What would you tell your 18 year old self about college and career paths?

What would you tell your 18 year old self about college and career paths?

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Nothing because i'm not a college faggot

Sup Forums would just laugh at me

If you're smart and willing go to college in a useful field.

Otherwise pick up a trade like plumbing, electrician.

Go to trade school and quit pretending your taste in music matters.

just go to every party
be drunk whenever possible
do alot of psychadelic drugs
dont worry about rejection

Be born black, or become Transracial then you can steal lyrics from Obscure hip-hop artist, and become Debate Kangs...





Don't go to college, make your own career path.

Oh fuck, it's my little sister again.

trade school

don't fall for the theoretical physics meme, you might actually enjoy engineering even if it's for gays


Learn Calculus in high school, it's not that bad

college doesnt matter for your career. quit college. fuck all the girls you want. go forth and be happy

kill yourself

meet a ton of people, hang out with lots of different crowds, make sure they like you. They could be useful later. And don't major in some dumbass shit, do STEM, poli-sci or econ only.

Enlist earlier
Don't let Hannah go
Bet it all on trump
Kill yourself

College is a scam perpetuated by the left to convince you that paying out 100k to a liberal system for a piece of paper makes you "smarter" than someone who will most likely have the same job you'll have in 4 years with no debt.
Anyone claiming that a piece of paper imbues you with intelligence is actually retarded, full stop.

I would tell myself to not waste time on college. Learn to program instead, and read Imperium and Mein Kampf.

I would probably just beat him up and steal his weed.
And do him a favor and smash his PS2.

Don't go, don't fall for the Jew finance major. Teach myself about enterprise level data centers, tell my self to get a bunch of Emc/HDS/xiv/brocade certs

>Do not choose a college and a major based on what your gf, that finished high school one year after and hasn't even been accepted to college yet, is planning to get

Put your entire savings from those two shitty jobs on Trump when the odds are the highest and never worry about money in college ever again
Don't fucking be an idiot around Alice you God damn mong, how hard is it to push your spaghetti back into your pockets
Focus more in physics and engineering, you could have had A's this semester if you didn't focus on other nonsensical bullshit
Sell out of Magic while you still can and build yourself a new computer

Focus on the money

Don't be a fucking retard who tries to learn an extremely advanced and complicated STEM topic if you don't have a high IQ

There's no excuse to not have a 4.0 GPA

Get to know your teachers, ask them questions, be curious, attentive, and keep up with your studies. Reputation matters.

Don't be a good goyim.

>heres some winning lotto numbers, alsi Donald Trump is going to be the next president. Not Romney

Don't fuck around, you could be a ranger. Stop doing lines and actually study. You could be kicking bear ass in the hills of the Wild west, not washing dishes and living in a five inch by five inch apartment.

yet bernie's free tuition would've been considered "perpetuated by the left"...

nobody but retards & trump supporters would claim that a piece of paper marks you intelligent, it's what you actually take from the schooling that decides whether you are worthy of the paper or not. Only you know if you cheated and half assed your way through school. If you didn't get a respectable sum of knowledge out of it, then sure, fuck that piece of paper... and fuck you too.

Dont marry that pos.

Just kill yourself. Theres nothing you can do to make anything better. Your existence was a mistake

"Whatever college path you choose, donald is gonna win in 2016, bet the house on it"

Put all your college money into apple stock and forget about education. You are perfectly capable of getting women, just have confidence and go for it more often.

Seriously if I'd had the confidence with women then that I have today I'd have been drowning in pussy... well maybe not drowning but doing pretty good. Now that I have it I'm married... so... guess it worked out. Kinda missed out on fucking sluts though.

learn a trade.

Don't go to uni and get yourself 60k in debt for a useless degree so you can pay off your student loans with a job that pays 13 dollars an hour.

Study a two year program in something practical instead.

