Marvel = ultimate cucks?
Pic related, cover of latest "Captain America" issue.
No, I'm not joking.
Marvel = ultimate cucks?
Pic related, cover of latest "Captain America" issue.
No, I'm not joking.
Comics have been cucked for a while now, where have you been?
Yeah but they at least tried to hide it, or normalize it so it wouldn't look too out of place.
How long until pre 2015 comics are considered hate speech ?
Another page.
This blond woman is supposed to be the villain.
Literally what
shameless self bump
Well it is the current year...
>makes perfectly reasonable points
Only in Marvel/DC
But she's white. Everyone knows whiteys are the racist sexist bigoted Islamophobic oppressors I mean come in it's 2017
I heard on some radio show driving home the other day that when Chris Evans' contract is up and they pick a new actor to play Cap, they're going to make him a goddamn faggot.
is this satirical or some shit? Blonde lady is literally perfect conservative waifu, not a villian
Errr, this has to be edited. Or some polack works in Marvel.
>they look like suicide bombers
>"here to teach you tolerance or ELSE"
>"this campus is a SAFE SPACE, for everyone but YOU"
is this some post-ironic shit
I thought Chris Evans was already a faggot though
>autisticly draws power fantasies of defeating white people
Fuck. They should have fired his bitch ass right after that.
I know, the whole thing reads like a satire.
>Consider THIS your trigger warning!
And Sup Forumsck gobblers eat this up?
Wait is this shit for real?
no its Sup Forums baiting Sup Forums again
those guys get their shit kicked in by sam wilson's sidekicks
that isn't a cover
also apparently those were the bad guys of the issue
>fireing people for dissing Trump
Oh my sweet child.
This is painting these feminazi crazies as the insane cunts they actually are.
This is pretty funny actually.
I genuinely can't tell if its satire or not, fucking kek
wew, this timeline
>That line
Great Scott what have we come to
At least DC doesn't update their characters every few years to be the new poster boy(girl) of progress though.
Sup Forums prefers DC comics to Marvel. Marvel is 100% trash. While there's some SJW pandering, a good amount of DC books still are mostly about capes beating up bad guys
>Spend years pandering to libfags and special snowflakes
>Sales plummet to all time lows
>long term dedicated fanbase starting to leave en masse
>Damage control
>depicting extreme left as the morons they are
Too little too late Marvel
Holy fuck is this serious ?
Their still on that slippery slope user.
Wonder Woman has been like that since the 40s it's nothing new
DC feels more cohesive in general
marvel has more flavour, which means you get more pure-shit tasting things but also a few specially nice ones
They're the bad guys, right? The things they're saying are how stereotypical bad guys would speak.
What did they mean by this?
Its jest at this point surely
>change your comics for the left and the left keeps on bitching
So they poke fun at them
We should be rioting...oh wait..BLM already did.
This is textbook post-irony if you have never seen it.
The sad thing is I can't if this is legit or not. Fuck the west
Basically the issue is about how the SJWs villians are too far left and how the heroes brand of leftism is better than being too far left or something like that.
It's funny how Sup Forums is more civil about this and calling it as it is while Sup Forums is chimping out and blaming everyone who hates it as Sup Forums. It's really nice to see people who are civil about how the comics is pandering to a crowd that Sup Forums knows and dislikes and ignores.
Bullshit. No way these are real.
>a crowd that Sup Forums knows and dislikes and ignores.
You mean routinely chimps out about?
How are actual IRL libcuck snowflakes reacting to this? Lol
I'd imagine not good. Unless they don't understand their special buzzwords are being made fun of
It seems like it's criticizing the sjw movement
Here are links for you guys.
>Lauren Yiannopoulos
Basically he's doing it to piss off both sides.
Is it me or did I already see this thread with these exact same posts before?
This is the red skull speech all over again.
This has to be fake.
No, no this can't be real
at least it's a woman
This literally gave me cancer/I'm shaking right now. Kill me now.
He didn't do a very good job if he wanted to piss off the right then as he had the right villain have some very moderate and actually logical arguments. She wasn't very far right at all.
