Skin Color

Why do white people have light colored skin?
>inb4 muh melanin
Why do white people have less melanin?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because vitamin D deficiency killed off those with darker skin further north

>what are genes
are you some sort of retard or something?

Diet and Climate over thousands of years.

>Because vitamin D deficiency killed off those with darker skin further north
Why aren't the people with darker skin color who are now in the north dying off?

so the answer is genes? do you have anything else to say besides
>muh genes

Because you can get plenty of vitamin D at the supermarket
In much the same way the inuit retained their dark skin because their diet of blubber provided plenty of vitamin D

1: We didnt require dark skin anymore for UV protection in the north so the production of more melanin was a waste of resources
2: We benefitted more from being able to get more vitamin D out of what little sun we could get
Possible 3: White skin mixed with dark fur clothing breaks forms and contributes to camouflage, particularly in snowy forests. More ability to hunt food sources in winter = much better survival, even one extra deer that didnt notice you in your lifetime meant your genes got passed on much more readily

>Why aren't the people with darker skin color who are now in the north dying off?
Because modern diets and vitamins artificially keep them from dying up there.

Yes, it all goes back to genes

>be a polypeptide
>live in a cell
>get coded to become a particular protein through transcription and translation as a result of biochemical cues from nature such as ultraviolet light
>get coded for a certain protein
>happens to be melanin which are produced by melanocytes in the dermis
>melanin contents positively to shade of human skin color
>be skin color

No shit in our skin.

So about 4-10 thousand years ago many people from the middle east migrated to Europe. Does that mean if I stay here long enough my offspring will no longer be poo and become white or do indoor heaters negate evolution?

Because white people don't choose to live in deserts.

It means if your skin is too dark you die and some lighter skinned poo occupies your niche instead
That's how evolution works

Because of whites, they support the shitskins in the north.
Inuits survive off blubber.

so you're saying that eating vitamin D based foods sustains dark skin color and without it their skin would turn white?

>We didnt require dark skin anymore for UV protection
So having dark skin is only for UV protection, that's it's only function? Do you have a source?
>so the production of more melanin was a waste of resources
according to above posters, melanin can only be sustained by a diet with sufficient vitamin D. Are you saying that dark skin consumes Vitamin D to maintain itself? If so, how does the body know when Vitamin D runs low? Do people start turning white? If many people are Vitamin D deficient, shouldn't they start turning white?

>We benefitted more from being able to get more vitamin D out of what little sun we could get
So white skin is an adaption to absorb more vitamin D in a low sunlight atmosphere? Are you arguing that white people adapted to live in a certain part of the world and climate?

>White skin mixed with dark fur clothing breaks forms and contributes to camouflage, particularly in snowy forests. More ability to hunt food sources in winter = much better survival, even one extra deer that didnt notice you in your lifetime meant your genes got passed on much more readily

Are you arguing that the skin is actively intelligent and determined it was a good idea to become white in order to mix in with a snow in order to succeed in white colored geography? Are you saying the brain told the skin to turn white so it could hunt deer better? Are you arguing that everyone's natural state is dark skinned under normal conditions?

can you determine how many generations this takes? White people who live in high UV sunlight receiving areas should begin to turn dark when exactly?

To let more sun in for photosynthesis like a leaf

>so you're saying that eating vitamin D based foods sustains dark skin color and without it their skin would turn white?

the darkest of the dark would die. light skinned niggas would start to turn light, Mexicans become white.

I was stationed in Washington state for 2 years, everyone there turns 2 shades lighter.

I was as white as paper.

are you aware the humans lack chlorophyll?

If one of our evolutionary traits is to pass on our genes through all means possible, why are westerners so willing to not have kids at all recently?

Shouldn't every cell in their body be screaming "procreate, faggot", but they're just fine doing the act either through masturbation or sex with contraceptives and not getting the evolutionary result.

It would take multiple thousands of years at least before anything like that would naturally and permantely begin to change, and that would be provide the group stayed in a homogenous society of "pure white" individuals for example. Cross breeding of humans has also helped with the genetic diversity of skin color because of gene transfers during embryonic develpment.

so by your estimations, how many years would it take for a black man to become completely white? Again, why do inuits who live in areas with very little sunlight remain darker? One user argued it was fat content from blubber, but blacks are known to feast upon fried chicken and the oils and skins of the chicken are so high in fat that many of them die. Shouldn't they remain dark on a diet of fried chicken and french fries?

>tfw lived in WA my whole life
I'm literally transparent

But user, argued that it only took 2 years to see results? which is it? 2 years or thousands of years?

Its not about amount of sunlight it is the intensity of UV radiation. In places like the poles the amounts of radiation are much higher than the levels at the equator. And by that token, the sun is around longer in equitorial regions giving the same effect.

Jesus man what point are you trying to make.

Look, if you are some black African, you are pretty fucked in the north.

I have allot of experience with black people in the army. Not only do they like the sun, the hate being cold more then anything.

Black people will wear way more cold weather gear then needed. They will always bitch and complain about the weather more then anyone.

I personally love the Cold.

