Meanwhile in Recently Nuked World's Sup Forums

Meanwhile in Recently Nuked World's Sup Forums.........

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Good thing all those liberals and minorities live in populated clusters. Now, let's get back to farming.

Anyone else surprised the internet and public transportation still works?

>imblying we're not using rocks with papers attached to it
delet yourself

I can't heat up my tendies

Can gb points get rid of rads?

I'm using CERN to troll you from another timeline, LATER SUCKAS!

One problem solves the other.

>Tfw in Baltimore
I hope dc wasn't nuked because that might actually effect me.

>TFW I thought I saw a super mutant.
>It was just a British woman.

>TFW Niggers, women and leftist start asking me what we should do because as an evil cis white male scumbag I'm the only one who knows how to build society.

>TFW last guy in town and women still talk shit about how "men just want one thing" while following me around claiming I'm oppressing them when I just want to mind my own business and play with my rocks and build a wood-hut and farm like in that one youtube channel.

Who /groundzero/ here?

>and they said satellite internet was a bad idea

UH, GUYS...............


>shits destroyed
>internet somehow works still
>even in a nuclear wasteland we're here forever
Welp, may as well roll with it.

WE WUZ KANGZ thread? WE WUZ KANGZ thread.

aayyyyyyyy beeeeppa bappi booopi who ate-a mi radiactive-a pasta!?

yup. neat.

>Not having Power Armor
>Not instantly joining the enclave
Its like you're all plebs, have fun being infected with FEV.

Some of the libs in my bunker are a pain in the ass. All they whine about is "let some people in, radiation can't be this bad" or "user, you don't need to carry that gun here, there is no danger".
All i wanted was to sit in front of my blast door with my berretta on my crotch and some water i pretend to be beer.
I swear, some of those fuckers are trying to legalize snorting battery acid

Kek worship threads probably

>even after a nuclear apocalypse, we still have to build a civilization that niggers will destroy

fuck off i was the first one on that oil rig.

Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

Ill suck your dick for a water system with a case of filters

you have guns, they dont. get the rest of your bunker mates, kill the libshits and use their corpses for emergency rations

>new commiefornia
when the enclave rises again you will be the first to die

No one to stop me now.
Now they will all be gone for good.

>tfw there's no difference
at least it's less crowded tho

Will touhou Survive?

That aint happening anytime soon queero

how the fuck there is a spongebob frame for every possible and imaginable situation?


Is this thread trying to be a Bizarro Pol thread?

Damn friends my poop just hopped out of the toilet armed with a .45 and robbed me of all my money

This radioactive toilet water is really a hazard

That was quicker than expected under Trump, very efficient

The show's been running for over 16 years, i guess there's plenty of frames for everything you can think of.

If this happened there would be a bunch of survivors on pol posting nuke survivor memes

Can anyone help me with this settlement?

i like that you tube channel, he makes me feel comfy