300MG Venlafaxine (morning)
150MG Trazadone (night)
4MG Prazosin
If you're unfamiliar with dosing, no need to reply. For those who do know....tell me depression isn't real.
Pic unrelated. You're welcome, Sup Forums.
300MG Venlafaxine (morning)
150MG Trazadone (night)
4MG Prazosin
If you're unfamiliar with dosing, no need to reply. For those who do know....tell me depression isn't real.
Pic unrelated. You're welcome, Sup Forums.
>blurred pussy
>finger on trigger
Also, you must be really mentally defective
I had a Doctor prescribe me Trazadone twice for insomnia.
I felt like I got my fucking ass kicked both times when I woke up. Not even exaggerating. I felt fucking AWFUL. That shit was an a horrible sedative I don't see how anyone takes it.
It's difficult.
Oh god I want a big-pharma thread on Sup Forums. My dad is all fucked up he was on all the trials in the 70's, 80's, and 90's, you wouldn't believe the dosing he was taking.
It also causes a great deal of dependency. But, the alternative? Drink liquor every night for the rest of your life.
Stay sober for a while, after a while you'll notice a certain calm.
You'll feel confident enough to be a point where you don't need all that shit.
Trust me, find something else to do, read a book, do sports or shitpost more intensively.
Whenever you feel anger, depression, etc sit down, stretch your legs and cross your ankles along with your arms.
Your right arm is controlled by your left brain hemisphere and your left arm is controlled by your right brain hemisphere. when you cross them from one side to the other however your right hemisphere takes over your right arm and vice versa, so when you cross your arms and legs you are in perfect sync, remain like that for a minute or 2 - 3 and you'll feel that calm return.
It's very easy as long as you refuse to be a test subject to so called medication / drugs (garbage).
Go run, paint, I don't give a shit, find something that fits you, that you have a passion for.
Something that gives you purpose, which will occupy your life other than thinking about so called problems.
have you ever tried (((DUDE WEED LMAO)))?
it's not real
you've been memed and jewed
you just lack proper nutrition
Effexor at that dosage should make you feel like a zombie.
That much trazodone will give you massive, rock hard boners. Not sure about you but when I took it my dick would become diamond hard sometimes for no reason.
I don't have any experience with Prazosin though.
natty high test 6'3 aryan reporting in
>Whenever you feel anger, depression, etc sit down, stretch your legs and cross your ankles along with your arms.
>Your right arm is controlled by your left brain hemisphere and your left arm is controlled by your right brain hemisphere. when you cross them from one side to the other however your right hemisphere takes over your right arm and vice versa, so when you cross your arms and legs you are in perfect sync, remain like that for a minute or 2 - 3 and you'll feel that calm return.
how did I not know any of this.
dude rahowa is kicking off like hella soon, what are you doing retard
do you think pol is drug depression forums?
This is absolutely a joke. I hope this is stale pasta.
Damn son.
This is also important, eat healthy and gain a proper sleep rythm.
Dealing with devine energy might keep you awake for days but will wear you down considerably in the end.
It takes a certain mind to deal with this adjusted lifestyle.
Depression is in your head, degenerate pill popping faggot
I'm a health freak. No sugar, salt, grease, nothing. Eat 5 very respectable meals every day.
haha oh shit you're talking about depression pills? i thought you meant steroid doses. bro just take some test instead. do a quick cycle and do pushups and pistol squats every day and buy a pullup bar to use every day. also situps. it will make you feel vastly better than those fucking jew pills trust me
Or, you know, stop being a sad sack of shit
That's the best part....it's the only time I'm actually alive. I'm still depressed. Fantasize about suicide every day. But way better than if I didn't take it.
Worst posts of 2017 so far what the fuck.
Effexor is a pretty ugly drug, significant increased in suicidal behaviour while on it. I'd talk to your doc about transitioning to something with a better profile- maybe Lexapro. I'd also try to slowly back you off the Trazadone, what's the point of living if you spend the whole time sedated?
You have significant anxiety as well I take it?
>4MG Prazosin
This is an actual blood pressure medication that's used off-label for PTSD nightmares. Does it work?
Seriously though dude just tell me why you don't vape weed.
OP srsly. if you're depressed then the thing to do is get swole. start working out every day. if you want to put chemicals in your body then inject testosterone or some other steroid. it's the best thing you can do for your health if youre a male
Because our biology is considered tabboo, even in the west.
It is not, trust me.
If you've ever been in love you've known the feeling of being able to do anything the first week or so, to stay awake, make love, do anything you want, have an energy you never felt before.
People can conjure this up but don't know how to yet it's there.
Cancer derives for example through molecular cells directed by the brain when you've given up on life.