Where as the libcucks were very blatantly the punchline of this comic. Which I did not expect to ever see from current marvel
>Reading the four-color jew
>mfw I enlarge pic to save it and immediately notice the loss edit.
I've been here too long, holy shit, and the worst part is I don't want to leave.
Just read manga.
It is.
>the radical left look like retarded cunts as intended
>The radical right actually looks completely sane and reasonable, probably not as intended
wednesday is the new comics day
every out of context panel on a new comic gets spammed here and in Sup Forums the same day every week
We have reached a point where the primary antagonist of one of America's most iconic super hero seems like the good guy.
>insane SJWs who want to kill
>"this is really happening"
>combine Lauren Southern and Milo
What a world we live in.
This, ever since hillary lost white women have been thrown under the privilege bus. Pretty soon Asians will too. This is the beginning of the left eating itself
...hail hydra, mother fuckers
Fucking comics.
>"zeus wouldnt want his son abusing women"
They know nothing about anything
You go girl.
>picking the ONE comic where the bad guys are literally jews and feminists
This shit is bonkers.
Why would anybody think that sounds evil?
>The god of lightning and shipshifting to rape other things
>mad at this
I was thinking they were aiming for more Lahren.
Holy shit this is funny.
White nerds won't read it because obvious reasons.
Muslim males won't read it because they have no respect for women.
Muslim women won't read it because their husbands / fathers won't let them.
That will be the day of pitchforks and torches at Marvel. They are fucking with forces far greater than they understand.
Oppression culture? Safe space? Fucking hell, this sounds like language straight out of Just Cause 2 or Far Cry 2. Some communist African dictator on the loudspeak.
>People of Dindunuffinzland! Eet is time for tha oppression foh ouh peepole to end! Now eez the time for re-vo-lution! My allies! A safe space foh us, once ahnd foh ahl!
>Muslim women won't read it because their husbands / fathers won't let them.
Like Muslim women can even read
Can someone redpill me on Captain America coming out as a hydra supporter, from what I've been told? I can't think of anything but brainwashing that could cause it to happen.
>how can marvel even compete
'Batman Homecoming' (2017)
OP is a giant faggot
This isn't the cover and these characters are meant to mock campus SJW's. They're the bad guys trying to stop a conservative speaker on a college campus and they get taken out by the actual good guys.
Why the 180?
Sales were so bad when they tried to pander to SJWs that now they're backpeddling and trying to pander to the alt-right, or atone for their sins?
That's great that they're all SJW
But no one reads that shit, and once they start making movies about it (after all the good stories from the 60's - 90's are used), no one is going to read/watch or buy it.
You can't target a minority market and expect to make any money on it.
Come on this has to got be an edit.
Are we getting raided or are comics really this bad?
t. Functioning adult who has not read a comic in a decade.
look Sup Forums you and I both know comics are pretty fucking degenerate these days and have been pushing this sjw agenda shit super hard these past few years (specifically marvel), but you'd have to be fucking retarded to not notice this shit is blatant satire.
It's definitely real. I think the intention was Red Skull just saying what the people in the crowd want to hear to get them to join his terrorist group, but it worked too well and made the actual readers side with him taking it for face value.
even libs realize that campuses are going off the rails
you aint seen nothin yet
friendly neighborhood spiderman
Hands off, patriarchy!
God, I wish all men were just dead
The Cosmic Cube became a living person (a little girl) and Red Skull manipulated her. She manipulated the universe to make Steve a secret Hydra agent.
Why dafuq does Hercules (I just asume he is it) even feel the punch from this captain murica cosplayer girl ?
This man is supposed to be the most powerful demigod of all time, a female mortal shouldn't even be able to even get his attention by punching him.
The males sjw's costume should be a white knight.
Nothing is sacred anymore
>firing people for opinions
Come on user, it's the current year
It's not just Marvel that's fucked.
>use truth lasso on someone
>turns out he is talking about something he actually believes in
>presents things as they are
>don't like it so they punch his lights out
Sometimes I wish you could have that wish, just so all of us can watch from the ether as you cunts destroy civilization and finally have no one to blame but yourselves.