Imagine if games were never invented. All those billions of hours could of gone to productive use. We might've have been to Mars by now
Video games and productivity
Other urls found in this thread:
STEM in 1950 sent men to the moon
STEM in 2010s make flappy bird
>All those billions of hours could of gone to productive use.
Damn. Think of all the cool video games that could have been made.
Video game and VR is so degenerate its mind blowing.
And by 2020 holographic gf for Sup Forums!!!!
I'd also like to add that I say this in regards to education in modern day. Millions of kids growth has been stunted because they placed their time into videogames instead of education. You can argue, "But the parents" but still
m8, the first moon landing was in 1969
I remember testing Moira's anti mole rat stick in there. Damn Bethesda makes retarded NPCs though.
You know how when people called us faggots for voting for trump.
You know how you're calling us faggots for playing video games.
Good track record so far.
You aren't more than one person dipshit.