It tears you down, if you can identify the problem though and deal with said problem your conscienceness can basically repair your fleshy vessel until the end of time as long as you can eat, drink, sleep (rejuvinate) as the ruleset of our environment dictates.
No. I take either a 0.25 xanax or melatonin. They work fine for me.
Try to only take the melatonin.
There was a time I was pumping 275MG of Test E a week. Was superb. Conan/10. Would do again.
yet again amerilards are on a gorillion different fucking meds. PICK ONE AND STICK WITH IT. i've been depressed. every time i went to a doctor i got prescribed ONE KIND OF PILL. what the fuck is up with america overprescribing garbage.
Have you taken the redpill?
>get pills
>pills don't work
>you'll OD if you quit
>Go to another doctor to get fixed
>Get more pills
tits or gtfo
>Effexor at that dosage should make you feel like a zombie.
Naw, nigga, that ain't true. I've been on 450 eznp.
Much happier being on Lexapro now though.
The Traz only knocks me out for six hours.
Anxiety? Giggle. I have a history of mental illness. Couple that with over 600 combat missions (you can quiz me, milfags. How's your PC hugbox doin'?)
You think dysmorphia and vanity will help his depression? lmao, that will probably worsen it
>dysmorphia and vanity
thats a fucking implication if i ever saw one
Post your dick is it really small?
I've been told I still shoot up from bed breathing heavily, but I've been on it for years.
Depression isn't real, you're just a weak, pathetic faggot and a lower organism. You would not survive under natural conditions because your nervous system can't withstand stress/frustration without losing motivation. You break down too easily.
Bro...I'm 180-190 at 5'9 (manlet). I got some swole.
7.5x6. not gonna post it thought, faggot
What's it like being a Jem'Hadar starved of his White?
lol not the size of the condoms you buy silly
Where's the amphetamine/pharmaceutical-grade dextromethamphetamine hcl?
lol no, you think you're a health freak
you're about as health savvy as a 1970s diet commercial
We're familiar..
>be me
>be depressed
>have been since early middle school
>attempt suicide in high school, parents now watch like hawks
>forced to take pills, visit therapists regularly, doesn't work, hate myself too much
>one day in university decide to get my fucking shit together because i'm sick of being a pussy
>go off pills, stop seeing therapist, stick to strict daily schedule until i can trust myself to spend my time wisely and not moping around like a retard
>bonus motivation: don't want to end up like my depressed deadbeat aunt
>steadily climb out of the downward spiral i put myself in
>have the occasional episode, but can handle it much better now
>i don't isolate myself for months on end and then wonder why i'm so lonely like a retard
>actually much happier in general
it's literally in your head. you'll either realize it and do something about it, or you'll live the rest of your life miserable and depressed. doesn't matter to me.
I'm well aware of the extremity of an actual health freak. Forgive me....I don't eat like a fatass.
>If you're unfamiliar with dosing, no need to reply.
What's their diagnosis other than PTSD?
If it doesn't impair your life from you view, then it's fine. I prefer clonidine to prazosin- though I assume you're taking it for the nightmares? Would fit if you're legit post-combat.
What happens without medications? Have you ever tried to wean off? And what other ssri/snri's have you been on?
you can't read apparently
Do you have a gf/wife?
Funny story, I've never been diagnosed with PTSD. If they did that they'd have to pay me more money. And thanks for that MRI for my back, Doc. Fucking pricks.
With no meds I can barely drive. I'm so detached I have no idea what's going on. Could watch a movie and not even follow it. Just sit there feeling confused with the dialogue. .
>tfw pharmacist
>tfw giving 7 year olds depression medication
Feels real bad man
Man im hooked on Pristiq for good 3 years. Its better then Venlafaxine and zoloft, im real stable but cant get rid of this shit. 100$ month, no real side effects, beside i can even lower dosage, get real tired.
Yeah I quit taking my pills over a year ago. They were stealing my creative juices. I feel better without them Even though I know the timeline and players can change
>be Consider a success story after going from fat lard ass as a teen to ripped 12 scoops come on weight lifter in my 20s
>have a lot of friends who I look out for
>always been the older brother of the group and help everyone out
>have a soul crushing job that everyone thinks is really cool so I tell them how much I enjoy it
>haven't had a meaningful relationship ever. I'm 25 and Iv never had a real relationship. Iv fucked girls Iv dated girls but Iv never had a real multi year relationship
>the one girl I truly loved beyond reason skipped out of my life to move to a different state
>suffer from constant crippling depression.
>think about killing myself every single morning and night.
>the only reason I don't shoot myself is because I don't want to make my closest friends suffer emotionally from my death.
