Why is there so much violence in Chicago?

Why is there so much violence in Chicago?

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Niggers leaf

the citizens are driven insane by candyman

We're ~40% nigger iirc

This female police officer chose not to draw her gun because she didn't want to become a meme and be accused of racism. Now she has brain damage because the suspect pounded her head into the street.

tl;dr: cops in Chicago aren't arresting black people anymore, so crime is skyrocketing.

I'm from Chicago:
We have some of the most radical black leaders whether it be religious or otherwise who actively spew racist dogma. I grew up in a very multicultural school and there was practically no racism, I had a very diverse group of friends. Over time we have segregated as both the media and the community leaders teach the new generation racism.



How come (((Rahm))) couldn't clean it all up?

what would fix this?

stop and frisk?

sending in military?

Same problem as pretty much everywhere else in the USA. It's obviously niggers.


Cultural enrichment

perpetuated by grinding poverty, as well as hip hop culture which glorifies violence, rivalry, who's the hardest, richest, etc. That being said, give it up for the BOOGEYMAN of CHIRAQ, RICO RECKLESS: youtube.com/watch?v=YVf1DpUa6fE


I had a flashback to black kids talking a bout candyman in my 3Rd grade class. I had no idea what they were talking about. It was only later that i realized blacks can't distinguish horror movies from reality.

Same reason there's so much violence in Juarez, it's a drug distribution hub. A whole lotta drugs pass through Chicago, and much of it is sold in the city.

Dealers and distributors compete, just like any business. The difference with black market shit is you can kill and intimidate your competition.

Low level dealers compete for every street corner and block. These dealers are usually black, and their higher levels of aggression compound the violence.

Also disarming people doesn't curb violence if those people were already violent to begin with. That's why gun-control "works" in Europe but will only escalate violence here.

A combination of highly segregated neighborhoods and the sheer number of niggers concentrated in small areas. It's like an open air prison system with no prison guards and all the prisoners are free to roam around assaulting each other.

Former mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani (who was a major proponent of Trump during the campaign) went on record for saying what needs to happen to bring Chicago back under control - and he should know, because he himself did it to New York some years ago, as well as broke the back of the mob. -- anyway, he outlined a plan for comprehensive law enforcement - nothing revolutionary or drastic, just hard work and brave men and women digging into their communities and putting an end to crime.

I'm from Chicago. Basically all of the crime happens in a couple of neighborhoods on the far south side of the city- away from the downtown, tourist, nightlife areas. These are nigger neighborhoods that are gang infested, so basically like the Compton of chicago. When you hear about chicago crime in the news, it's just blacks killing each other. The police do a really good job of containing the violence there. 2 percent of the population causes 95 percent of the crime. It's really a good thing though because it's a form of self induced population control

blacks not properly informed by blacks that they should stop destroying eachother. But what is the incentive, they long to something they want to be part of that could give their minds better nourishment.. but sometimes there isn't.. would it be timbuktu the place that literally is named after a woman digging a hole in the ground and that clay city build on it.. by clay.. or would it be mansa mussa of mali that lived on top of a goldmine and went into makkah and traded so much gold that he deflated the price of gold so much that it destroyed his business and those of many others.. by making it so cheap and available that it ruined his own business..

Blacks are wondering to seek something how they did magnifiscent.. and they get frustrated.. But did the eskimos go crazy for not having done something extraordinary, and do we really wish to subdue this thing by lying to them..

As west africans were bought as slaves in the already established (to shame of others) and transferred to the US from west africa did they as malcolm x purported lose their history no.. it's still back in africa.. When their mothers told them if she was a good mother, that she could be whatever she wanted to be, i don't quite think that's what she meant.

did this even need answering

Should the eskimos freak out that they never did anything magnifiscent and so many other groups and should they matter..

It matters only because white man wanted them to live with us, white man ordained them gave birth to them by their transgression of enslaving them (atleast those few nations responsible for it) they gave them equal rights, and all these things. And now we must suffer the pain of this dispute..

