No matter what you mutated, translucent cave beasts say about my people, I'll always be proud to be black.
No matter what you mutated, translucent cave beasts say about my people, I'll always be proud to be black.
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lurk more
Go back to Africa to be with your race then.
fine, go be proud of being black to Africa
I'm clearly opaque, you ape.
they don't exist in Africa
they have cross bred so much that Blacks in America don't exist anywhere but in America
they are American
Calories 0
US Population -------------13%
Aggravated Assault -------60%
Sexual Assault -------------70%
College Grads --------------2%
Fatherless Children -------76%
Nobel Prize Winners ------1.5%
Nobel Prize minus NPP ---0.5%
Dindu Nuffin' ----------------100%
Remember race is a "social construct" and we are all "equal" LOL!
Go back to the caucasus mountains. As far as I'm concerned, your only native land is the tiny ass continent known as yurop
Been living here for much longer than you anyways.
>cave beast calling people cave beasts
The blacks had another great year in 2015, topping the charts in every crime yet again!
>Blacks commit more murders than the other 87% of the population, coming in at 51.1%
>They commit 53.5% of the robberies and 28.2% of the rapes
>Black men make up 6% of the population
>Rape almost half as much as 30% of the population
Truly a marvelous feat for their race! And people say they've accomplished nothing!
Let's give a round of applause to our negroid friends, and to another year of high criminality!
26 out of the 38 million blacks in the US are on welfare.
I'd have to disagree.
I would go to Europe if they let me and if it wasnt full of muslim and african invaders
you niggers ruin everything you touch
>Been living here for longer
No, you haven't. You said black, not native. Go back to Africa then.
Are you proud of what your fellow blacks did today?
Are you injun? Go back to siberia
St Louis, MO 2012 (49% black, 42% White)
Murder 97.6% of offenders were black
Rape 78.6% of offenders were black
Robbery 91.8% of offenders were black
Agg. Assault 84.7% of offenders were black
Burglary 80.0% of offenders were black
Chicago 2011 (33% black, 32% White, 29% hispanic)
Murder offenders--- black 70.5%; hispanic 24.3%, White 3.5%
New York City in 2014: (33.3% white, 28.6% Hispanic, 25.5% black, of 8 million people):
Blacks were 62.4% of murder victims and 61.8% of those arrested for murder.
Hispanics were 25.2 % of murder victims and 31.8% of those arrested for murder.
Whites were 7.5 % of murder victims and 2.9% of those arrested for murder.
In short: in 2014, blacks and Hispanics were 93.6% of those arrested for murder in New York City.
How about rape victims/those arrested for rape in 2014?
Blacks were 39.7% of rape victims and 43.2% of those arrested for rape.
Hispanics were 36.5% of rape victims and 45.8% of those arrested for rape.
Whites were 17.9% of rape victims and 4.7% of those arrested for rape.
In short: in 2014 blacks and Hispanics were 89% of those arrested for rape in New York City.
Robbery victims/those arrested for robbery?
Blacks were 33.7% of robbery victims and 61.5% of those arrested for robbery.
Hispanics were 37.3% of robbery victims and 29.6% of those arrested for robbery.
Whites were 15.4% of robbery victims and 6.1% of those arrested for robbery.
In short: in 2014, blacks and Hispanics were 91.1% of those arrested for robbery in New York City.
Argentina and Latin America in general is already a wasteland filled with lazy southern Europeans. You did that all on your own and have no one to blame but yourselves.
Americans, keep a shorter leash on your ape. He seems to be quite loudmouthed.
What are you proud of? The entire history of your people is abject squalor, failure, and getting conquered by everyone else. You will never amount to anything worth being proud of as a collective.
Only so I can watch whites chimp out on the news whilst I sit in the warm comfort of my living room.
325,000 blacks killed by other blacks in the last 35 years in and that number is getting a lot larger by the day. Do they think there is no problem with how blacks behave?
I would unironically fug a female version of that.
>can't see the wall behind it
you don't even know what translucent means, you bored white boi
Yes, we've become the worlds most advanced people who waged war on the different races and subjugated them like the failures they are (and still today).
Nice post, Satan.
How's that Spanish cock in your mom's and grandmom's pussy taste like?
what does kek mean by this
People who feel proud for existing are retards lol.
Digits don't lie.
Civilizations rise and civilizations fall. Couple thousand years ago you were a bunch of barbarians living in mudhuts.
I'm not even white.
How does knowing regardless what great things you wont do, you will still be at the bottom of the racial totem pole
Niggers are the least wanted race in the world.
So much so we (the white race) have to find prime examples within the billions of you to show. "Look I found a semi-decent one"
OP is doomed
Your brown skin does not offend me. It disgusts me. It's your existence that offends me.
You have a RIGHT to be proud, bwa.
You're one of the most highly-bred farm animals that american slave-owners could rear, before their livestock selective-breeding program was cut short by that pesky Lincoln.
Be proud. Be proud your ancestor's owners mated them.
See how easy it is for you to lift that bale and sire those additional young livestock... compared to the humans.
America in a nut-shell. Whites build, blacks destroy. Detroit, Baltimore, New Orleans, Ferguson, Atlanta, Compton, Chicago. Wherever they are in masses, violence and poverty.
Your black race is useless
>Niggers are the least wanted race in the world
I don't care. Other races don't matter anyways.
We are also the fastest growing, while whites are the fastest declining.
That thing is literally more beautiful than any nigger ever could hope to be. And I have to say that's not very beautiful at all.