>stop being a softcock

Red pilled

put every single fucking penny you make into bitcoin, you'll be able to retire in a few years

Keep doing what you're doing, comp sci is the right choice and you happen to like math, which is good because it involves a lot of it.
Although I would tell myself to look up the bursting for speed video andand save myself a few years of speed plateau on guitar.

dont even bother with college, you'll be in the same job you were in during high school but making more money

>ont even bother with college, you'll be in the same job you were in during high school but making more money
how did you fuck up this bad?

DO NOT go into aerospace
go into comp sci
eat right exercise , avoid the beer and pizza diet
get help for depression
do not try to do every assignment on your own, no one else does, what are you trying to prove?

Don't study Biology because there's no fucking market for it.

Literally this. At my school you were only required to take up to Pre-Cal So a lot of the non tryhards didn't take a math senior year. I was planning on majoring in mechanical engineering so I thought it would be a good idea. Learned the basics at a turtle's pace with a teacher student ratio of like like 10 to 1. Then when everyone realized that 70% of majors even non stem require at least cal 1 and now you have to take it at the collegiate level with 80 to 1 teacher student ratio it's a lot harder

I would tell my 18 year old self.


Dear Self,

1. Your major is just an excuse to do as little work as possible while still hopefully receiving a degree.

2. Everyone who attends college parties is stunting their career growth and with enough drive, you could outpace each and every one of them in the real world.

3. Unless you want to be a liberal academic, your degree will never bring you a good job.

>Engineering is for gays

t. physics major who wears dbz shirts and leaf village hoodies to class

Fuck more women.
Everything else turned out fine in the end.

>mfw when i did competitive math in hs
>mfw when i majored in mechanical engineering
>mfw when cal 1 was my easiest class freshmen year

"kill yourself before you graduate high school at 17"

>What would you tell your 18 year old self
put on a skirt and suck my dick faggot

Go Pharmacy if you can hack the Sci and Math. Typically 100% placement with starting salary of ~120k. DO NOT GO PRE PHARM, get a bio or chem degree first. If not this, take a couple of years and do whatever. Learn to live with others or alone. Learn to pay your bills, hold your booze and don't get any one pregnant.

It's taken me 14 years to get my undergrad done. I fucked up a lot, but am now more focused than ever. It is way easier going to school if i'm not chasing pussy and sitting in the front row excited to learn.

Dont go to community college, its just another 2 years of high school and a huge waste of time

most 18 year olds, including yourself, are far too immature to truly take full advantage of a college education. take care of your mental problems before even thinking about it.

In pharmacy school now?

More story please. I'm trying to go back to school.

>Dont go to community college, its just another 2 years of high school and a huge waste of time

Funny, it got me a 90k a year job as a maintenance tech. But you're better than me because you work in an office, I suppose.

"You did nothing wrong."

Definitely THIS!
Also, as I was saying about PHARM, there will always be a need for your profession and you can move literally anywhere in the US. You may be working at a chain drugstore, but that 120k a year goes a loooooooooooooong way.

going straight to college is the same shit except it costs more anyway, might as well go to CC

underrated :^)

18 is too late to really get ahead
gotta ace those psats

"Fuck all the pussy that is offered to you, you'll regret nothing."

nothing because I'd figure it out. I didn't just wake up white I've always thought about the future

I would say "work out more. upgrade your social skills like a stat in a video game. Play the long game to gain status. pussy is the only thing that matters in life and you have to mold yourself into the man women want to fuck. all the opportunities you missed because you weren't fit enough or alpha enough, you'll regret forever."

Get into a trade. Stay in one town/area.
Marry young and pump out kids.

if you go to college, don't waste it partying. Use it to gain as much knowledge as possible and network. If you don't, trade school or find a good company to work your way up. Save money, become self sustainable.

lol, my 18 year old self would not have listened to future-me anyway

you don't know that, you could get AIDS or worse a fuckin kid

>pussy is the only thing that matters in life
i feel bad for you

>then neither of us will be virgins

some one post it

Just keep doing what you're doing. Gonna be hard, but it's gonna be worth it.

