How does Sup Forums feel about dip?
How does Sup Forums feel about dip?
Like other similar products for idiots.
Like other similar products for idiots.
if you want to kill yourself idc. just make sure to have a spit bottel. dont spit that shit onto the concrete its nasty
I throw a can every 3 days or so. Sometimes I'll quit for years and then get bored.
Loved it, began giving me heartburn, listened to my body, quit, wont ever do it again.
drugs for trash people
Degenerate as fuck. Disgusting, trashy, nasty habit which rots your mouth and throat. Dip spit is among the nastiest liquids you'll find in everyday life.
I don't do it often, maybe like once or twice every 2 months or so cause it stains teeth and turns your tongue into a freak show in short it's a very degenerate thing to do. Red man is my favorite brand.
i did not know that dip is a liquid
Yeah i don't really do it much, only on a tough day at work.
Quit cold turkey for about 2 months. I get cravings
How is it for idiots? Explain
>raisin-flavored chew
get out
what a silly name
Grizz wintergreen is based
Really mint is superior to any other flavor.
A shameful and disgusting habbit
good shit, I like snus also
I can't give up whores either
How is it shameful? I can see how you think its disgusting but i cant see shameful.
been using it for about 15 years.
few months ago I saw my dentist for the first time in nearly 10 years. not a single cavity, nothing.
i watched kids puke in The Sandlot and don't ever want to try it.
Was made for finishing a shift at work
It makes me get all cold and light headed
Idk why cause I smoke a pack a day almost
Holes in your teeth are less concerning than holes in your face
thanks Satan, but my face and gums are fine.
It's for disgusting retards.
Holeee hell
Said the alcoholic about his liver pre-failure.
degenerate, unless you want bone cancer
scandiniggers love it for some reason
i'm dippin some cope straight right now
sup boys
There's a lot of repeating integers in this thread. Don't do drugs kids.
i used to do it in high school but then i stopped and now if i smell it it makes me feel sick
Worse than cigarettes. Entirely déclassé. All my friends-that-chew 's girlfriends are total sluts. No respectable woman would ever consider a relationship with a chewer.
Love it, Cope Wintergreen daily. Cope Black is my favorite but it didn't come around this year. Did anyone find any?
I'll buy a bag of this every couple months, it's nice. Plug too.
What, like french onion? That shit's pretty good with ruffled chips.
t. yankee
Because they're fags.
>Don't do drugs kids
Nah, drugs are cool, just don't do dumb shit like dip or smoking.
You queer?
Kek has spoken. Don't do dip.
Kodiak Wintergreen is god tier
when you first start you get some serious buzzes, but you will get over them.
Yea i dip this all the time
Fuck off DC, you're a cancerous tumor to the midatlantic.
nah thats some pussy shit
i'm not from here lad, chill.
Chewing is for hick's and its fuckijg disgusting
no, its for the average working class citizen with long ass days.
Faggot. Wintergreen all day, erryday
Used to dip in the Navy, good way to pass the time and stay awake in the field. I only did like 2 cans a week and dropped it when I got out two years ago.
I managed to get a lot of signatures in my qual books with dip bribes. Every time I tried it myself it made me want to vomit, glad I didn't get into it myself.