Keep telling yourself that, slant eyed chink rapebaby.
Those facts are racist bro
Didn't you know that blacks used to be an advanced space faring race of ultra tolerant pacifists? It all changed when the white man came and started oppressing them. They were enslaved and forced to build America, and now they're just lashing out.
>slant eyed chink rapebaby.
Murican education. You probably shouldn't get your geography / history lessons from Sup Forums. Ironically, if you do, you'll embarrass yourself on Sup Forums.
Fastest, growing quickest dying, and least technological. Would take only ten nukes to reduce your race to dust. Weapons invented by the white man.
antiquated livestock
Go be proud somewhere else.
Like not around white people.
>imagine a world without whites
Peace and prosperity?
I'd take a world without white imperialism and supremacy any day.
What do you think about this numbers,
What's that? Your IQ of 70 doesn't let you understand reality?
What are you really proud of? Name 5 things that make you feel pride about being black
Does that mean you'll go back to europe?
Nice digits
True facts:
A police officer is 19 times more likely to be shot by a black man than a black man is to be shot by a cop.
Black and hispanic cops shoot unarmed black suspects significantly more frequently per capita than white officers.
Go to hell, BLM
You are full of shit
>Name 5 things that make you feel pride about being black
>muhh digg
count as 5 things?
Also checked.
Lets see your list, ape.
you could get back to your roots
blessed by kek
I don't think anything of them. All of those problems came about from white imperialism and terrorism against blacks.
Whites have done for more treacherous things in history that make those numbers negligible.
Why are you proud to eat dirt?
Sheeit this are my first quints
muh peanut butter
Then leave.
Good for you.
White people helped you guys more than anything. What were you before them?
No they fucking aren't you shitlib faggot.
blacks sold blacks into slavery..
So this is what a single digit IQ looks like...
they aren't what?
a lot have had 400 odd years there, that's twice as long as my family has been in Australia
am I not Australian?
So the only thing to blacks is being victims? Being weak? That's nothing to be proud of.
Btw your ancestors where probably sold by other blacks.
Can you name 5 things that make you proud of being black?
Black skin is gross like you came out of auschwitz.
Careful what you wish for nigger
1. Courage - Regardless of how mistreated we are or formidable the opponent, we never back down and always defend our people. We stand up for what we believe in and don't really care if its popular or not, unlike whites or other races.
2. Despite being forcibly removed from our culture, we were able to create new ones and find ways to survive.
3. Inherently cool and popular.
4. The most diverse group of people in the world from various continents and with varying cultures.
5. Our appearance. Our full lips, dark skin, and sexy body shapes.
The argument isn't the amount of people dying but the way they're killed by the officer who are suppose to uphold the law.
Honestly some oversight is required for police shootings which is why we have the DHS so it really is a moot point
now i know this is fucking bait, there is no way you believe that
Is that your girl nigga? Can i fuck her with my white mongolian benis? Ill let you watch as i BLEACH dat choco pussy
Don't turn into a thugging nigger.
proof we wuz
Bait? Refute my points then.
I have ZERO sympathy for blacks anymore! Over 50 years of Affirmative Action, Black Power, Civil Rights legislation and preferential treatment in hiring and education have resulted in nothing! They have had access to the "buffet of opportunity" for over 5 decades and still haven't turned things around. What a complete joke and failure! They behave the same in every country they live, no matter if is USA or any country in Europe. The blacks are their own problem.
Truth be told, there is no conspiracy by Whites to oppress Blacks. This is a lie pushed by the Jewish media so Blacks lash out at White people.
I personally have zero desire to oppress anyone because of their race, religion etc.. That whole idea is ridiculous. In fact, I have yet to meet a single White person that legitimately wants to oppress Blacks. The only reason we are making fun of Blacks is because their behavior is so irrational and dangerous that they represent a threat to our well being. Multiculturalism just doesn’t work.
If you Blacks feel so oppressed because of the color of your skin there are plenty of other countries you can move to in Africa. All you are doing is making more and more White people dislike you because of your childish behavior.
You start with the biggest bait, come on now. There's no affirmative action rewards on this Mongolian basket weaving forum.
>I have ZERO sympathy for blacks anymore
>implying you had any
>Truth be told, there is no conspiracy by Whites to oppress Blacks
In Norway maybe, however don't speak about America because you don't have a clue.
>If you Blacks feel so oppressed because of the color of your skin there are plenty of other countries you can move to in Africa
Tell the same to your oppressed white North American friends on this board and offer them free boat rides back to Europe.
I want to oppress niggers
>not one historic moment
>not one invention
>not one scientific discovery
>not one art masterpiece
C'mon you are not even trying tyrone.
Lol , the land was won fair and square nigger, get the fuck over it, white master race won, that's what white people do, they fucking win.
we literally have a nigger president stfu
Well let's see. When frustrated we are never afraid to show our faces or take to society regardless of how unpopular the opinion is. We've done it multiple times now throughout American history and have faced the entire nation and we win every single time.
Meanwhile getting a white person to protest or stand up for what they believe in is impossible.
You cant really refute personal beliefs about something, what i am questioning is if you truly believe them or not
I think you are a fucking fake
Using the internet is appropriating white culture.
>being a nigger
During the slavery times niggers worshipped their white masters. Cmon now nigger know your own history. And that time will btw come again. Your time will come nigger
This is a great nigger hate thread.
This is what it sounds like when niggers have to actually play on even ground for once instead getting free money for being slave animals.