We're not the same it's better that those are the same are with those who are the same then there is less complaint but they wanted to do you better, and it has been a learning experience.

Some people think and act a different way and it is better, for better or for worse that they are mostly with their own people.. who act and think as they do seeing that this is the best that they get along with by being themselves instead of having to be different in a strange land obligated by strangers to behave in a way that is non contentious by them, we should not demand this of them if that is the way they wish.. That would be in itself dishonesty.

What happened before of others enslaving them that's informative to the discussion like arabs enslaving africans for 1400 years but not informal of the discussion. It is a strange thing especially when you come from a society that did not invent much to find yourself in a very advanced society of people who are like "why don't you think that smart" when it's not who you are.. We must have some understanding about this issue if we are going to solve it at all aswell as we should remain a protectorate around africa to help it improve simultaneously.

because aiden pierce is not a real person

When we pretend that we are all equal and raise standards of intellect and competence, intelligence and all these things, we are hurting them more, because high standards hurts those at the bottom more than those at the top. And we keep pretending that this will just sort itself out.. by pretending same standards even less standards all these things.. We're actually the assholes when you think about it, we know they can't live up to it but we pretend that they can..

what the fuck are you even rambling about mohammed

all that goat semen must be getting to your head

>Chicago Bulls
>Chicago Bears
>Detroit 2
>Men in Blacktown
>Washington BC

Put yourself in non white position, they are inferior in their competence, they have rampant corruption, wishing to go to white lands which are also in declination due to cultural factors predominately.. put yourself in that position.. My mother always taught me.. and she is one of the best persons straight up that i know.. If you want to understand someone put yourself in their position till you do you don't know them. I understand how painful it must be to see all these things but they're done for a reason so that it might be better for you. They don't recognize the uneven playing field, maybe they're not trying hard enough, it's not always that simple.




Chicago seems like a wonderful place.

Muhammad? all that hot air might be going to your nostrils too much.. I'm whiter than you dumbass.. But it does not stop me from speaking about certain things.

There is no violence in Chicago as there is no way to get guns.

All the gang leaders were killed in the 90s here.

There are no gangs anymore, just groups of teenagers who have no guidance in life due to a lack of structure, whether that comes from a failing school system or a dysfunctional family. They get guns, and since the police can"t do anything because they don't want to get arrested for doing their job, they just keep shooting each other.


But it becomes difficult when they refuse to admit the things at play and how people might then gradually improve themselves.. Hierachical white society pretends that all is equal informed and poisoned by leftists that everyone can do exact same thing.. but it's not always true.

It is the wishful thinking and high luxury of very competent societies that some might dedicate their days to this endeavour. They do not see the ways of things in the way it should be seen.. or understand the things in the way they should be understood.. They have an ideal in their minds and wishes you to fit it, and when it doesn't they throw a hissyfit and run away.

A big percentage of the violence is basically old school Balkan blood feud bullshit. If "the state" doesn't reach you, and Those Fuckers killed your friend, and you don't have any prospects in life anyway, you're gonna wait for your chance to take a shot at one of them and you're gonna blow his brains out.

He's too busy defunding then closing the school where these basket-ball americans are meant to be detained most of the time.


IF there has to become truth and reconsiliation between these two, it requires honesty first and foremost, otherwise why bother at all.. and then an effort to improve relations afterwards which is the real purpose of such a thing.

The rate of violent crime in Chicago isn't anywhere near as high as it is in DC, Baltimore, Oakland, St. Louis, or New Orleans. Chicago just gets all the attention because it has more violent incidents, which is mostly due to the fact that it has 2 million people while none of the other cities I mentioned have more then 600,000.

It wouldn't work. The thing that people on the outside don't understand about Chicago is that the entire city runs on Central American levels of corruption. As long as money keeps flowing there won't be any change because too many people are too invested in things staying as they are. The syndicate won't have it's back broken because everyone has made enough money that they'd go down too. The cartel isn't going to be targeted because they're in deep with elected officials and slowly choking off the profits of the gang bangers. The black community leaders don't want things to get better in their communities because that would mean less TIF for their cousins/mistresses/illegitimate children/etc.

