Why are Slavic women so ridiculously beautiful?
How can Germanic women even hope to compete with their absolute gorgeousness?
Why are Slavic women so ridiculously beautiful?
How can Germanic women even hope to compete with their absolute gorgeousness?
Because when the Ruskies came back home after the war there were so few men they got to pick the cream of the crop. Basically, all the ugly women died out. Its like accidental eugenics. Dont quote me on this tho.
They were beautiful long before WW2 though, although that is absolutely true. It would have been amazing in some ways to be a man in Russia after WW2. You'd literally have your pick of any number of 10/10s.
Czech and hungarian girls are legend tier beauties.
This is the last generation of beautiful slavic women, brace yourself for their nigger babies.
Fuck off, you disgusting, worthless shitskin. Poo in loo.
Woah India, calm down. Everything is going to be aight.
They look very similar to middle eastern or North Indian women in facial/cranial bone structure and features, minus the melanin
Czechs are the only good looking Slavs women. other slav women look like crack addicts.
keep making these posts, we need to make white people angry so they actually do something and save us from the incoming 4 billion Africans.
Ukrainian women are the most beautiful Slavic women.
Czech women are unfortunately contaminated with dirty Germanic blood.
I had a russian gf once, she was the most unstable person I have ever met. I this a trait of slavic women?
Those are snakes with tits. Don't trust'em. Just fuck and dump.
I heard it has something to do with good old European tradition of burning beautiful women at a stake for witchcraft.
Actually it was pretty much exclusively ugly women who were burned.
70 years of kike communism did it. Your women will also be like that if you give them any influence in your society.
Only the beautiful girls here reproduce, the ugly ones die out.
imagine a fart wafting right under her nose.
she has that kind of bone structure
She's literal perfection.
dad is an asshole
mother is alright
don't race mix
>I had a russian gf once, she was the most unstable person I have ever met
same, she even went through the 'shaving her head' phase while i was with her and would never stop smoking or drinking
>Canada doing anything to save white race
Because slavs were born to be the perfect slave race. The men are ugly and stupid and the women are beautiful. They've been slaves to everyone since their conception.
Lol u must be a trainwreck
Wasn't eugenics a thing decades ago in slavic countries?
That could explain why the average girl there tends to be above average in comparison to outside.
In Poland we have this saying:
>Ugly like a German women
Yes, had a Ukrainian gf who was bi-polar as fuck. Best friend Slav buddy can confirm -the women are unstable.
hapa females are fine though?
ive never met a hapa male that wasn't mentally unstable though
All slavic women are beatiful actually. Czech , Slovakian, Polish etc.
Slavs = master race. One day you all will have to admit the truth, and bow to your slav masters.
And also
Entire generations of selective breeding for female sex slaves and stronk and stupid in the men for menial labour and cannon fodder
>Slavic women
Now quit cherry picking and post the non models
Just watch you bitch's sugar intake and she will stabilize.
>went back home
not being deported to gulag for being a war hero
wew lads
Post face, I'm genuinely curious what you look like.
>All slavic women are beatiful actually.
That's becuase these groups have a closer common origin than they do to Western Europeans. Slavs were the northern people of this group, Persians the middle, and North Indians the South. Slavs migrated north and west, Persians settled modern day Afganistan and Iran, and North Indians are self explainitory, though North Indians are much more mixed now than the original NIs.
Being Slavic myself, don't think I haven't noticed how the 'whiter' Iranians and Indians don't look like Slavs with darker features.
Besides the drug addicts, there are less low hanging fruit than in the UK or the states
its a tranny fyi
If you kill your heros, they win
Look like not don't look like*.
Generally these are the Zorastrian Iranians and some of the high class Indians.
Not really.
Take a trip to any slavic region, they have just as many uggos as anywhere else.
The average ones are just average, you arej just focusing on high-end ones.
Comparable to average cali girls (haven't really been anywhere else so I can't comment on other states)
but without the entire annoying and loud thing
you're deluding yourself. Through confirmation bias you're only exposing yourself to exceptionally beautiful Slavic women
in reality, the average slavic woman (and almost other countries at this point) looks like a drug addict (probably because the average slavic woman is a drug addict)
confirmed for never having walked around moscow
How can Germanic women even hope to compete with their absolute gorgeousness?
Non-slav genes
Slavic women also age like milk, they all end up looking like current Tommy Lee Jones or Clint Eastwood.
I've been to Prague, admittedly it's not a true Slavic village but compared to Liverpool where I live now and when I was living in London it's full of attractive women
Doesn't that already make them a couple points higher?
This kielbasa woman is in her 40's in this pic
True, but by that time you will also look like shit
>using Internet Explorer
>expecting me to take your opinion seriously
Pick one fampachi
Look at Donald Trump.
He's 70 and yet look like a legit 50
White males age slower than females
When I was in Poland I saw a ton of super hot women, with guys that looked twice their age
this, same reason while male population is violent alcohol and drug addicts.
fucking commies
Its called a phone, brainiac, other browsers are trash on this phone.
Tell us how you use google chrome though
Here's your (YOU)
Thanks for the reply, now back to fucking ladyboys
You either die a hero, or live long enough to see your enemies win.
it's their historical arranged marriage patterns. The brides were selected by families of wealthy men almost solely for their beauty.
That's because he's a billionaire and he has incredible health care, he also looks older than 50
>not using Clover
>using IE on a phone
Again, expecting me to take your opinion seriously
Кaк вooбщe pyccкaя дeвyшкa.
dammit gril post some hapa face pls
Ladyboys? We're as nationalist and conservative as we can get, that shit you refered to is in Thailand.
