List the excuses why youre still christian

List the excuses why youre still christian.

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I'm not.

Because I'm not a piece a shit jew nigger?

Christianity is the glue that holds together the western world.

>Christianity is the glue that holds together the western world.
By saying you need to help all the scum of the world? Fuck off.

can churches really protect people from the law?

>church collapses because its full of mexicans

I really can't tell how much of Sup Forums is ironic shitposting but I really hope it's like 80%

Because Christianity, particularly Catholicism, is correct.

Your words not his.

The can claim sanitation

I guarantee you those are Protestants. Protestants are not Christians.

I'm a Christian, not a Churchcuck

The picture is Methodists.
The article means Protestant groups and "liberal Catholic" churches.

Catholics are bigger cucks than protestants

I'm not Christian, I'm Catholic.

Methodists are Protestants. What's your point?

If they spring from the Lutheran tradition then they aren't real Christians. Lutheran Christianity is a secular movement.

there is no such thing as liberal catholics, if a catholic is liberal, ie supports abortion, then they are a heretic and should be excommunicated. People still get excommunicated.

Irrelevant to the topic. OP is claiming that Methodists are Christians which is factually incorrect.

Non denominational Christian here. Most of my family / friends are christian and we are ready to go to war literally.

Thats just what the article says, m8.

Methodists are Protestants. What's your point?

It's not a disagreement, it is a clarification given in light of your assumption.

And that's bullshit.

literally ALL of my local churches and catholic schools have advertised refugee-related shit (food drives, meet and greets, fundraisers) on the billboards in front of the buildings in the past year

there's a reason they invented the term "alt right" to contrast against christcucks and cuckservatives - a lot of Trump supporters don't give a shit about no jeebus, they just want them OUT

Look at the state of the old Spanish & Portuguese colonies, religion was more important than race to them.

Care to lay down the facts as to why that is false?

>Christianity - the religion of infantile glue-eaters

It's such a cucked religion that one man's ability to speak against it led him to popularity. That man is Martin :Luther by the way.

Daily reminder, (((atheists))) are kike's best friends in fundamently destroying true traditional Christianity.

Are you really that stupid?

christianity is the cancer that's been slowly eating away at western civilization for 2000 years. all this leftist bullshit has its roots in christianity.

Reminder, this affects USA, as the thousands of Syrian and other Muslim refugees (and their numerous future offspring) coming here get visa free travel to America once they become citizens. Just a quick border check and they're in.

Why are you pretending Athiests are in the slightest "right wing"?

fuck you Papist

go worship Mary and fuck altar boys somewhere lse

Methodism is a Lutheran sect, a post-Enlightenment movement. It is poisoned by Liberal values and was never part of Christendom. Lutherans adhere to such cancerous ideas as the separation of church and state and shill endlessly for democracy, egalitarianism, human "rights," legalism, individualism, etc. These values are diametrically opposed to traditional Christianity. Ergo, they are Christians in name only.

The ability to speak had little to nothing to do of it, user. What do you even mean?

My church prayed for Trump to win.

Wrong faggot. All this leftist bullshit has its roots in corrupt Judaism.

Just like everything else that is of any significance; it has been bastardized.

there are hundreds of thousands of churches in the US

there are probably less than 100 "sanctuary churches"

you're exaggerating and making it out as if every church is doing this

>Protestants are not Christians.
literally the dumbest thing i have ever read here

>eatting away at Western civilization
>2000 years

Retard levels maximum

One man is still having an affect on the Catholic church centuries later.

While Methodists are technically Protestants, the United Methodist Church is probably the most cucked and corrupted Protestant denomination other than Anglicanism. Presbyterian, Nazarene and Baptist master race

It's the fault of the ignorant masses desu.


You can be Christian without supporting the church you faggot. Hit these churches with fines and they will come to heel.

Not a Christian. Just stating the facts. The only thing Methodists have in common with Christians is worship of Christ. The similarities end there. Additionally, a large minority of them are actually atheists who have no faith whatsoever. Lutheran "religions" are not any more Christian than a duck is a plane.

False, Western Civilisation came from Pantheon worship, christianity came along and cucked classical civilisation and opened Europe up to barbarian and islamic invasion

The strongest Roman Emperors were Pantheon worshippers, Jesus was a Jew who wanted to destroy his occupiers from the inside, which he did, through cuckoldry

>literally following a jew from arab shithole
>3 major religions all from same area of sand people


White Christians are the reason I am not fighting savage American Indians right now

>List the excuses why youre still christian.
- love torture
- love being pedo
- love butchering infant cock-skins
- love (((celibacy))) (a.k.a. faggotry)
- no tax
- no responsibility for actions
- no need to prove claims
- idiots will follow you like you're a messiah
- political control
- can make wars
- free wine

Catholics are pagans, not true followers of Christ

Try again m'lady

Not even real christians.
Only Prevatican traditionalist catholics are real christians along side orthodox.

Everything else is heresy

I'm guessing you're a fellow Catholic. While I think protestants are full of shit I wouldn't call them "not christian". Accepting Jesus as your lord and savior is the necessary category for that. They don't experience the fullness of the faith sure, but I cant say they aren't going to be saved.

