You guys ready for mexican refugees?
You guys ready for mexican refugees?
mfw ill be able to enrich cute german pussy too
give it a shot, paco.
Whats happening now?
You funny motherfuckers being all sneaky Hispanic like.
Mexico is welcoming tens of thousands of refugees from Haiti as we speak. And they're going to be stuck there behind our big, beautiful wall.
I think we should make Leopold Proud.
Protip: The USA is already full of Mexican refugees. Who, BTW, have to go back now.
Go for it Jose, I'm sure you will blend right into the sandnigger rapefugee crowd, you lot are equally shitskined and stinky anyways
they'll get butchered by cartels anyways.
Look at this soulless dog breath yellow ricenigger, Get the fuck back to your rice paddy.
We don't give a fuck about minorities, gringo. It's irrelevant. We don't give them welfare or something.
If you didn't make it across the border before Trump you sure as hell won't make it during Trump.
i'd rather have illegal mexicans than legal niggers
When I was in Germany we called the turks there European Mexicans
Why? Is Peña Nieto mentally ill? Haitians are the worse kind of refugees
Nobody wants to be a refugee in america, we all want to get to canada.
did something big happen that i'm unaware of?
this. at least mexican women are better.
did mexico really, why and how did they get to mexico in the first place?
I hope so, would be fun to watch
shit ton of riots, peso tanking hard, loss of jobs, wall, etc etc. civil war soon to come
why are you constantly posting this picture wtf is going on reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Some dude robbed that huge ass box in the riots lmao
probably a stove, dish washer or something
go back to rape a trap
nothing that bad will happen, but you guys will vote in the socialist meme man. he'll probably do fine if he's not a crook desu
oh lol that is actually pretty funny
Getting a taste of their own medicine.
gringo you don't know how mexican people behave. This is basically civil war already. I don't know what will happen next. I'm kinda scared.
And no nobody would vote the socialist meme man in power, it's pointless, he wouldn't be respected by anyone anyways.
should have robbed some guns instead of a fucking appliance.
lol this is all we have burger, it's the closes to a pistol i've ever had
you're fucked.
They're just passing through Mexico to get to the US.
Doubt it pechewingo
I love those things
>claims to live in poverty
>has plenty of pesos to spend on toy guns with extra caps
Ay Guey!
As long as they're white skinned qt-π's from Sonora.
>tfw this is your average sonora qt
ay guey! how did you know where the best latina womyn at?
One more for you
Because I too am a beaner but one born on the other side of the river. Also my family in Mexico lives down there.
You have to come back...
>average sonora qts
Lol, I'll go back on vacation and bang some strange when I visit my family again
>tfw i'm still virgin yet you just come here and bang whoever
I wanted to fuck this tall amazonian goddess but didn't even talked to her
Yeah don't get oneitis Mexibro. Talk to many women, learn to flirt on ugly girls, and make the occasional dirty joke around them. Basically let them know you're sexual without coming off like a creep or needy. Just have fun, don't worry too much about pussy but learn to recognize when a woman's interested in you and then strike. The worst thing you can do is get fixated on one woman and forget about all the others.
Mñe honestly i just gave up, every single woman tells me i'm short and all that or have no interest in me because i don't own a car w/e man i don't care about it. 2D > 3D
Don't give up buddy
They are not just Haitians, I was in Tijuana and I met a couple of central africans in the mix.
I already did, but it hurts so much to see all this pretty woman here :(