We've had the strategic subject list for years. We know that 80% of shooting victims are on the list. We know that virtually everyone on the list is arrested at least once a year for a felony offense. These are guys actively involved in the drug trade who are almost always holding and almost always carrying. It would be relatively easy to clean up the city with targeted enforcement and a prosecutor's office willing to charge correctly and refuse plea deals.

But all these shootings sure do keep people's eyes off how much money the city keeps losing...

Many things:
1. Decay that prevents the lower strata from being occupied

2. Dire lack of firing squads

3. Permanent Democrat lunacy

How to fuck up the armed forces 101

Plus when they get out they know how to shoot like a soldier so


duterte style drug war

The primary reach/handling mechanism would be self determination.. this is valued highly in advanced societies.. if you do not make it it's not your fault it's your own, to bridge that gap those who wish to bridge it much reach out their hand in a way that they reconsile their decisions unto themselves and do not blame others if their decisions are bad. This is a NO in advanced society because it's counterproductive.. and what black community and other non white minorities in white nations tend to do and wonder why whites dislike them for it. They even hate eachother for that sort of thing and failing to do so and punish eachother severely for neglecting that sort of thing. Take responsibility for your own actions and meet it halfway.. a better dialogue is formed.

Yes and no. There are districts in Chicago with per capita violent crime rates far above the other cities you mention. Chicago has the statistical advantage of having huge swaths of the city with virtually no serious crime serving to bring down overall crime rates. If you cut Chicago into two cities you could easily have one of them with 4000 of the 4200 shootings a year and less than half a million people.

I live in Chicago.. The crime rate is bad in like 2 places... otherwise the city is fucking chill. I hear if you don't include those 2 places, Chicago has the crime rate of an average european city.

gangs and liberal politics dont mix together

Well...don't discount the Red Line problem. Wrigleyville/Boystown has gotten pretty bad the last few years thanks to the crime tourism.

What are they fighting over? Do people travel to those areas to buy drugs?

As long as blacks pretend that their individual failure is not their own, whites dislike them for it and even scold their own for this same thing.. If you want to approach them in dialogue.. Bad shit happens, in your life or in your community, look to yourself to fix it.. that's how it works..

These white countries and people don't just happen on their own, took a long time in the making.. of that kind of struggle. So they're not about to give it up to some random individual who says "hey guiz can i come" "no fuck off" ahh shiieet.. give them a reason why.. because otherwise you have your own nation to take care of.

Drugs are part of it, but a big part is also social media. You've got gangs making a little money, deeply invested in the idea of "respect," making youtube rap videos about how their rivals are pussies. Half of these shootings start because someone insulted someone else on Facebook. Then you have the retaliation problem and one shooting becomes two, which becomes three, which becomes four.

The reason why its so bad this year is because CPD is involved in an unofficial labor action and isn't arresting people to interrupt the cycle like they used to.

Things are not like a "borders wide open" situation.. people found people that did good things for all of them, nations started building and then they found more of people that did good for that thing and then actual nations were formed.. Mass migration from whatever into a very good nation that is attractive for you.. ask for permission.. You are wanting as migrant to want to be part of something you did not create, that you had no part in, that your ancestors did not partake in, that someone else built and strived long for to be the case.. ask for permission.. and if they reject you accept the answer, if they accept you abide with that answer and strive to be part of it and leave your other place behind!

Borders are relevant when you have something worthwhile you have made that you risk losing, borders are only irellevant when you have made nothing and have nothing to lose. So these who are open borders examine their case and find it lacking..

I take you to the foundation of why borders so that you might understand the more extravagant meassure of how it is now employed in advanced societies.

They protect their own citizens, you have air guard and coast guard and these things.. protection from hostile plants and organisms that might cause bad things for the local environment, but what we think about is the people.. Are they good..

In that sense borders keep the bad ones out, and the good people in..