Every Christian I've ever met is retarded. They want to get into the minutiae of complete nonsense which I guess comes from being around other Christians who never challenge the most obvious assumptions. One time a Christian got into a huge row over whether Jesus has a body in heaven. I have more respect for Star Wars nerds arguing about what alien species Chewbacca is. At least they know they're talking about make believe.

Look at this cuck.


I'm LDS, those other denominations aren't the true church of God....

because it strengthens the ties to my family and my white heritage.

No. This is the glue that holds together the "western world".

All the more reason to go to Church. Rat out the illegals.

>implying christianity isn't a branch of Judaism

Overthrow the churches or burn them down. No house of God would allow this.


>an effect on the Catholic Church
One man began a popular revolt against the church because others propagated his stuff and enabled his views.

The Catholic Church has apostolic authority and her doctrine is true and accurate.

If you want something more elaborate you're going to have to be more precise.

>The western world is two centuries old
Enjoy your "civic nationalism" you dumb cunt

Because God lived a man's life of suffering to show me I had the power of choice.

I choose to honor that sacrifice.

Only because they are CORRECT!

You use the word "true"

Why is this


Because... it is?
Do you wish for me to break down "truth" to you or something?


>Accepting Jesus as your lord and savior is the necessary category for that

And that, my friend, is essentially what separates pre-Enlightenment Christianity from post-Enlightenment "Christianity." Do you realize that you are channeling Martin Luther when you say that? The idea that all that is sufficient to label oneself is a Christian is worship in Christ is only a recent idea- an idea that was considered preposterous in the ancien regime. The vast majority of "Christians" today would have been considered atheists 300 years ago.

No, paying lip service to Christ is not good enough. You must live the Christian life in everything you do.


In accordance with fact or reality.



I can confirm this. Christianity is the cuckiest of the cucked. At least Islam doesn't take shit

>not being a Tengrist

Is there such a fetish as putting your dick in a girls big ass bangles?

I'm a devout Christian and this is wrong. These people come here to be leeches. Scripture clearly tells us "he who will not work shall not eat." They are thieves.

>that related

Wouldn't be the first time.

But I'm highly skeptical to the point of calling bullshit.


Tell me when yo have somethingsubstantial to bring to the discussion.

>American Tengrists

Leftists are atheists. Thanks Stalin

>slowly eating away at western civilization for 2000 years
Christianity is the reason there is a western civilization. Fuck off.


Just reality, then.


Semantics, user.

Fun fact, if Europe had been pulling the same intellectual weight in 400-1400ad that it had during the Pagan era, or the same as China was pulling in that same period, we literally would have had the modern era 800 years earlier. But I guess burning your own people, railing against achievement, and making sure only Jews get into the banking industry is more important.

I guess Rome never existed?

>No house of God would allow this.
You're retarded. Churches love all the scum of the world.


Jesus would welcome the immigrants - Luke 9:51-55
Jesus would protest against cutting welfare - Matthew 25:31-46
Jesus would not support tax cuts for the wealthy - Luke 14:12-15
Jesus would support abortion - Luke 7:36-50
Jesus would not support corporate greed - Luke 12:16-21

Well, Christianity is neither of those things. Superstition is not a description of reality, it's just you being stupid.

Mark 7
26 The woman was a Greek, a Syrophenician by nation; and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter.
27 But Jesus said unto her, Let the children first be filled: for it is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it unto the dogs.
28 And she answered and said unto him, Yes, Lord: yet the dogs under the table eat of the children's crumbs.

According to Christianity, Europeans are to Jews as dogs are to people. That should give you some idea of what esteem our race and our achievements are held in by the ideology.

You're going to have to say something more substantial than "nuh uh" to be taken seriously, m8.

This user gets it.

Obscurantism is in fact a horrible period caused indeed by religion, but you cannot blame it all on christiniaty.
It was because of the schisms that the East (Russia) came to be.
In the Americas it was the Catholic church who taught inians, they installed priest-run schools and hospitals.
The list goes on...

I am not saying Christianity has been right every time, but the good for sure surpasses the dark ages.

(Nice to prove your point with actual evidence, I even feel bad for not providing any)

What the fuck does Luke 9:51-55 have to do with immigration? What the fuck does Luke 7:36-50 have to do with abortion?

Did you even read your own copypasta you stupid mong?

>le dark ages meme

Name just one person burned at the stake for questioning the Church. I'll wait.

Didn't Jesus also say something about respecting the laws of the country you reside in? Someone in the bible did I'm sure.

There are only so many plausible explanations for the origin of things.

>You're going to have to say something more substantial
No, that's you. Do you have anything to say but "I FEEL that magic is real so it must be"?

Render unto Caesar, dumbass.

Romans and Peter. One should obey the king's laws wherever you went (this is said as the christians started to spread around the world after Jesus' Death).

As man of Christ, one should be merciful and offer aid to those in need but you do need to enforce the law although such norms were different 2000 years ago.