Dylan Roof did nothing wrong

Now that the Facebook assault has happened, do you understand why Dylan Roof did what he did? He was 100% justified. Don't pretend that white America would be worse off if every single nigger were exterminated tomorrow.

He's a martyr for his people. Fucking act like it.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Don't pretend that white America would be worse off if every single nigger were exterminated tomorrow.
it's true lol

Why'd he go to a church and not a ghetto?

Every black Church is a fucking ghetto.

Even the best blacks deserve death. That's why he shot up a Church.

He went into a church and shot old, god fearing Christian blacks, whom are usually far more racist against young blacks than me or you.

He killed a bunch of harmless, churchgoing people. Not only is he unjustified, he's also a coward. Same with Brevik. Same with those nigs who just tied up and beat the shit out of that spastic.

If he wanted to be a hero he should have become a vigilante and targeted violent criminals and drug dealers, or hunted down and killed wealthy anti-whites who use their money to unfluence governments, like Soros.

>I'm a cuck faggot and I want BBC in my wife's cunt.

He wanted a race war, not to be cop for a day

He couldve at least done in some crips/bloods or whatever local nigger gangs are infesting his town.

Brevik killed the children who were being raised/taught how to be the a new wave of leaders for the muslim world.

Because eventually they all need to go, doesn't matter where you start.

I hate this fucking faggot, I hope he enjoys his 60 years in solitary. He's just an attention whore that is a perfect piece of anti-white propaganda for libs.

He's from Redbank. There's nothing but white trash and trailer homes in his town.

Let's just kill all white children then. There won't be any new race traitors that way.

You idiot.

What, you upset that people called you out on your shit in the other thread so now you had to make a pro-Roof thread?

>couldn't even go to a ghetto and shoot real niggers
>goes to a church where people are trying to find peace in life

Yeah nah, he was a clown.

He killed old unarmed Christians in church. Kys



This is the same Canadian.

Agree - you got to live down here to understand the differences between the different parts of black society. There are some good, black folks down here along with plenty of degenerates. You have to know how to discriminate properly.

It's a lot like the worthless niggers in BLM - they think all whites are stormfags.

Im the idiot?
Brevik essentially did a terninator on a bunch of kids who were being trained to be the next islamic leaders. And im the idiot? Wut?

>false equivalence

You dumb nigger, trying to use logic and shit

That's not me retard.

Here's a little fact that will make you lose sleep tonight. There are over 35 million Canadians.

Did you see the video of his confession? He said he initially thought about going to a black party or to kill drug dealers but figured there would be more resistance and a lower kill count

>some niggers are okay!!!!

no he's a murderer that is going to hell
like the good book says

So he went for quantity over quality. Loser.

doesnt matter
their genes will doom our children
they must go

Hell doesn't exist and God doesn't exist you faggot. Might makes right.

Nigger police officer is scared because he knows this video is going to start a race war. Don't let this get swept under the rug by these fucking liberal scumbags

the old blacks in the churches give birth to and raise the young ones in the ghettos

>there are over 35 million Canadians

Yeah, it literally is.

I still think he was a complete faggot for who he chose to kill, literally no forethought because old churchgoing blacks aren't the problem and he can't get any support from anyone other than fringe neo nazi types.

I do respect how he's handled the aftermath though. It's Timothy Mcveigh-esque. Totally devoted until the end to his flawed cause.



checked and good point

>believing in media driven false flags
>"dylan storm roof"
>33 charges



What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

I really wonder if this dude was just super autistic or something. From everything I have read about him, he sincerely believed that black people are a cancer and that he is doing the right thing by killing them. Even now, he is sticking to the same story. I kinda feel bad for him in the sense that he will never understand why what he did was wrong. It's that ultra-literal autistic frame of mind.

On a side note, have you guys ever read the responses from the white supremacy organizations Roof cited in his manifesto? I thought the bluntness of them was kinda funny

>While we do not necessarily endorse his actions, we agree with his views

>This is just a preview of what is forthcoming


Bro stop making us look dumb.


Nice word, faggot.

so the person with the least amount of exposure to black people and the least affected by them went on an autistic rampage and killed church folk

and wasn't his best/only friend a black kid too?

he is the embodiment of Sup Forums. a deranged lunatic who just wanted an excuse to kill. a stain on the white race. Hitler would have given him and people that support him the rope.

>killed a bunch of old black women instead of gangbangers

lmao what a pussy

When you're at the pearly gates and St Peter looks up from his list
He'll see a leaf and go for the Holy Rake

better ask somebody

>unwarranted racism
typical leaf


nigger dna is nigger dna. they are no different

He killed a bunch of grandmas and this is who you want to idolize? You faggots are pathetic

all that stuff is written by jews behind the scenes, there's probably someone at fema responsible for these "racially motivated" manifestos. This along with all shootings are false flags


Roof is a murdering psychopath.