No seriously women age faster than men. And Asian is the only race that maintains their youth pretty well.
I want one. Can I buy one?
Any Asian woman over 50 looks terrible
There are a fair few attractive 50 plus women even here
Most of the time tho men do age better
North Slav women are fucking crazy, all have anger issues.
South Eastern Slav women are goat tier, they've got that Slav sweetness but all the chill of Mediterranean women. Croatian and Serbian women are fucking GOAT not to mention Serb women can get super fucking thicc. Also, not as whorish as other types of Euro women and every Serb woman I've met here in Australia had manners.
This Formosafag knows his things. Your women are just awesome (not the psycho mei mei girls, the good grills)
Any woman over 50 generally looks bad lmao.
White women look like piss after 35 and that's being liberal.
Slavs are godtier.
This is a polish woman who gets paid to get her face punched.
From my personal experience as a Slav, us Slavs tend to look like young children with very round faces and light-colored hair until puberty after which we suddenly transform into almost-adult Slavs with darker hair and radically different facial features (this second phase is usually characterized by the low ears and the nose to lip proportions, as well as the appearance of more heavily pronounced shifty Slav-eyes). Past that point the Slav's aging is characterized by simply looking more and more tired year after year until reaching 40 or 50 (one of those ages exactly usually) when the Slav undergoes their second transformation into an old-Slav, past which point they just shrink until death.
As if any women looks good over 50, moron.
>as nationalist and conservative
Your young generation is faggy as fuck, westernised and support gay marriage.
You elected a female president who couldn't speak her own country's language properly, her name literally means 'english (pottery) and supports gay marriage, not to mention never having married or raised children of her own.
Not to mention having the most retarded Chinese accent, fug, you make Chinese sound like Vietnamese.
Кaк тeбя yгapaздилo pyccкий выyчить?
It's their Mongol blood. They have the neoteny and collagen of chinks.
It seems races with good looking women have ugly men.
And those with handsome men have ugly women.
Wrong. Slavs are like what mudslimes and shitskins strive to look like but fail at.
Susan Sarandon, Nigella Lawson, Gillian Anderson, Kim Basinger, Demi Moore, Julliane Moore
No pooskin of any variety comes even close to looking vaguely like a beautiful Slav.
It's always about how they manage their look and not having to fuck over drugs and stress. I get that there's white milfs that's been doing the work behind. There's also Jap milfs that look sexy asf in their porn vids.
If you're from some third world country and broke asf then sorry, you don't stand a chance here.
Worthless commie chink leeching off Australia detected
The government turning into cucks doesn't mean the rightist don't exist some portion of our generation.
In a relationship with a Slovak girl for 5 years.
Finding a beautiful continental European who is fun and educated is a breath of fresh air. I'm not joking. Every day is like a privilege.
I'm sure you know what mainstream British culture is like, and the nightlife, and the binge drinking, and the ignorance, and the degeneracy. Even if you're one of the smarter girls, your opinions are probably shit because you drink the kool-aid.
My girlfriend dresses like a catwalk autumn season model, not like a prostitute. She isn't a degenerate. She's fun. It honestly, HONESTLY feels like I've been saved. Like I dodged a bullet.
I don't put pussy on a pedestal, but you have to understand the Britbong mentality.
I spent my whole life either 1) rejected, for being sort of quiet, whereupon I adjusted to the environment and started dating a string of shit-tier girls like the type I described above.
I wondered for literally years what I was doing wrong, but it just seems I was right the whole time (i.e had standards).
Any guy who is jaded out there, keep your values and standards but don't 'wait' for her, actively search for her. Who knows, maybe she'll like you back.
Meds have handsome men and alright looking women. Germans have alright looking men and mediocre looking women. Anglos are ugly independent of sex.
>I wondered for literally years what I was doing wrong, but it just seems I was right the whole time (i.e had standards).
>Any guy who is jaded out there, keep your values and standards but don't 'wait' for her, actively search for her. Who knows, maybe she'll like you back.
One day.
Models represent like 7.5% of any given population.
What do you mean broke asf? Apart from the Fu Er Dais, most of your countrymen get shitty wages....
Way way shittier than me Formosafag.
Taiwan is a first world country, but in wages, they're second/ third world tier.
Europe is so tiny, everyone is so close together. Here the nearest city is further away than you are to Germany. Sometimes I envy the ability of Europeans to mix with such a wide range of other Europeans.
Honestly, would love to be with an Anglo-Saxon waifu someday.
Look at the Italian and Spanish national football teams. They are always voted as the most handsome by women. The players don't get chosen by their looks, so it's a good representative of the average population.
>It honestly, HONESTLY feels like I've been saved. Like I dodged a bullet.
same bro. I married her and put 2 babies in her. going for some more.
Nuke Poland.
Sure. Even our hourly minimum wage is the amount of salary you get in a day.
Proxyfag edging way into race war after current happenings.
Yeah, I mean for all purposes, I don't mean rigidly keeping the standards. I went through the British night life version of Dante's Inferno to get to that girl and I didn't even meet her in a club. But I learned a lot about myself.
Do you not have exchange students, or are they all from South East Asia? I don't know, I thought Australian girls were kind of cool, no? Or is it like the UK?
while a lot of them diluted the facial structure and epithanic fold of mongoloids, they did retain neoteny with more protruding nasal bridge and brow ridge (Caucasian) features that are soft and aesthetic.
>I'm finna KMS