What do you memesters seriously expect from his admnistration? Positive or negative
What do you memesters seriously expect from his admnistration? Positive or negative
nothing. i cashed out my chips a long time ago. the absolute shittershattering the left gets when Trump is even mentioned is what i love. Each time a 'journalist' gets yelled out of a building. best christmas present ever
I expect a major depression followed possibly by revolution when Trump tanks the economy
lots of optimism for americas future. usa is going to stop reversing into the direction of a 3rd world shithole and start going forward back to greatness again
Literally too lazy to right click > inspect element and change the text properly.
come on Juan.
I believe in you, user
>trump is the last stage of capitalism
leftards are insanely delusional
capitalism survived a world war, a big crash, another world war, a cold war during which a president was assassinated, another was impeached, and another was a hollywood actor, then survived another big crash...
but yeah sure, trump will be the end of capitalism, retards
Expect or hope?
I hope Trump completely demolishes Mexico's middle class combined with increased prices for everything so that there is massive discontent and popular uprising in Mexico that would topple the government and kick off a new Mexican CIvil War (last one was in 1911 right?) that would then see 15 to 20 million Mexican refugees stream into the southern and southeastern United States that the Americans would be powerless to stop.
>ID: ....keK
refugees out illegals out
law and order no safe spaces to destroy.
the economy is already on stilts, I don't expect it to be glorious, but I do expect him to give america its bitter but necessary medicine. liberals defending the 20 hour a week welfare slave economy lul
>tfw Kek gives you his blessing but no one notices
Oh well
because he gave me a better blessing
kill yourselves
i hope he kills all the mestizos
no you kill yourself my dude
Either less gun control, or at least nothing new added.
Legit only reason I voted Trump.
Shit game desu
it's real
How exactly is Trump going to demolish Mexico's GDP worse than they do to themselves?
>kill yourself my dude
Positivity, if not from Trump's actions themselves from the change in public discourse he provokes.
I don't get why blacks love him, black people respect arrogance.
Don't you have some rioting to do, Manuel?
I feel like everyone is completely missing the boat when it comes to Trump's economic policy. The reality is that the United States is losing ground in certain industries to less developed countries because they do not take the high road when it comes to things like civil rights, pollution, workers laws, etc...
I understand in a modern society we need to have some level of civility when it comes to these issues but many would argue that the Democrats have tipped the scales too far to the left. As a result, the United States has hamstrung itself and is going to fall victim to globalization because government has become too concerned with regulating businesses.
Ask yourself this: is it better that the United States has a factory with underpaid workers or is it better that China has a factory with underpaid workers? It's a difficult question to ask but at least Trump is asking it. I think the answer is a compromise of some sort but one thing is for damn sure: the current climate is not conducive for any form of industrialization and liberals have absolutely no intention of reversing the status quo
This isn't even his final stage!
Capitalism caused all those things
at least capitalism has been tried (and it worked)
I think you mean jews.
They're already plotting against him,
>the MUH FAITHLESS ELECTORS was a ploy, to give us false confidence
(((They))) have too much power already. They will deliberately crash the economy in a few years, and inflate another ""recovery"" once a Democrat steps in.
>They have to wait long enough for Trump ALONE to be blamed
>the normies will eat that shit up
>"dumb conservaturds voted Drumpf and ruined it, Obama wuz the best president"
>asian countries
pick one
a wall
I expect leftist asspain and chances are very good I'm gonna get it.
niggers tongue my anus
>ID: ZzZ
Kek has described your bait most accurately
A smoking hole that used to be chicago and a wall you paid for.
Something similar to the Bush years.
Libtards will call everything fascist and pretend to care about the Constitution again while everything will actually be pretty decent if you aren't being blown to pieces in a ZOG war.
>argentinian admits chile is the best latin american country
For you OP
it was when i made that image
not anymore now that argentina is capitalist
capitalism ho, just works
do you have any more?
Chart on the right is fake
You think you're funny? Why do you do this?
be more specific
how so? it's when they split hispanic from white, and the white rate dropped like a hammer
America get BIG BIG greatness. Make money very much. Very smart. Very good country. TRUMP
Everything I'm finding suggests non-Hispanic white rates are closer to 2 per 100k. Obviously black kill more, but the white homicide rate is only that low in states like New Hampshire.
To us i only expect despair, the chaos has already begun and he is not officially president.
2 per 100k is including hispanics
here's the one used in the image
For trump particularly,
Literally just keks. I expect it will be a social media presidency with no real change. However its a massive opportunity to redpill the world about the (((Political Elite))).
They have no idea how to deal with the bombastic absolute madman!
Oh, you.
Ah shit you're right, I messed up my math with Hispanic whites. Thanks Kek-blessed bro, you are truly the whitest nation in the world.
>doing anything but fuck up
that's a funny chart because south korea was also heavily statist with the government under park chung hee heavily subsidising and directing economic policy
you what the real difference between the two koreas was? one was a us cocksucker
asian countries are mercantilist fyi
your chart is crap
the economical crisis in chile started with allende, not with pinochet, it took a few years to straighten
and then another regional crisis happened, and it happened not because of "neoliberalism", but because all the leftard government were printing too much money and thus caused hyperinflation
also chile never reformed their economy after pinochet, they still have the same stuff in place, so even today it's thanks to him
mercantilism and capitalism aren't mutually exclusive
A lot of meme magik
Park Chung Hee was killed in 1979. Notice how South Korea only significantly diverges from North Korea starting around 1983?
It would be really badass if he actually tweeted this.
>a legitimate reply
>no replies
Is there anywhere to have legitimate diacussions without it being a retarded echo chamber wherr people spout simplistic opinions?
>example is 10 dead
>example is 1000 dead
meanwhile, in the communist/marxist equivalent...
>6 million
>3 million
>countries collapse
>millions flee countries
praise kek
this one blows leftists away
Man, was this comic really made to say that people "stealing" memes is a jewish conspiracy? Do you have a job? What does a normal Monday look like for you?