It is a natural fade but genetically as soon as there was more intense UV radiation the same biochemical processes described here in this link (that tells you exactly everything you need to know about skin tone)
would activate and said individual would return to their "normal" shade.

>it is the intensity of UV radiation. In places like the poles the amounts of radiation are much higher than the levels at the equator

So shouldn't inuits be the darkest of the races and not the ethopians and such? Surely the UV radiation is higher at the poles than in central Africa.

>the sun is around longer in equitorial regions
>giving the same effect

So you're saying that high intensity UV radiation is exactly the same as low intensity UV radiation over a long period of time? They are exactly the same things? Can you provide proof?

Assuming these are exactly the same things, shouldn't both people's skin color be exactly the same?

after they have a little time to tan

Certain interest groups are trying to over power nature with nurture and condition them to not have kids. That I have to explain this to you stupefies me considering you are even browsing Sup Forums.

Here OP, play with this for a while

> then why don't people die from smallpox anymore?

What are you asking me to prove? The things I am saying are completely other user's points. I am only fully exploring their hypothesis.

I don't think you understand how evolution works
It's not that a person with dark skin turned white
The person with dark skin died and their genetic lineage ceased

Have you ever went to the beach? It takes 3-4 hours.

>So having dark skin is only for UV protection, that's it's only function? Do you have a source?
Dark skin also makes it easier to absorbenfolic acid IIRC.

I don't have the time nor mental capacity to explain to you the links between global position in relation to the sun and how it effects biochemical processes for particular people in particular regions. Fucking google this shit man, its insanely complicated.

>getting scientific fact from a Swahili gumbo trading website


>what are vitamin D supplements

Because people are having sex and triggering the mechanism in their brain that is telling them to procreate. Since forever, the urge to have sex is good enough, since birth control didn't exist yet.

You can cum inside your gf and your brain is like hell ya we havin bbys. Instinct is less of a conscious thing though, your conscious mind knows that she ain't gonna get preggers obviously.

Darker skin is not necessary for the inuit who wear heavy clothing at all times. There are however adaptations to protect their eyes, hence the squinty eyes


>I have allot of experience with black people in the army. Not only do they like the sun, the hate being cold more then anything.

Does being in the army lend more validity to people's arguments?

>Black people will wear way more cold weather gear then needed. They will always bitch and complain about the weather more then anyone.

But darker skin absorbs more heat. Everyone can observe this fact in the contrast between asphalt and concrete. Everyone knows darker color interiors in cars are hotter. The Arabs wear white outer garments to help keep cool in a hot climate.

By your testimony, blacks should be warmer because of their darker skin.

>I just made a whole bunch of shit up and backed myself into a corner, stop asking me questions!

Read a scientific article if you actually want to learn about selective pressure, natural selection etc. The half boiled arguments you find on here aren't gonna teach you anything. Read a fucking book. That is if you're actually trying to learn, and you aren't just fishing for (you)s

Fried chicken has only been a thing for like 100 years FFS.
are you being retarddd in purpose?

They give birth to a higher rate of retarded babies because of lack of vitamin D up here.

Without modern medicin and diet they'd be fucked.

>would activate and said individual would return to their "normal" shade.

Are darker people who are in less intense UV climate in the "wrong" location? Since their skin color would return to their "normal" shade they must be from a place where their ancestors spent several thousands years. Are you arguing that these lighter skinned dark people are displaced or nomads and in a land which is not their of their ancestors?

>It is a natural fade
Can you define what a natural fade is in more scientific terminology so I can educate myself on "natural fade"

>so you're saying that eating vitamin D based foods sustains dark skin color and without it their skin would turn white?

Nope. They would be dead.
Only the lightest would live generation after generation.

'murican education, neck yourself already

The Romans had access to an herbal contraceptive, and they drove the plant to extinction.

>Does being in the army lend more validity to people's arguments?
Does being in a job known for having employees of all races and cultures and races who are stationed in all worldwide climates lend validity to a discussion about race and climate?

Here you go.


>But counterbalancing the need to block sunlight due to reduction in folate levels is the fact that vitamin D synthesis requires a minimum level of radiation to be catalyzed. Reduced vitamin D levels not only result in bone deformations (i.e., rickets), but a heightened sensitivity to a host of diseases.

>In this model the dark skin of humans naturally arose because women who were darker skinned carried more normal fetuses to term than those who were light skinned.

>Europeans and why they might be so light. Frank W. Sweet published an essay in 2002 which offered that the feasibility of a farming lifestyle at very high latitudes in Europe due to peculiar climatological conditions served to drive Europeans to develop light skins over the last 10,000 years. In short, Sweet argues that the diets of pre-farming peoples were richer in meats and fish which provided sufficient Vitamin D so that skin color was likely light brown as opposed to pink. But with the spread of agriculture Vitamin D disappeared from the diets of northern European peoples and so only by reducing their melanin levels could they produce sufficient amounts of this nutrient to keep at bay the deleterious consequences of deficiencies. This explains why the Sami, who never adopted agriculture, remained darker. One could hypothesize that the relative swarthiness of groups like the Welsh might be due to greater reliance on fish and game as opposed to agriculture, but the point is not to explain every last detail but to clarify the overall trend.
>But there’s a problem with this narrative: the lightest populations in the world are not from the farthest north. In Scandinavia the Sami are darker than the peoples to the south, and the Inuit are generally a light brown skinned people. It seems that the fairest peoples in the world reside around the shores of the Baltic sea, not in the circumpolar regions.

