What side will mestizos take in the race war? Will there be an alliance with whites like in American prisons?
What side will mestizos take in the race war? Will there be an alliance with whites like in American prisons?
Mexican mafia is aligned with the Aryan Brotherhood .. so there's that
They will side with other brown people like Spaniards and Greeks.
Yes Mestizos will side with the Whites. I'm pretty sure every race will side with whites against blacks. Nobody likes blacks.
>Will there be an alliance with whites like in American prisons?
>Mexican mafia is aligned with the Aryan Brotherhood
This is all news to me.
Kinda surprising.
chicanos are retarded but smart enough to know a black entente victory would lead to less gibs
Mestizo here.
First generation the true immigrant will side with the whites. Second generation street kids will side with the blacks.
Rural mestizos regardless of generation probably will side with whites, they're more conservative. Urban mestizos regardless of generation will side with the blacks.
Hispanic here. California.
We will take to the streets with out fellow white brothers.
Are you ready Sup Forums
Mestizos usually kill black people in Southern California. Every other place Mestizos are being cucked by other races.
The whites.
Well, at least the older ones.
We don't like mayates much.
i cant keep up with all the different types of mexicans
They'll be on their own side in the war of all against all. Do you even rope day?
Mestizos are divided by default (the infighting is VERY real between mestizos, even if they're from the same country)
Some will side with whites and some will side with niggers, but most of them see niggers as "lesser beings" which means most mestizos will side with withes
Basically urban rural divide is kind of the same in the states as it is in Mexico so culturally rural Mexicans are more conservative.
This. Everyone thinks that racism is exclusive to whites. Literally every other race hates blacks.
Don't worry, they'll be taking their siesta and miss the battle anyway.
None. They'll wait for everyone to kill each other and complete America's transformation into Neo-Mexico.
Tejanos will side with whites not sure about illegals.
>Kinda surprising.
Mexican mafia supply the aryan brotherhood operations with drugs.
It's because blacks are the majority in prisons. The AB considers Mexican Mafia as an ally because they refuse to team up with blacks.
>people think mestizo scum will side with whites
At best, they'll sit it out and try to clean up the whites after they're done with the blacks.
pretty much this, all races are wary of each other, but if there is one thing all oft them agree on is: look out for niggers
I used to hang out with a couple Surenos back in SoCal and they always sided with the Aryans. At one point, they volunteered to protect the child of a dead Aryan brotherhood member from a rival black gang so there's that.
La Eñe is aligned with niggers. BGF to be exact.
wtf are you talking about.
No, call yourself Mestizo
Fuck you filthy mestizo for acting like you own the word "Hispanic"
Hispanic will never be a race
Reminder that the original and main hispanics are white SPANIARDS
You are brown due to your injun genes
Fuck off
No more "Hispanic here"
You are a mestizo
Call yourself mestizo first
I've heard a lot of Native Americans say if it came to it they would fight on the side of the whites. They hate blacks too. Literally no one likes them.
White side ofc. They already have alliances with white gangs in California. Driving blacks out.
>latin americans will try purge whites after having dealt with niggers
if things get really ugly and the whites that rise up in arms and say: to hell with this shit, race war now, and deem a threat anyone non-white (and by that i mean 100% caucasian), it is likely latin americans will turn on each other, weakening them:
>muh la raza thugs, after killing off niggers, attempt to kill whitey boiz
>latin americans will go: HELL NAW, i'm light-skinned n shiiieeet (actually it could be anyone of any color)
>upset whites come and kill the latin americans wanting to join them for not being 100% caucasian
>the ones that weren't fell for muh civic nationalism will not last long for being outnumbered and not having enough guns n shiiieeet (last time i checked rednecks and other whites that aren't like that have bunch of guns).
I would love to go there and kill negros if race war ever happens, but the only guns I've ever fired are air pump rifles in my town fair.
Why does every other race hate blacks
Mestizos will side with Whites. We like them better.
>What side will mestizos take in the race war? Will there be an alliance with whites like in American prisons?
Mexicans hate them worse than whites. They've already been purging them from their neighborhoods for a few years.
They're difficult to like
someone shop this pic except instead of hilldawg it's a mexibro saying "thanks for the race war, senpai" thanks for the shop, senpai
Not here. Most of our Indians are half nigger(they act it too) and hate whites with a passion. To them every single issue they have is due to the evil whites
They are subhumans. They are literally a less evolved form of human that look like monkeys. Mountains of evidence to back it up.
Asian Americans will not help Whites as they are independent and don't have any desire to help. Mestizos/Castizos, however, are the most cooperative compared to other races, and should side with Whites. The darker variants would likely side with blacks like they did in the LA riots, but they are pussies in general, and will likely keep their heads down. The Mestizos were bred, like Uruk Hais, for war.
>pic related
>Mestizos are divided by default (the infighting is VERY real between mestizos, even if they're from the same country)
>Some will side with whites and some will side with niggers, but most of them see niggers as "lesser beings" which means most mestizos will side with withes
We have our whiggers and you have your meziggers.
Spic here. This will be the case most likely.
yeah there are many Mex gangs but the California branches of MM and AB are not to be fucked with
"According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the gang makes up less than 0.1% of the prison population, but it is responsible for up to 30% of murders in the federal prison system."
