Another video shoes same white guy made to crawl like a dog and drink toilet water
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if only he was indian
Only white people can be racist goy
ohhh the backlash is going to be fucking amazing.
Was that the same guy in the other video? I can't find that one to watch
Designated toilet drinking stations
Only if the right white supremacist groups find out about it
how can Americans be THIS cucked?
Jesus Christ.
Oh don't worry, they will get what's coming to them.
Don't forget Jeff sessions is about to become AG, he's going to send the army into Chicago
Drumpfkins getting cucked by the superior black men.
What a surprise.
Germany making a cuckpost.
What a surprise.
He's literally mentally retarded. They can't even take pride in humiliating him now knowing that he's a retard.
yes they can, same reason anyone can take pride in humiliating you, sensitive retard
But he is not white, still not acceptable though
shitty people do shitty things. it's fucking chicago, this probably happens literally everyday.
everyone needs to stop stirring the pot. want to know the solution to this problem? don't live in chicago. resegregate. there doesn't need to be a violent race war, we just need to segregate - and this has been happening naturally for the past 60 years.
Not only toilet water, but nigger toilet water
white cuckbois BTFO
>Trump supporter
>mentally retarded
A bit redundant but alright
Let Trump get sworn in and then it's time for WAR.
Wow that's funny did you think of it yourself or steal it from the 100 other threads it's posted in?
Niggers pick on the weak like pack animals.
>it's fucking chicago
And if the skin colours where swapped Chicago would be full chimp zone right now
I predict we will have white gangs on the rise to defend themselves.
I can't imagine being a white kid in highschool surrounded by blacks being racist all the time to me.
My highschool was always just mexican vs blacks.
you do know they will bus blacks and beaners into your school districts right?
and they will create 'diversity' programs to move in blacks and beaners as well.
Nothing is happening. There is no backlash. Americans are too cuck to protest or riot. The far right groups in america are keyboard warriors.
Cucks deserve everything they get.
You don't like this behavior but you tolerate it because your a weak pussy who will bend over backwards to appease people that are destroying you.
Appeasement NEVER works. Not in the history books, not in the ghettos of Niggerland.
These fucking niggers are going to jail for a long time
>He's literally mentally retarded
I know, he voted for trump.
okay, does that mean we should have an equally primitive reaction? we should behave like the people who we are constantly criticizing?
wtf I hate Trump now
police now say he was kept fo up to 2 days
>I can't imagine being a white kid in highschool surrounded by blacks being racist all the time to me.
Happened to my father. It feels like getting beat up by feral niggers every week. On top of that, your education is garbage.
PLEASE! I would enlist in a second just to see the look on tyrone's face when he realizes his "gat" can't do shit to a tank.
This video is waking up libcucks. "Fuck Trump" and "Fuck white people" in the same video is exactly what we need. Add in them kidnapping, beating, and forcing a retard to drink out of a toilet, who is far gone enough to have anything but disgust to this?
where exactly am i appeasing anybody? you're just a riled up idiot who can't think straight and want to move more people to your current emotional state. stop projecting and fuck off retard.
White people are weak bitches.
Is he talking about Flint auto workers?
i'm aware, i went to a formerly all white public school that had busses ship the chimps in. i'm saying that resegregation is undeniably the first step in the right direction, white people need to get out of the cities.
Looks like a spic tbbh
This. They are also going to get a slap on the wrist. The cops are already denying this has race and/or political motivations.
They are chalking it up to "young adults" engaging in "stupidity".
You're a 'do nothing' type of person.
Nothing is what our parents did.
Nothing is what our grandparents did.
Nothing is what our great grandparents did.
We have to rise to become the men our fathers were too afraid to be.
>goy just segregate, we'll keep adding more immigrants and you'll keep working to pay for it
Shame all of you are too pussy to do anything. The nogs will get early release and be out in less than 5
so no examples of me appeasing anybody then? just a pivot to a new type of empty rhetoric?
guess i was right then. keep using your jewish tactics to stir the pot, idiot.
>Gas the Kikes. Race War now
Its more than a meme. Its our future.
>The niggers who abused the man will never get in trouble just because "they black he white" or " we wuz just joking arund".
>All the media outlets, leftists, feminists and other twats will most definitely back the fucking niggers up.
>In fact the negros will probably invite the feminists, leftists and sjws just to abuse the poor man.
>Law will never be served because of 'muh feelings'
Observe the race traitor is his natural habitat: comfort and fear.
His type should be annihilated before the jew or even the nigger.
It is because of the weak inaction of "men" like him that we ended up in this mess.
I will stir the pot faggot because the pot needs to be stirred.
You're indifference will get you killed someday and I can't help that your too goddamn stupid to see that.
>goy don't segregate, we need you and the blacks to kill each other so that we can have complete economic and cultural dominance over both of you for another thousand years
jew-signalling retard
>implying blacks are even a formidable enemy
You're the jew here, or if not, a useful idiot.
chocolate bbq when?
You know the blacks will continue to suffocate us through reproduction alone if we don't kill them off.
There will always be leftists trying to feed them more out of self-hatred.
You are part of the problem not the solution.
niggers will be the ones to start the race war. this is what we need to push for
Do we know the identity of the abusers or the man whose getting beaten by any chance?
it's hilarious to me that you think you know how this will play out and that the right decision to make AT THIS POINT in time is to stir the pot. you literally admit that. that says more than enough about who you are as a person and what kind of leadership qualities you lack. you are a useful idiot and someday you will understand that.
I wonder how they'll feel when they get sentenced to 15 years in prison.
If this doesn't redpill you, please don't reproduce.