I just want to point out how many opposing and flat out wrong viewpoints people in this thread have. Even researchers still have mainly only theories and hypothesis and are still writing articles and doing research on the topic.

You have multiple theories such as

>Dark skin prevents folate destruction by UV radiation
>Diets high in fish, meat and nuts keep skin darker and an agricultural diet rather than a hunter-gather diet is why certain peoples are dark
Again something like this falls through the cracks when you look at certain groups like the Ainu of japan who aren't dark and were still tribal hunter gatherers. Again the amount of people the population in 1st world countries now is insanely high compared to what even hunter gatherers would be able to have so that theory isn't a good one either, yet is insanely accepted in scientific journals with relevance.

*people of the population who consume large quantities of meat in 1st world countries.

This video is the best response because it shows that skin color is not an isolated factor. And even goes further to say that skin (fur) color is linked to increased aggression (increased adrenaline receptors)

I'm sure modern science would say that things like this don't apply to people. That you can't say things or even research things like this because
>muh feelings.

You clearly know how to read, so why are you asking a bunch of 4 channers to give you half baked reasons?
Just read a science journal if it's that big of a deal to you

Thats not very nice Ahmed!

Who had the tendancy for darker complexion: agricultural folk or hunter gatherers?

Knowing nothing of why white skin came to be i assume it's either some bullshit like snow camouflage, selective breeding of lighter skin novelty.

But i'm just a dirty swede

>increased aggression

Let me guess: the more agressive the darker?

Dont confuse causation with correlation.

The cause for aggression is an overactive adrenaline gland and fight floght receptors always choosing fight.

I find it fascinating how wrong people are about things are and how aggressively they will protect their incorrect assumptions which they assume are widely believed facts.

People on Sup Forums generally have a higher grasp of how things really are, but when delving into complex subjects can be just as ill formed as anyone else.

This paints a dire picture for humanity in that liberal socialist people are so out of touch with reality and groups of people which have a better grasp on understanding social dynamics are still woefully uninformed about human life and the nature of the world we live in.

>people on Sup Forums know how things generally are


It was just a mutation that was selected favorably in populations because it's considered pretty. Men want to screw women with colored eyes and hair, not just the original human black and dark brown. It is recessive but is artificially selected for by preference of society on the whole. Everyone of every race wants fairer features for their mates and children so now we have these recessive genes widespread. They never really go away either, just keep emerging generations down in lineages. Furthermore, when they finally get genetic engineering down you can expect a lot more "white" people, and a ton of angry kikes too probably

what are you hoping to argue? You parroted the observed and testable outcomes of the experiment in the video.

Overactive adrenaline gland and always fighting are correlated to darker skin. They are not isolated factors you sift apart. To argue otherwise would be mere speculation and wishful thinking of this social age.

compared to the out of touch pro-welfare, pro-immigration, pro new age gender theories peoples. Yes. To argue that the people who support such things have a grasp on how it affects society in multiple ways is what would be funny.

Dark is bad psychologically (fear of the dark), mythologically (think the anti-thesis of reason, Dionysus, etc) and aesthetically, and like another user pointed out once designer babies become affordable and accessible, people will flock to shed the darkness from their children.

Correlated. You are an idiot. Look up war and death stats and you will find that white and mongolian skin colors are responsible for the mosts deaths by violence. My arguement is that your claims are pseudoscientific. They are just a chain of confirmation biasis that valid your trope linked worldview.

>mongolian skin colors
You can't separate Mongolian skin color for the factors of Ghengis Kahn's life and world view which seeped into every aspect of his ruthless rule of his Empire and the stretch of his empire allowing such violence to take place. As well as the technological supremacy of horseback archers during that time period which allowed for military domination. Those factors all contribute to your source of
>Muh Mongolian skin color

Google it shit head. Your the faggot saying dark skin is interlinked to aggression and i gave you two exceptions to your bullshit rule.

>taste and opinions

Did you watch the video here? Are you going to tell me what applies to animals can never apply to humans? What even is your arguing point besides:


>shit head
>your bullshit rule

it seems like when discussing a topic of any kind of depth your immediate response is to become angry and confrontational. You might have increase adrenaline receptors, or an overactive adrenaline gland.


Skin color is just melanin m8. Race isn't real.

>race is only skin colour

I'll take heteropaternal superfecundation for 100 Alex

I'll also take you're a stupid gullible bluepilled faggot for 6 gorillian

i've actually added more outside sources and discussed more of the outside sources that other anons have brought in than you have.

All you have is things which you claim are true and then provide no proof for and when ask for proof your answer is "NO YOU GO DO IT" which annihilates your credibility and leaves your argument standing on Styrofoam foundation.