I'm a free agent pal
>Implying a race war would be with blacks and whites
The race war will be whites against jews being helped by everyone else non white.
Mexicans literally claim this is their land and they feel they deserve it more than we do, and in many states they outnumber whites, and nation wide they definitely outnumber niggers
All non-cuck forces are aligned against kikes and niggers.
To kiss up to white people. Every time another minority is completely dissed by whites, blacks are suddenly not so bad anymore.
Eat shit Zambo. Mestizos are Spanish, too.
>the gang makes up less than 0.1% of the prison population, but it is responsible for up to 30% of murders in the federal prison system."
white privilege!
Gooks will protect their own, which means probably slaughtering negroids for fun. Remember who it is that steals from and burns down Asian businesses.
piss off faggit.
whyte bois dont know nothin
>other races shall join jamal in the upcoming race war
>the moment you realize muhammed and ahmed will go full allahuackbar
shiiiiiiiieeeeet nogs will be helped by suicide bomers, shit will get sick as fuck
Eat dick you fucking cuban nigger.
teotokoupolus, is that you?
Mestizos in mexico are 70% whitey
Mestizo here. Cousins of mine brag about killing niggers all the time. They show me pictures they've taken on their cellphones when ever I see them.
Who would muslims/Arabs side with?
Every race on the planet hates niggers, especially niggers
Your cousins ?
London but that's just eastern Indians in general. I know the west is supposedly better but I've never been able to see it for myself
and those are our less privileged of the group .. but hey .. the MM is a nice axis member for the AB
>implying every single one is
no jackass, it depends on the region they come from, the taller they are the less amerindian dna we have (how light-skinned he/she is also indicate how the admixture). saying all are 70% is stupid.
They wouldn't be welcome by most whites.
The blacks will probably try to side with them and end up enslaved again.
Ottomans hated blacks and view them as animals. Islam, however, is polluted with them. They'll have their own Race War to worry about
probably whites, they hate niggers(who doesn't?) and I'm quite sure semites have white blood in there somewhere
Azteca blood thirst fueled by a nut worth of Conquistador hunger.
White Califag here. You can go back after the race war.
Trump will trade Cali for their help and a lifetime supply of burrito bowls for every white American.
Muslims and Arabs enslaved blacks.
I doubt they'd like them.
Every culture has achievements, even mestizos. Blacks didn't have the wheel by the end of the 18th century and act like they created the world.
They have enough for their own side. But they have A LOT of mixed white/hispanic in their ranks.
Mestizos in Texas will definitely support white people it's all the liberal latinos (mostly young women and gays) that support groups like BLM most Mestizos just want go to work their shitty job and drink on the weekends to care about liberal causes, the mestizos that live in rural Texas are as redpilled as any white person and most of them voted Trump too.
found the deep paternal ancestry of the Mexican mestizo population to be predominately European (64.9%), followed by Amerindian (30.8%) and Asian(1.2%).[77] The European Y chromosome was more prevalent in the north and west (66.7-95%)
Everyone seems to forget the Jew. What of the Jew during this race war?
I think everyone can agree with that deal.
bu bu bu they wuz the first human
>according to science
>oy vey
They will sit back and watch as they always do. They probably prepared for this. Everyone kills each other and they takeover the remains.
>Reminder that the original and main hispanics are white SPANIARDS
fuck off. half the spics i now are pretty white anyways
Finance both sides, as usual.
they still have black slaves today
Fat numalr feminist of current generation mexicans will go to the nigger side. While older generation mexicans will go with whites. Especially mexicans who live as minority's and not as the majority as in LA
They'll be funding niggers, liberals and any other group that opposes the Whites and respected allies.
kikes? come on, they are the ones behind this thing, i mean "free trade agreements", usury, push for degenerate things, multiculturalism, LGBT and more. They will just sit back and ejoy how all the goyim tear each other apart to then come down from their buildings and offer you a loan to rebuild your shit (since burgers are the the ultimate goys, many will do) and then, after the dust has settled, they will shit the hell out of you. The ride never ends when kikes are in charge
Is funny how niggers think that they can win a race war cause "i iz from da hood yo" when they are going against the majority of the country and every other minority fucking hates them
Can confirm, all my family are mestizos and are 3rd gen+ and only 3 out of the god knows how many, voted for hillary. the rest went to trump
*they will jew the shit out of you
With all the twatter replies to blmkidnapping it's mostly whites and hispanics (idgaf) railing against blacks, witha few asians. One siding with blacks are ofc, white women
Top keku
We cannot allow this to happen anymore, It's an act of war. Purge the Jews with the niggers.
>few asians taking part in the race war, siding with latin americans and whites
not surprising at all, they are people of peace (what sucks of them is the habit they have o enslave their fellow asians)
>white women supporting niggers
and once again it's proven women can't think rationally.
Can any mesitzo confirm if they operate in Northern Arizona? tons of indians here to mix with
just wondering.
The Zimmermans, Cruzes and Rubios of the world are with us, man.
Maybe some of the heavier mestizos y los putas communistas will be with us eh holmes
I fucking hope they are, because I'm surrounded by them hahaha