SO THAT YOU AS A CITIZEN DON'T HAVE TO THINK ABOUT IT.. when that is no longer the case, all kinds of trouble and people arming themselves.. which is also illegal to prevent that situation..

From a foundation you might learn to be the tip of the mountain.. But understand the reasoning first because apparently we need to argue it so it's argued.

Do the world hate immigrants, not at all, but xenophobia is a healthy aspect of human life.. you don't trust people who might harm you, saying they should would be asking people to sleep next to an untamed lion.. You have to prove yourself first. Same as anyone else. And more than anything they would wish though that you settle the dispute amongst yourselves and create peace in your own lands.. Let people stay where they belong amongst people like themselves, and this whole thing would be much easier.


33% black population.
30% hispanic population.

Gee I wonder why.

Most of the south side was not that bad until about 25 years ago. Hell, the Klan even marched in Marquette Park in the 1990's.
The problem is that Daley bulldozed the Robert Taylor homes and sent the monkeys away with gibs to find section 8 housing elsewhere. So instead of a centrally located problem, the nignogs moved to "better" neighborhoods in the area, which in turn pushed out the black working-class farther out. Once there were no more people or business to rob, they expanded continuously southward. Crime rates soared and property values plummeted due to the black/white flight. Niggers pushed blacks out, blacks pushed whites out and the whites who could, moved out of Cook County to farther suburbs darkies couldn't afford. Now, not only is most of the south-side a shithole, but most suburbs within south Cook County are a fucking pavement jungle.


It would be easier to make a perfect place to shape a perfect nations for all mankind if we were just the same, and only were different from various indispositions and access to various things.. But sadly it is not so simple.

Phillipans 3:21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

But don't worry too much if you are a simple man about that issue, because god asks MUCH of those he gives much to.. If you have much.. be afraid because much is asked ;D

Because the lord did not give the understanding so that it has to be twisted it into a hammer and used to beat other people down with. The truth uplifts.

standing against tyrrany.


I lived in Lincoln park a couple years ago and we wouldn't even lock the door to our apartment

Niggers. Niggers aren't people. The way you fix Chicongo is flood it with Taurus .38's, free ammo, and fentanyl.

You're welcome. Pussy ass bitches.

Niggers. How is that not obvious?


It's a shithole filled with niggers.


ignorant and deserving of punishment for having being shielded from this understanding by the "light" that only wish that you destroy everyone who do not bow down.. what a bargain..

megalithic structures is the keyword. made with technology that does not exist today. Even if we wanted to. There is not even any single thing in construction that can even lift some of these things let alone place it with precision so that you cannot even put anything in between the blocks.

Forget putting anything in between the blocks they can't even lift it even the most powerful lifting device crane that we have. some of these megalithic stone blocks.

Large nigger population and corrupt Jew leadership.

It always amuses me, seeing Chicago race tensions escalate. I used to live about an hour from there, still heard it all on the news. IMO, they've gotten too much shit. If they can't get themselves out of the ghetto from all these programs, fuck em.

Now, turning to pic, Milwaukee nigs are good enough. Not too much trouble, considering we keep them all in the North. I can see their homes from my dorm. They're farming in the city, which is amusing to see.

Inside pyramids that all these megalihthic structures points to is speed of light, pi all kinds of mathematical constructs and different thing including.. often missed.. the heart of the sphinx face of man body of lion.. the heart of the sphinx a oval shape at the breast of it aligns with 4 stationary star constellations in a circular clockwise fashion.

The body of lion represent leo constellation, and each pyramid also at a certain time folds unto itself like each of the sides folds at the equinoxes.

Meanwhile we are trying to deal with blacks who want to ask hmm if it is ok that we commit crime up in heerr or if we police their neighbourghoods.. it's an interesting cocktail.. If we don't police your neighbourghoods you sonofagun you're just going to blame us for it later.. for not stopping you from killing eachother.. what do you want from us man..

