>Why did you not work out today POL?
>Are you preparing yourself to be a warrior in our up coming war against the commie scum?
>Working out keeps you body and mind sharp
>If you did not workout today you are not truly against degeneracy
>Check in if you made it to the gym today.
>says user, while posting pictures of an obvious roider
Don't worry user, you'll get there too eventually by staying natty!!!!!
What commies?
maybe, but god damn he was a fantastic looking roider, asthetic as fuck bro
He had perfect proportions
Did chest then came back in again and did arms, its all pointless though there will be no war and even if there was why fight.
How do I get prescribed testosterone to increase gains?
I've been doing SL 5x5 and have been slowly improving but I took two months off during the holiday travels. Feel like everything is lost so much
You're damn right, how can the modern man hope to compare
Nice user I hit my traps,abs and chest. Working the traps and abs hard lately.
>Work out
>Looks at my body
Got any links to helpful articles? Other than /fit/.
>tfw have this exact body type
>tfw ruined by a minor case of pectus excavatum
i whent to boxing today
Okay, no, I didn't work out TODAY, precisely. Or in recent memory...but I've definitely been considering it for when I get some more free time.
I bought $3500 worth of hoisting equipment the other day actually, just waiting for it to arrive.
what is POL stand for?
I'm huge
Feelin fit buddy?
Eh. In my case nobody gives a shit. Just go to the gym and go about your daily business.
-Loose weigh and Gain muscle. But I know that's an oxymoron.
>Mad it to the gym
I'm anti social so I spent basically all of my funds on one to put in my garage. Does this count?
Getting there. Cardio 6 times a week 30 minutes. 3 days a week heavy lifting.
What's SL 5x5?
Don't gym anymore. After two years I never got big and didn't want to juice.
I do 3 days cardio, 2 days ruck. Push ups, sit ups, crunches, pull ups, and dumbbell lifts at home everyday.
Strong lifts 5x5.
Use it everyday, just do reps while making food or whatever.
You don't have to talk to anyone put earbuds in.
I did. I'm actually using one of Arnold's routines, lol.
The true patrician's sport. Good job!
5x5 being volume? Is that ideal? I've got no idea what the fuck I'm doing. I'm doing 4 sets of 10.
>I did. I'm actually using one of Arnold's routines, lol.
How is it?
I tried, but I had 0 energy and couldn't maintain proper form. I'm extremely pissed at myself
Yooo I have that pullup bar!
I don't know, that's why I'm asking you guys.
But 5 reps of 5 sets has gotten my squats and everything else up. I have trouble keeping my feet flat though so I've been going light to make sure form is good.
Diet is key. If you are not eating right you will not see results.
5 sets of 5 is usually pretty universal in starter workouts
Nah, it's not my diet. Lately I've had to stay up later because my gfs dog is dying and stressing her and me out. I just need to adjust my sleep schedule
I went for a run good enough
If yall niggers haven't done so yet - HIT UP /fit/
At least for the sticky, it has plenty of good shit to utilize.
Stop preparing your meals with your feet, pervert.
are you an actual retard?
snowed in so i just did some pushups, no excuses they say but its good enough excuse for me today. Any other leafs know this feel?
What matters when lifting
1. Breath
2.Mind muscle focus
3.Proper form
Yeah but I've got one at home now so I'm pretty content. I'm pretty sure I need more weights tho.
I never understood how to squat properly. I think I have the same problem as you, in that I can't keep my feet flat.
I'm not even sure I'm doing anything regarding squats properly. Are you supposed to have a stand for the bar so you can get under it and then lift, because why I'm doing doesn't feel right.
Yes you need a stand for squats.
Alright. I'd imagine you could move more mass if you do less individual reps I suppose. I've always been told that 10/12 by 3/4 was the way to go, but I don't hear the professionals agreeing with me.
It's the "blueprint to cut". It works really well, and I'm actually gaining more strength on it than I was on powerlifting routines even though I'm cutting weight right now. The downside is that it's time-consuming and exhausting.
What the fuck? I need to have breathing technique and mind muscle vodoo and shit? No wonder I'm shit at this. I had no idea.
Which routine is it?
My problem is my heels come up.And yes, I think that is how you're supposed to get it off the rack. I leave it a little bit lower than my shoulders and just lift it up with my legs.
I also rest the bar on the top/mid of my shoulder blades instead on on my actual shoulders.
I turned my head briefly to watch a girl walking out of Planet Fitness this morning, so I reckon I'm covered.
Just got back from the gym actually. Racket ball and inclined treadmill 2 miles at 3mph 15 degree incline.
I have a hard time putting on muscle mass so I'm just trying to lose the last 15 pounds (lost 60 already, 210 down to 150 in 18 months).
Next is a martial art or fighting style but my gym doesn't offer any free classes.
Thinking of changing to golds gym who has a real kickboxing class with a former competitive kick boxer teaching.
Back still fucked. Miss the iron so much ;_; Will probably go for MRI and spinal corticosteroid shot and see if i can rehab it more effectively that way.
today was just cardio. auntie's Christmas pies ruined me though i feel like a fatty. Break was nice but I feel like I just lost a lot of hard work.