Im finishing undergrad in history and going to law school, My partner has a masters in some Libarts bullshit, but is killer in the Maths and Sci. We both want to make the dough for our blossoming famalam. We both have taken long, roundabout paths to get where we are. We are both smart enough for our feilds, just took us a while to focus on the correct fields. MAKE THE MONEY. GO DO IT user! YOU CAN DO IT!

BTFO the whole thing and buy bitcoin nyaga.

I was 18 only 2 months ago which isn't enough time to change things. If I were to go back to Nov 2015 id say to continue working hard. You'll going to get into EE. By May of 2016 you will lose focus and do poorly. Avoid that. By December 2016 you will fail literally every class and have to redo. Don't let that happen. Don't waste so much time watching Trump rallies and going on Sup Forums. Trump will win. Talk to Dana more when you meet her in October 2016. She won't be in any of your classes in 2017 caused you failed that last semester so don't let that happen. Keep in touch with Shawn and Alex and co. You will lose contact with them when second year starts. Your roommate will get kicked out for using drugs in January 2016. Don't ever lose focus

>Learn something that will contribute to the real economy (engineering, trades, medicine, not iPhone app developer or anything that ends in "studies")

>Live frugally and save money

>Build a network of fashy goys

>Stay the fuck away from big cities

>Don't "date", only see women with marriage potential

>Don't watch porn, ever

>Don't smoke and limit liquid jew consumption

>Read everything you can get your hands on

>Limit your time on the Internet

>Spend more time producing (making money, working on projects, starting a family) than on consuming (watching electric jew, aimless internet surfing, etc.)

>Dedicate time every week on learning how the world works, and how to persuade


you stole my answer faget

Get paid doing what you like, but of the things you like pick one where you can work anywhere

dont try heroin

>Don't "date", only see women with marriage potential
What do you mean by this? Don't you have to date women to find out if they're marriage material?

oldfag here

I ended up in a completely different field than my major in college.

I wouldn't change a single aspect of the journey.

Install Gentoo faggot in those exact words

Fuck college. Buy Bitcoin.

Well I'm 18 and on college (law school) so Idk
Maybe finish college and become a "sheriff" like I always wanted


My partner is starting Pharm in the fall. Do it user. Great money, live anywhere, 9-5. If you are 23, single and a Pharmacist, you could work for 2-4 years and take off that same amount of time and sit on the beach fucking boi pussy in Thailand

wait a bit before wasting that first semester because you had no idea why you were there

Pick the right school. Don't pick the "we Jesuits pride ourselves in social justice, but we'll charge you $50,000 a year to come here" school, even if you think you'll be able to handle the retardation. Just don't.

Do petrol engineering

>4 years of school, no grad faggotry shit and unpaid internships
>nearly 6fig starting salary
>oil industry is made up of white guys and arabs so you wont lose your job to diversity

If I had to do it over that is what I would do. Literally no other career path is worth going to college for. Other STEM disciplines are just as difficult/more difficult and dont pay as much

What do sheriffs do in brazil? Collect bribes?

Change your major to petrochemical engineering and learn Arabic.

Put down a shitload of money on the Cubs in 2016

Ditch the "Presidential Scholarship" at the prestigious university (that is only half tuition, and being a white non-genius non-uber-poorfag won't be able to cover the rest without lots of loans) and go to CC and get that ass. degree asap. It will be so much more useful when you go on to a 4year to skip all the stupid generals, and it will be much cheaper and easier to do so, too. Your high school friends won't think any less of you (since they mostly won't think of you at all).
Apple isn't a fad; Ipod is just the beginning. Invest.

>fuck donald trump and fuck white people

Avoid drugs , it may fuck your future , i was on cocaine and a lot of weed when i was in my last year of college and almost fucked up everything

This and Trump.


It's more satisfying to work in politics after a degree in Jewish studies.

go to trade school


Don't think of it as "dating", which has implications of just being a fuck stick in our modern age. You're looking for a wife to mother your children. Go in with this mindset and you'll save yourself a lot of time. Also, to add:

>stay out of debt

>don't get serious about finding a wife until you have the means of settling down (or expect you will relatively soon)