If you needed any reason to stop smoking marijuana - you have one now

if you needed any reason to stop smoking marijuana - you have one now

Turns your skin dark and makes you inexplicably record yourself doing criminal things.

Worse than heroin, at least heroin addicts keep their skin color

>My enemy has a wife.

Wtf, I hate my wife now!

Because niggers smoke it?

I think niggers eat food and drink water too, time to stop both of those

had a cone 10 minutes ago, still white bro

>niggers eat food and drink water

Bluepilled faggot detected.

She dindu nuffin

everyone smokes marijuana in north america ausfag. it's just the autists go on making videos smoking blunts and muh 420

I would fuck the dogshit out of that dumb negro.

>Dylan Roof is okay
>hurting one literal retard (((Trump))) kid's feelings is annudah shoah

really makes you think about antiSJWs being the true SJWs

Inb4 addicted pot heads justify themselves being niggers

if you needed any reason to stop breathing - you have one now

>smoking anything ever
How retarded do you have to be to think that breathing smoke is a good idea?

Degenerate detected

Not our redpilled scientists and generals, just your faggy blue pilled prime minister and """""country""""""


It isn't even fun

Don't blame this on weed. That was niggers pure and simple.

Smoking weed makes you feel giddy, it's fun but to do it every week let alone daily you'd need the weak mind of a child.
You might not be addicted to it like heroin or get a hangover like alchohol but it does make you passive, lame and dull losing interest in anything and anyone.

Yeah cause being redpilled ruins your high.
Living in a homogeneous White state or country?
I'd be baked all day without smoking

>but duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude weed
Christ, how did Sup Forums get infested with so many pot smoking degenerates