Im not claiming to be bodybuilder tier shredded and pushups are better than nothing, and still useful for general fitness, if you can't make it to the gym.
>implying I meant pushups will get you shredded and huge
This one. bodybuilding.com
A lot of their diet advice is BS to sell supplements, but the routine's nice.
Push ups are garbage in general. Just buy some dumbbells
I'm not so sure on the science of it, there may be more efficient reps. I think a big part is that it's pretty well rounded and an easy number to remember.
>dips, pushups, pull-ups, running, and other body weight exercises only
one hand, pussies.
That sounds good the me apart from the heals.
Does anyone here know a good way to get your heals down for squats without snapping your Achilles tendon?
Every day is lat day.
>smol chest
>no biceps
Sounds about right.
Reps and sets are actually pretty important depending on the goal you wish to accomplish. The intervals of rest are important too.
A body builder and a powerlifter will have entirely different rep/set/rest increments.
There's som science behind it. The way it's set up, lower reps at higher weight increases strength capacity, while higher reps at lower weight increases muscle size. There's a chart you'll see on /fit/ that between 5-8 reps is worthless for additional gains, and that 5 and 10-12 are peak muscle use areas.
Tl;dr lifting high for less for strength and low for more for size
The fuck is this nonsense?
Traps are king though
No, I'm serious. What commies? If you are referring to the Russia "issue", which there is still no proofs of, they haven't been communist in some time. Are you retarded?
how is stating hthe obvious "nonsense"? Buying some dumbbells will benefit you more than push ups will.
I read doing toddler stretches. Hardest thing for me is finding time to actually go to the gym because it feels like I don't have any time for leisure.
Checking in. Worked on grip strength in conjunction with back / bi
I work out 3 days in a row, take one rest day, work out 3 days in a row, take one rest day, etc.
It's pretty nice.
This is Sup Forums, m8. Do you really think these sperglords lift? You know damn well a good 90% are DYEL.
No not Russians. The commies and marxist dindus in this country.
Heading out from work to go lift in less than an hour!
Push-ups and a pull-up bar are the poor mans gym.
You can look good naked with just those exercises.
No you aren't going to get massive but otterization is attainable.
that nigga could glide if he ran jjumped off a hill head first
B.S. Show me a dude with a 40 inch chest who can bench 600 and I'll listen. You don't gain muscle without getting stronger, and you don't get stronger without gaining muscle.
Nothing screams "meathead" louder than a neck that's trying to swallow your skull.
no body gives a shit for me either it just ruins it I could have had a damn near perfect body
>mfw I have a super-wide shoulder girdle and really wide traps, which combined with a long fucking neck make it impossible to have the traps of my dreams
What equipment is the best to get /fit/ if I get a gym membership?
>had to deload all compounds besides bench
>doing 215 for working sets tomorrow
2pl8 soon
when do you guys actually see noticeable muscle gain?
thanks for reminding me, im going to do arm curls till i get bored.
Just got back from a hockey skate, some fucking faggot was wearing a black lives matter Minneapolis sweatshirt. It took every ounce of me not to kill this kid in the locker room. He was with his dad and a little kid so me an my bro woulda got in big trouble for knocking out a whole family. Turns out kid couldn't even skate and even worse HE WAS A FUCKING LEAF REEEEEEEE
I ran for the first time in a while today, something to do in between lifting days. My current routine is one I got for free on this iOS app, i'm hitting diminishing returns on it so im probably going to start Starting Strength tomorrow.
No, you need to have proper form and breath in when contracting your muscle, out when relaxing, and focus on that part of your body while doing it, you will know when to stop like this yourself and reps&sets becomes irrelevant.
All you need is a bench, a barbell, and a squat rack.
Should have checked his ass into the boards
Wrong. There are two ways you gain muscle mass. One is by increasing the size f the muscle fibers. This generates more strength. The second method is by increasing the space between muscle fibers. This is the method typically associated with hypertrophy.
>>Why did you not work out today POL?
Because I didn't want to.
Here's some links on it. It's called sarcoplasmic hypertrophy.
You may see a couple of other places saying it's a myth, but they are blogs and not held up by actual science.
>B.S. Show me a dude with a 40 inch chest who can bench 600 and I'll listen. You don't gain muscle without getting stronger, and you don't get stronger without gaining muscle.
Alright, so what's your opinion on this.
That sounds pretty bro-sciency, but I'll take note.
>I read doing toddler stretches
Stretching you hamstring? Like, touching you toes to bend your foot towards your body?
>Hardest thing for me is finding time to actually go to the gym because it feels like I don't have any time for leisure.
Another reason I spent hundreds on the bench, the weights, a weight stand, bars, and dumbells for the garage. I'm not sure this is wise, but it's convenient. It's so close that a fleeting moment of boredom can get you out there.
Although being able to speak to experts at a gym is the kind of thing that makes it worth going. That and that fucking squatting stand that I don't fucking have. Fuck.
Would a time stamped photo of my little makeshift gym reaffirm your faith in Sup Forums?
It'd help a little. The "makeshift" part makes me dubious, though.
I did work out today. Going to try for the French Foreign Legion this summer to BTFO Muslim niggers in Africa