Anymore of this sexy ass white woman OP?
Stupid leaf...since when does Achmed let you use his computer?
The point was this is no ordinary dosing. You'd probably max out with 75MG a day of the Ven.
You ever do Klonopin or is that pussy shit to you? My pop was on max dosage but went over and took so much of it the doctor asked if he tried to commit suicide, but he felt nothing.
He's off of it now. Big drinker though, but pot hits him too hard. I could get him on it and off of booze if I tried but it's not legal in my state which is a turnoff to his anxious paranoid ass.
If it isn't an irreversible maoi it doesn't work
Lol, of course they wouldn't. That would make life too easy.
I'd talk to your MD about switching from Venlafaxine to a different ssri if you're actually feeling suicidal- it's notorious for that. But otherwise, yeah- looks like a solid treatment regimen, as long as it's working.
Depression isn't real.
I've had 12 ECT treatments.
150 mg venlafaxine, 150 mg voxra
Also, it's 5 am here. And I'm shitposting on Sup Forums. Life is great.
Why is the nazi bitch holding a fucking commie gun?
tell a few stories? it's called "trazodont" for a reason. gave some to my bro because i thought i was being crazy, and he only confirmed how bad it is. why the fuck is it prescribed
No. I'm not a bad looking guy, and I'm a tad arrogant. I've pulled some serious 9/10's, but they've never lasted more than two dates. I don't know how to connect.
I'l look into that. Thanks, friend.
I have several guns in the house. I've always had access. My respect for firearms is high enough to where I'd choose a different method.
Go to the website in bottom right corner.
Jew pills for Jew diseases.
Hahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Depression Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Don't Be Sad Like Nigga Stop Crying Haha
Haven't had it since I was a teenager (recreational).
exercise yourself into extreme exhaustion
run 15 miles a day, lift weights, no coffee
you will eventually collapse from exhaustion
sure its not the ONLY thing i am suggestion, but it is just a single suggestions that might help aid others
Yeah, my dad was in the trial for Trazodone back in 81'
Haha, I think its a Godsend.
I've done it all, friend.
>but they've never lasted more than two dates.
You have got to work on your humor or making yourself seem really exciting. You have to have some kind of hook.
Im not a good looking guy but if I showed you the girls Ive dated you would probably be angry at me.
Im not bragging at all. I've had to over compensate my whole life. Its not fun and its work. I wish I was better looking but thats how the dice rolled.
You need to think about them...why are THEY going to come back...besides being good looking what do you got? And I'm not talking about money either.
If a girl wants a fling it gotta be really fun for them or they'll just move on because they can have that pretty much whenever they want cause their girls.
soo uhh, what are your hobbies?
lol also have you killed anyone before?
Because that is WAYYY beyond my expertise.
I take trazodone, out of all the pills I take that one is my favorite because I can actually sleep at night and have super vivid dreams
>300mg Venlafaxine
Shit, bro, I feel bad for you. I was on 150mg for five years, came off it about 7 months ago. Withdrawals from that shit will FUCK YOU UP.
Thanks, bud.
I am funny, and I've lived an interesting life. But at the end of the day its not enough. However, rape victims/weirdos/freaks flock to me. It's just my vibe, dawg.
Music. I have a very nice guitar collection and stereo equipment with about a decade of collecting vinyl.
Did you feel anything when Trump won?
just doing your part in the white genocide. Good goy. They may well be permanently sterile by the time they're 18.
No lie, senpai, I cried after I cast my vote. I had never voted before, and it was just an emotional experience to me. I don't have a TV, so I staid up watching a map on a computer screen turn red.
You have been enslaved by the Jew. If you want to be a man then stop acting like a faggot and go to Chicago and fight. It is better to live one day as a man than to die a slow rotting death as whatever the fuck you are lad.
Everybody gets sad sometimes cunt.
If you have no fight in you then just fucking kill yourself coward.
so like, could you raise a kid? I swear to god all I want in life is a Son, Daughter Nuclear Family but I know it's not going to happen like I've envisioned it. I guess that's where we all are huh? The American Dream is fucking dead. I laugh when I think of the lies my parents told me to make it seem like we were living their dream.
Every day I think back and find more revelations and it's fucking depressing. Of course, it's not my parents fault. They were raised by the culture and not their parents too. Trained to lie, told it's what's (((cool))) and how you get (((by))).
>"You have been enslaved by the Jew. If you want to be a man then stop acting like a faggot and go to Chicago and fight. It is better to live one day as a man than to die a slow rotting death as whatever the fuck you are lad.
Everybody gets sad sometimes cunt.
If you have no fight in you then just fucking kill yourself coward."