A white ethnostate must be created and from there the entire planet must be scrubbed clean of shitskin filth. Enough is enough. This is the straw that broke the camel's back. Race war now!
They won't people are saying just kids seeking attention
you're the jew and your arguments are getting more and more desperate. i'm sure the NSA has already begun spying on you because you have no fucking tact so you're of no use to anyone at this point. your only option is to advocate for a race war because any kind of stealth movement would want absolutely nothing to do with you.
stay retarded.
Nothing to see here goy just a silly prank among children.
-Chicago PD
>haha ur dumb cause you actually get mad at this shit
Yes stirring the post AT THIS POINT is the best course of action, this is a story that CAN GET THE NORMIES ON OUR SIDE this can redpill the MASSES if we act quickly.
You would have us sit on our hands and allow (((them))) to build a narrative around this.
Newfags should lurk, not post.
>Loving, tolerant Hillary supporters
I cannot properly express how relieved I am that rancid cunt lost. If she had her way this shit would be considered normal and acceptable.
If that's the case, why didn't he vote Hillary?
>NSA already spying on me.
I use windows 10. Why would I care about the NSA spying on me?
This whole website is run by fucking psy ops organizations and you guys play right into their hands you dumb fucking goys.
Your country is a sorry shithole with all of those Achmeds invading it.
>clean toilet water
Oh well it could be worse. Could have to drink after a nigger
This is so gross and ableist. #NotAllTrumpSupporters are mentally handicapped. Shame on you!
Fucking stupid brit. What are we supposed to protest? Some niggers nigged? All this means is that if a nigger fucks even slightly with me I'm going to blow his brains out. Not much different than normal.
>forcing him to drink after female baboon piss
Dont put that image in my head, user
And just so the NSA spying on me knows, LARPing isn't illegal. Its a fun way to spend your time.
Its night there
Many old people asleep
Be patient
>You would have us sit on our hands and allow (((them))) to build a narrative around this.
lol nice false sense of urgency retard. the videos are already online, how bad could their narrative possibly be? the right has been successful because the left has been caught manipulating the narrative all throughout 2016. you actually must wait for them to create their narrative to establish a counter-narrative.
remember, we're the people who wait for the facts until we decide? oh right, you're a jewish emotionally-manipulative pot stirrer who's probably borderline retarded, my bad.
leave the strategy and move signalling to people who actually have a brain and not trigger happy retards.
Who gives a shit. Shit like this happens in Chicago all the time and it's probably happening to multiple others in the city as we speak.
Suddenly, now that the victim is some white autist and was posted on social media, white people care now?
Fuck off white people.
Not going to watch the video, but is there any chance that those in the video may believe they are acting out a movie scene? Is it possible the "victim" has been made up to look physically injured? Perhaps the video was sponsored by US Nazis or White Supremacists in the hopes of starting a race war... More Russian propaganda, perhaps?
Just because an event is depicted on the internet doesn't mean it is a legitimate event, you know... Maybe we should ALL become more discriminating about who or what we allow to push our buttons!
>how bad could their narrative possibly be?
Were you not here for the entire 2016 election? All it takes is to only mendtion it in passing and claim the Trump supporter was racist and people won't give it a second look. We need to put this in people faces.
>remember, we're the people who wait for the facts until we decide?
Your right, maybe they really did this because they were good boys and dindu nuffin, dey be getting their lives back on track an going to church every sunday.
>leave the strategy and move signalling to people who actually have a brain and not trigger happy retards.
I'll say it again. Newfags should lurk, not post.
Is CTR back?
Good bait, but I'll reply. The kid is autistic, that makes it worse.
this is the only answer to the nigger problem. anything less than this and you are a cuck that deserves to die with them.
>Suddenly, now that the victim is some white autist and was posted on social media, white people care now?
Yes, exactly nigger. Why would we care about you baboons?
Ffs, it's time. Gas all the monkeys and their Jewish overlords, for the sake of the entire human species.
>mfw suddenly this board cares about autists
This has been said multiple times on Sup Forums daily for years. Are you finally going to follow through?
>reactionist garbage
were you not here for the 2016 election? did you not remember when the moderates sided with us and we won? oh right, you're a stooge looking for an excuse to be emotionally-manipulative on a mass scale.
>Your right, maybe they really did this because they were good boys and dindu nuffin, dey be getting their lives back on track
complete mischaracterization of my argument, being intentionally subversive is more evidence of your underlying jewishness.
i don't even know why i'm arguing with you because all your effort will be for nothing anyway. you aren't wielding the persuasive tongue, your weak rhetoric will only ever be effective or get a positive affirmation from people who are already sympathetic to your viewpoint. even for a pot stirrer, you are pretty bad lol.
>being overly eager for a race war
>thinking you will redpill normies like this
a thousand keks.
Seeing as the race war has OFFICIALLY begun, its time to take the oath and fight the niggers back to africa.
“I vow to you, Donald J Trump, as Führer and President of the White American Reich, loyalty and bravery. I vow to you and to the leaders that you set for me, absolute allegiance until death. So help me God”.
Do you even know what reactionist means?
>subversive is more evidence of your underlying jewishness.
Right. All I read is.
>lay down and accept this, don't seize an opportunity when it arises
And you call me the jew.
I'll just go start another nigger hate thread, you keep doing nothing.
Anybody catch how the white boy tried to communicate to the coons in their native Ebonics?
Oh no, even if there's no media backlash this is going to sit in the mind's of American's everywhere. How do you think Trump got elected?
This shit pisses me the fuck off. What can we do to spread this everywhere? People need to be outraged by this. White people need to be the most pissed. This was a hate crime and it should be called by name
>he thinks he's doing something
go ahead, we'll all join in after you.