Southern Boyz thread - Dimebag Edition
DAC has that same guitar
complete with rebel flag? jealous
exactly the same
are you into ray wylie hubbard?
his albums sound kinda forced but live performances are great
It's a good listen bruv. I'll always love Pantera because they're local boys here (DFW area texas) and anyone that's seen em will tell you they put on an insane show.
I only know walk, not really into metal and heavy music, got a recommendation other than walk
cowboys from hell and domination are great
i love cemetery gates too, classic riffs
their anti media album.
ALL albums leading up to REINVENTING THE STEEL and that one too if you like it.
fuck, that was pretty heavy
not my scene but the rhythm section of cowboys from hell is ok
He did an album with dime, vin, and rex
IF you want the softer side with rhythm listen to their song The Sleep, that's a damn sick all around guitar tour.
here bruv youtube.com
Post it senpai
Bit of Dime trivia you lot might like
>be about 20, meet a chick at a pub who was about 32
>Get to talking, music comes up, say Pantera is one of my favourite bands and Dime one of my fave guitarists
>Says she went to one of their aussie shows when she was about 17 and got pulled out of the crowd to go backstage after the gig
>Fucks Dimebag and her friend fucked Phil
>Later that night I fucked her
tfw had the honour of putting my dick in the same hole as Dimebags once was
Should check out the pre-cfh shit, too. 4 albums, kinda hair/glam metal. Some of the recording quality is shitty. But you can tell it's dime playing immediately. "Power Metal" is prob the best quality. I think it's the first with Phil
lead around 3 min mark was heaps good, cheers
thanks bro this is good shit.
One of his best solos. Check the solo on this one
holy fuck, this is top shit
No prob. They released this posthumously. Pretty sweet we get to hear some "new" stuff so long after the tragedy. Apparently vinnie paul was going to release shit regularly.. but hasnt since that album
Yeah country/metal fusion. Whole album is great. I'm somewhat disappointed this isn't more well known amongst dudes that would lurk a pantera thread on Sup Forums. I almost didn't click it, because i fig'd it be full of people trollin.
oi, I just looked up dimebag
whats the deal with his murder, seems suspect as fuck.
the cunt was either pissed off that pantera was over or that they stole his song
what do you guys think it all was?
I didn't even know who the pic was of
just saw the confederate flag and I usually get on with you cunts
Lmao. Dunno about the murder. I heard some shit phil (the singer) was all fucked up and in a magazine interview said someone should shoot dime or someshit. His brother (the drummer) vinnie paul blames him. Wouldn't even let him in the funeral, still wont talk to him.
Fun fact tho, he got shot by a "deranged fan" the same date lennon got shot by a "deranged fan" if that adds to the "suspect as fuck" thing
fucking hell, that is weird
why did phil say that? was the band already broken up?
He stopped answering calls, he had like 2 side projects going on, was on pills or heroin or something. They decided to start another band. He was a mess. You can tell he def feels bad about it all tho
threads about to die, cheers for the info and only a few mins left, its pretty good
Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums, a place with an iq bump of like 50. The thing is, I only know of DD from the story of is assassination, replete with unsung heroes who died rushing the gunman. I don't care about trolls or memes here, the passengers on flight something something 9/11, when they knew they were dead, fought back.
Hate to say it, but Jews helped kill each other during the Shoah. Fuckin' fact.
The point of the matter is if you like music, you're on Sup Forums, you're smarter than the average Sup Forums user (to say the least), and like music, I have a suggestion, especially for agnostics. Because the Drake Equation begs the question, why is the Universe silent? For fucks sake,
N = R* f_p n_e f_l f_i f_c L
And hear it in the song Abiogenesis from Carbon Based Lifeforms
Respect to music and those that make it, and RIP Dimebag Darrel
Mouth for War, Revolution is my Name. Just don't venture into their glam metal days