Yet, as a Christian, I don't quite believe in the death penalty and hope he finds Christ and truly repents for his horrible sinful acts while in jail. I hope he can see how the black people he hated and killed are his brothers and sisters in Christ.

>Why wasn't he an even bigger hero?
Charleston is a ghetto btw

could have picked a better target tbqh a sodomite parade or an abortion clinic would have been alot better

his whole point was that black people murder innocent whites every day and you hear nothing about it, so he was getting back at them (or however he would have phrased it) by targeting innocent blacks. Also he wanted a large number of easy targets.

he wanted to kill a bunch of niggers rather than just one, he reasoned that killing a gangbanger would be just one kill, a rap festival has security checks, so the best place to attack without risking white people is the church. He says all this in the questioning video.

>abortion clinic
>better target

if anything there should be more abortion clinics to keep shit population low, retard

Respect Dylan, kekspeed and g'luck buddy!

>black people he hated and killed are his brothers and sisters in Christ.

cuck faggot

When God revealed the Mosaic law to the Israelites, was he wrong to have instituted capital punishment for numerous crimes?

And how can you say as a Christian you oppose the death penalty when this opposition is in consistent with the Tradition you lay claim to?

This was a pussy ass cracker, shooting innocent people.

He was too STUPID to not torture them, unlike the black people who tortured a captured, pussy ass white boy

And it changed nothing. Might as well have done us a favor and removed 1 or 2 actual dregs of society instead of a bunch of old nignogs that already had their heyday.

He wanted to start a race war.

You dont do that by killing thugs, you go for shock value and a high number.

He wants to get rid of all blacks, not only the bad ones.

How is that hard to understand.

>Killing 9 innocent church going people over the Trayvon Martin case (in which the "white" man got off not guilty, and the black was still killed)


>kidnapping and humiliating a white boy for a bit (not to mention the perps have been arrested and will account for their crimes)

Yes, Dylan Roof totally was a hero and completely justified in his actions. Fucking dolt.


He should of went full Travis Bickle, instead of going at a church. Honestly, most nig nogs are pretty shit tier, but i honestly truely believe some of them are alright. I had to house with a full on Jamaica black guy, and he ended up being one of the friendliest roommates I've ever had.

But most are shit for sure. I'm pretty cucked at the moment working at a call center, and most of the rude callers are either niggers or poo in the loos.

Steal a truck & drive to gang territory? Kill some wiggers? I dont know man he was almost there but he just killed some old folks

Also for the record, I don't consider what Roof did to be Murder because his victims were killed as an act of war.

>He says all this in the questioning video.


wait... wut?

>relating to niggers

Is this black lash for the retard getting BTFO?

I'm not saying it did do anything or that I agree with his logic at all, I'm just saying that he was well aware they were innocent people and he had an explanation for that

honor is a concept known only to whites. Once you understand you are dealing with animals honor makes no difference

All these nigger lovers in this thread, truly disgusting what the fuck happened pol?

He went into a church to do to blacks what black people do to whites. When some pack of niggers wants to kidnap a white couple and torture them to death, do they decide to find some criminals to do it to? No, they go find innocent people. And then they do it and none of it is ever reported on the news and no one cares.

It's surreal man, that they can talk like this after the enormity of what he did.

Feels absurd man.


CTR/reddit happened

I want blacks to fuck my wife in front of me and Dylan while we jerk off each other's tiny white dicklets

He said he was going to target drug dealers but was afraid that they might shoot back.

>He said he was going to target drug dealers but was afraid that they might shoot back

nigger, that's bullshit. He said that he fully expected to die upon leaving the church. He gave a half ass reason for not going after gangbangers.

dummy dylan should have at least used one aspect of Miranda during questioning

I am referring to this in case anyone is not aware of it


is he on death row?


listening to it now, doesn't sound like he cares

No, he did the same shit they did.

You don't demonize and kill innocents, when it's not very hard to find the worst ones.

>what are asians

dont fucking compare me to a chinklet.

deal with it, faggot

open your eyes when you're talking to me slant

lol if you're that triggered over honor not being exclusive to whites i dunno what to tell you

even hitler respected japs, honor's their thing, i don't see you killing yourself outta embarrassment

Hitler respected a particular group of Japs at a particular time with particular beliefs. Only and autismo faggot would think zipperheads suddenly get a pass for the rest of eternity.

Take me to church,
I have to confess my sins, I have to search for something to let me in.
The number nine coming to my mind,
Nine people, nine niggers, nine Christians,
Let's take a vacation in South Carolina and finally
Take me to church

nice try fag

it's not like they've changed all that much lol

Ghetto spooks shoot back

Shooting up a church full of old timers who welcomed his lily white ass in while they were in they were in the middle of a fucking prayer is prime degeneracy. Should bring back burning at the stake for that little heathen shit.

kek, go club a doggo fuckin spook.

cry me a river faggot. Dead niggers all the same

The rake is coming you fucking leaf.