absolute mad man

> absolute mad man



brings me such joy

I've always wondered why you can't blow locks out with weapons in FO.

that's cheating desu

How? Just make it so if you do blow the lock out some of the loot turns to scrap from collateral damage.



am i a retard for enjoying these lock-picking minigames?



post one with nick

no, those are fun, but not on their own.

Bethesda lock picking games are fun as fuck because it's so satisfying to hear that click, then get rewarded with treasure.

Should be a high explosives perk but Bethesda isn't creative or innovative


No. I find them enjoyable as well user

This was so much more satisfying than the trial and error guessing game that they replaced it with

THE FUCKING MEMORIES! I AM SO TRIGGERED! That fucking kike thought he could charge me hundreds of gems just to cross his fucking blockades! Fuck him!

I wonder if this is where MSM finally just flat out fucking dies. Literally every claim CNN makes will be turned into a Fallout meme. Every single one. Gun crime? Fallout meme. White nationalism? Fallout meme. Climate change? Fallout meme. Every liberal cause is going to have a screenshot from Fallout attached to it now. Every single one. Every liberal tantrum will be met with another Fallout meme. This is the hill they die on.

KOTOR had that option, with that very effect. Lightsabers are a skeleton key of sorts. Nowdays devs don't like oprions like that.


Hated this jew bear so much

Post more CNN headlines

Go to nexus mods. Likely one there unless you are a console pleb


Holy kek this is clever


>play infinitely superior cata DDA
>open doors with crowbar

Rest easy America, we stopped those dastardly Russians this time.

yes, you clearly dont have better things to do

Good one.
Still hate the fucking jew bear.

is it me or does that lock look impossible for a key to unlock it?


why carry keys when you have a spell

He tops my list for "most evil characters in gaming".

it doesn't appear to have a mechanism for allowing a key to push the tumblers out of the lock and allowing it to turn

when you get the skeleton key in Oblivion the game immediately becomes about 5 times easier

forgot image

keikaku doori

Not too much, the Oblivion one is still the funnest however.

>putin bots not knowing what is royalty free stock footage
They are not saying that it was real footage of hacking.

This gif is really cool

But this raises a question, if you're picking locks in real life, don't you work on a single pin at a time? If so, how do you keep it in place so when you move on to the next pins down the line it doesn't just spring back to the starting position?

>don't you work on a single pin at a time?
>If so, how do you keep it in place so when you move on to the next pins down the line it doesn't just spring back to the starting position?
you bump the lock to the side so the initial tumbler is in the unlocked position
look up lockpicking tutorials on youtube, they should show you how it works

Since the minigame only shows a cross-section and not the face of the lock, the key might enter the keyway perpendicular to the pins and rotate into place.

russian hacker identified

>don't you work on a single pin at a time
Only when raking or pickgunning the shit out of it doesn't work.


who is this guy?

Man it's been years since I've watched that shitty movie.

a lot of times you can "rake" the lock, moving the pick really fast inside, while applying torque to tumbler.

The pins hold themselves up like this:
there's very minute machining imperfections so the pins don't line up all flat when resting against the tumbler wall.
Imagine closing a door on your hand, and it would rest mostly on your biggest finger. "Pick" your finger and move it out of the wedge and then the next largest finger is now the one clamps. So you "pick" that one, etc.
