will
>we are specifically looking at IQ, this is not an argument
>prove it isn't valid. IQ is positively correlated with many success factors in life
You've got to be retarded
It depends on what area of intelligence you look at.
Is decision making subjective or objective? Would someone who consistently makes better decisions than someone else in managing a company be smarter than them?
Or would they simply be better at making decisions concerning how to manage that company, to fulfil the stated goals.
If the are smarter, would that intelligence carry over to other areas of decision making, for any goal?
Decisions obviously are subjective, based on how a person interprets a situation and thinks is the best way to respond. This depends on a lot more than their raw intelligence. Would the better decision maker in a given scenario be doing it because he's smarter, or because he was raised with the correct mindset, world view, and ideas to filter decisions through?
Hard to say. How do you quantify this? To what extent does this hold true to other areas of intelligence.
IQ in a general sense measures pattern recognition and spacial reasoning. Yet its only one metric of performance. Just like a cpu running at a higher clock speed is not automatically better than one running at a lower, same with IQ. A person who is worse in one aspect of intelligence, can compensate in other ways, using different areas he's better at. He can put more work in, or learn new methodologies or paradigms to make things easier. He can practice repetitively to build new neural pathways and take advantage of the brains inherent plasticity.
So yeah, its very disingenuous to treat IQ as a deterministic death sentence. Just because you have a lower IQ does not condemn you to a life of crime, stupidity, and poverty.
>who says intelligence quotient even means anything
>how as this even measured
>there's a citation to google at the bottom of the fucking image
>posts chart
>replies to self
>sips fucking tea and it's probably sodding Lipton
Ans you've gotta make an argument.
>I just took a class
Holy fuck these people.
*Sips tea*
>my professor said...
Come ducking teach in the inner city. Look out at 85 average IQs. Look at the sweetest kid in the world with a 65 IQ as he tells you he can't read.
You know Elementary schools test IQ right? The. They separate the high IQs into a different class. Those two classes are night and day.
>Teenager with downs syndrome
As IQ increases, so does intelligence.
Deca-billionaires average an IQ of >150
The homeless average an IQ of Just because you have a lower IQ does not condemn you to a life of crime, stupidity, and poverty.
That is not the argument being made. You are basically saying #notallmuslims here.
They are more LIKELY to to have a life of crime, stupidity and poverty, not GUARANTEED.
except it's common knowledge in any well developed country that non whites are simply inferior when comparing intelligence and aptitude
you'd know this if you lived out of canada
t. low IQ
Someone with an 85 IQ will NOT have the same cognitive ability as one with 100 under any circumstances. Two or three points would give room for error but not an entire standard deviation.
Check the source faggot.
"lol people can have physical intelligence too!!!! it's not just a way to make nigger kids feel good about themselves in class!!!!!!11"
"muh correlation does not mean causation"
And finally
Well bad thing that niggers score lower on any sort of measurement of intelligence, not just IQ.
And that muh culture shit is also bullshit and even if true wouldnt matter a bit.
Why does it matter if some nigger is the smartest and most tactical rapist when that isnt valued in the society hes in?
He can be the rapist king in Nigeria but that doesnt make him smart here. That shit doesnt matter.
What matters is that niggers score shittier on everything that matters to us, therefor theyre stupider. They may be super smart in niggerland but in what way does that matter to me? Im not in niggerland.
What other conclusions can we draw from the consistent shit tier scores, shit tier lives and shit tier countries of them.
>i just took a class
>the professor
Oy vey!
This niggerfaggot questions any study completly (muh criterais, muh sample size muh muh muh) But licks every chunk of shit out of prof. Goldsteins talking asshole.
>muh college professor said
Have a pity reply.
Don't you get it, racists? You're just proving my point!
>"muh correlation does not mean causation"
That's not a meme numb nuts
> t. Leaf cuck
Literally you in pic. How does one country produce so many beta males?
>why does it matter
as a baseline of understanding the level of intelligence of an individual or as a populace
>muh culture is different
ok, sure, being the smartest monkey in the village in africa isnt that impressive i guess, but in the grand scale of the current global market it does matter
>how was this measured?
by the fucking test. its all the data that was collected and put on a grapgh. mabe the sample size was too small but i severely doubt it
>but-but intelligence changes! and really so if we change what we were measuring in the first place!
its a baseline you moron. as in; the things we often consider as valuable intelectual traits on average and therefore use methods that would deduce the level of competency for that specific trait. we arent looking for competency of a trait that has fringe uses here
>even if the data is reliable and correct it doesnt make it true
congrats. you're retarded.
>i took a class once in college therefore i know everything about this subject
if anything is a tremendous load of horse shit it's the idea that you belong in higher education
rather than being mad at the test itself you should have asked "why is this happening?"
in which there could be a multitude of factors
>often single parent homes
>often live in low income family
>culture of surounding area may not be the best in reguards to education
>could go to a subpar school
>or mabe it could all come down to their orangatan of a mother hit them to hard in the head as a kid
Im a neuroscientist.
Niggers clearly are "dumber" by most standards. Call it genetics, culture of malnutrition. The pattern sustains itself.
More impulsive, worse linguistic and social skills and worse long term planning.
Typical lazy racist.
Why don't you go meet and actual black person, you'll see the only difference in the colour of your skin.
>IQ Tests are a tremendous load of horseshit
guess someone scored below average.
That faggot makes an appeal to authority, and presents no arguments or evidence to the contrary. He only btfo himself.