Sometimes i wish blacks really build the pyramids but not even ancient egyptians did, but somehow i wish they did.. just like let me know with your black dick how much you educated me, i'm sure the women would love that black dick all over it's all muh dick all over and pharaos forever and muh black dick.. i'm sorry.. if you want to change reality, deal with reality. It's cruel it's unkind but it's what is.

So pathetic that muh dick shit.. LOOK UP INTO THE SKY YOU INFANT.. trillions of stars and all you can think about is muh dick..

I've never seen a child feel ashamed when i told them about scientific facts that we know of.. but i see many ashamed faces when talking about religion. It is a power relegating to itself the truth and wisdom of all things.. Well it better be all powerful and if it is and it's unkind it can go fuck itself. Not uncommon actually, if you study the epic of gilgamesh and other things. save that for later hugs and kisses non faggish.

hey niggers you're not welcome at Wendy's

Seems like there's several of those kind of beings trying to fuck with themselves above the firmament if you will..

I always love watching dumb cunt cops get enriched tbqh

I agree that there are things that it is not good for man to know that will crush him and leave him like a frail existence for rest of his life not being able to put it back in the box.. But there are also many things that man ought to know aswell..

>small areas

Clearly you've never been here. Go look at a crime map and tell me how many miles you see it spill south and west, hell even north.

Its a nig and increasingly bean problem.

Its crazy seeing leftist cucks here still harp on like its 2005 and Bush and whitey are the only problems here.

Pension crises is going to explode, jobs going to GTFO as min wage inc hits, violence is only going to get worse as you see a PD mollycoddle a racially motivated kidnapping as kids goofing off 'cuz they're niggers.

We had the most millionaires leave the ZIP of any county in the country

Desu only staying for a few more years to get job experience then fucking off to WI or NE ASAP. Would never buy land in this state.

Chicago Sup Forums faggots report in
>Bridgeport reporting in

Just look at ecclesiastes.. he warned you.. But it's good but the world is shit.. it's like watching some wonder of mathematics and going back to some latino shitting herself in walmart or whatever..

>99% monkey population
hmm i can't imagine why

You know why i like snow, because it's pure, it's not divided into ethnic categories.. it's so pure that it doesn't even have a color.. it's transparent! It's ice it's cold water

It's also cold and beautiful and we're having a lot of it here :)

Maybe just for tonight/today. We see how long it lasts.


Are all danes this out of touch with reality?

Don't blame bulldozing the homes, it was the right thing to do.
They were literally becoming tower fortresses run by crackniggers ala New Jack City. The PR was too bad, let alone the logistics of sweeping one of those places.

The problem was rather than buying up a swath of land somewhere more south/west and building commieblock style tenements they just gave 'em gibs and ran free.

>Bridgeport is based
shame all the Italians are selling out to the chinese hoards.


I wonder why so many murders happen.

I don't think bridgeport is based, it's just not the worst.
Pretty cheap and near the city and the nigs aren't violent

Not at all just me.

Most danes, very good and intelligent individuals, i have my reasons. Completely dissociated from them. >does not in any way or any shape or form reflect any oppinion or values of denmark or danish citizens in general

perhaps i should sign a legal document
No i'm dane but not your average one, no not shitskin but a strange one. no not strange as in stupid but a weird one.. do with that as you may.

I'm interested in things like dinbok.com/other/stentoften/stentoften.html

pyramids, star systems, whatever gets the dick arise or the cunt foaming.. i could not give a brass farthing, you do whatever.. does not concern me.. Fuck yourselves to bits, eat your own shit, fuck eachother in ass whatever just get the fuck out my way we're cool.

>33 posts by this ID
explain yourself.

Your business is your business not mine. till it becomes my business then i guess i'd have to fight and contribute in these commensurably stupid things because someone did not have a cerebrum to settle a dispute honorably .. sure.. killing a human being what a magnifiscent thing, should we take a picture, moving on. I stand on this world and look forward to the next

>explain yourself
I'm drunk and amused. And i need to get up soon ooly fuck. Take care.