If suicide was contagious. I would kill myself right now in hope that I would cause an epidemic big enough to kill you.
>worse linguistic and social skills and worse long term planning
Long read but pic definitely related
This one infographic makes race and intelligence an udeniable fact.
Bless whoever made this.
Measuring children's IQ is the biggest teller of fucking nothing because it compares them against children.
You get someone who's a little better in math than the rest and you got a 180 IQ super genius and then you find out they're doing nothing with their lives.
Not to mention IQ drastically changes as you grow. I was a pretty big retard as a child bretty smart now though.
okay, lets have white people that black IQ tests.
what is the grape drank and cant swim quotient.
Everything that doesn't support my beliefs are bullshit and therefore they must be discarded. Just kys
Also a strong correlation between IQ and familial wealth. How do you know it's not just measuring how much money your parents had?
1. this data is 25 years old?
is that even valid for making asumptions about things now.
2. They don't tell you sample size or anything really about the sample.
3. there's no information about the testing methodology used, these things actually matter.
4. we know nothing about the national longitudinal survey of labor marked experience of youth?
how did you conduct these tests, what questions were actually asked?
5. there are a bunch of different ways to measure IQ and not all of them are equally valid.
So we know nothing about WHO was asked, or WHAT they were asked, or WHERE these people were from or asked,
and we're left with a thinly disguised chart, that contains 'information'
This is not at all an appeal to authority, it's just pointing out bad data that's presented in a way that is misleading, and that all of the criteria that are part of telling whether a piece of data is useful, reliable, or valid are absent.
It's not even saying that black's don't have lower IQ's just that you don't have good data to tell that, and looking at a chart and assuming that's obvious is not objective at all.
It's shitty data.
Relative post times trigger the fuck out of my autism every time I see them.
Nice try, nigger.
Intelligence is genetic and heritable.
Differences in intelligence between ethnic groups are due to genetics alone.
Better education will not change differences in group intelligence, they'll always remain.
Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible
Human intelligence is highly heritable.
Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.
Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.
Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.
The average African IQ is estimated at 79.
The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.
The white-black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing.
Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.
Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.
IQ scores are the best predictor of success in Western society.
IQ is 75% heritable among Whites.
France's IQ drops 4 points per decade because of African immigration
>Who says intelligence quotient even means anything.
Every professional in every field. IQ tests were developed to determine a man's ability to function by the US Military. They worked perfectly.
>Intelligence is not an objective thing
Yes it is. It's a quality with agreed upon characteristics. Blacks lack it.
>How was this even measured
Wow it's almost like the source is in the image. Good luck finding any national IQ test that gives a different result.
>Intelligence changes...
You already made this point, and you were wrong then.
>huu huu I just finished a class and my professor said intelligence isn't real!
Bad news, your professor was a liberal and is objectively wrong. IQ correlates strongly with success in all endeavors. IQ is legitimate. Your professor (of a bunch of non-fields, of course) was a liberal making excuses for niggesr.
There. I've just bashed your teeth out with an 8 ball, just like I did to that Antifa faggot last month. Go scoop up what's left of your incisors and come back when you can formulate an argument without an appeal to authority.
at this rate leafs will surpass aussies for shitposting in a matter of days
God bless.
It's not at all an undeniable fact.
if you look for what makes a group "different" you'll find some reason to justify your preconceptions.
Nice spelling, dumbass.
>Blacks test a full standard deviation below whites
Lol IQ doesn't mean anything
>Liberals test roughly 2-3 points higher than conservative
Lol stupid conservatives
Take your doubletalk and fuck off. Sage
>Who says IQ even means anything?
People with higher IQs commit less crime and perform better in education and their careers.
>Intelligence depends on cultural context
I find this a disagreeable statement, but let's go with it. What this means is that our measure of intelligence is based on fitness to western society. Because IQ measures intelligence by western standards, it is completely rational to use this data draw the conclusion that blacks, who have lower IQs on average, are less suitable to western society.
>How was this measured, are there errors, etc?
The source is right there. I'm willing to admit that it might not be a reliable source, but pretty much any study into IQ differences in race demonstrates a similar result.
>Intelligence depends on the methods you use to measure it.
This is such an utterly nonsensical argument. Strength depends on the methods you use to measure it. If we take 100 women and 100 men, make them lift weights, and use the results to measure strength differences between genders, would you call the results somehow flawed because "strength depends on the methods you use to measure it"? No matter the methods used, the results demonstrate a fundamental difference between black and Caucasian performance in intelligence testing.
>Even if there is reliable data, conclusions drawn from it may not be correct.
True, but simply stating this does nothing to refute the original conclusions. Instead of pointing out how the conclusions are flawed or how the data has been misinterpreted, he does the equivalent of saying "It ain't so just 'cause you say it is!"
>I just finished a class on psychometrics and educational psychology.
Universities are known to have a very leftist bias, so no wonder you disagree.
Of course IQ does not mean everything. There are several other components that can explain the success of an individual and of a country.
However, IQ is a good way to predict the achieveent of different groups. IQ is highly correlated with SAT scores, the average income of that group, and even its crime rate compared to other groups.
A higher IQ means you'll be much more likely to go to college, become rich and have a successful life. A lower IQ makes you more likely to drop out of high school, be unemployed and depend on government benefits. Now this isn't a 100% correlation. Environmental factors are important in an individual approach. Just because you have a high IQ it does not garantee you'll fall in the latter category. But IQ is very good when it comes to explain the differences between groups.