What's your endgame Sup Forums?
Hard mode: No meme answers
What's your endgame Sup Forums?
Hard mode: No meme answers
Pure transparency from every government and pure privacy for every citizen.
It's about having a good game.
Why would you want to know the finishing moves?
You know in chess, very often it's not good to react so quickly.
Sometimes you can win with only a few pieces left.
Making anime real.
First Trump has to MAGA.
Then robowaifus can be developed.
Living a life worth living twice
skynet would nuke us before that
To be president of my country, install a pure transparency, make information available for everyone, bring safety and prosperity for my people
In the end, transcend the fleetingness of human life and live forever in history, at least the history of my country
Maybe have a street or avenue named after me
Can you defend your position?
The world of mass communication, surveillance and internet has made transparency a viable decision for many governments. Most people get upset by the lack of transparency along with a lack of privacy.
recall when Obama said he'd run the most transparent administration ever and ran it as a huge part of his campaign and then proceeded to go after journalists on espionage charges?
>City when I'm young
>Country when I'm old
I can see your point Obama did say that he would be the most transparent.
What about people like Assange who are going out of their way to expose the secrets?
Do you believe we'll have AI before we have dedicated teams to expose government secrets?
Either way the board will get tossed.
this man has it. i'll see you under the starry country skies in a few decades friend.
It's very simple. The current pathway that western civilization on is based off falsehoods. Because of this, it will fail. Globalism, Liberal World Order, no borders, etc is a failure.
It won't work. Look at statistics of Sweden for 2nd/3rd generation immigrations. Almost none of the shitskins in Sweden work, and these are ones born in Sweden.
The endgame of Sup Forums is to hopefully stop the destruction of the west at an earlier point in time. China is rising and there are a lot of other problems coming. The current elite over the past 30 years are utter failures post cold war.
The end game is averting fucking societal collapse which is what the elite mistakenly have pushed us toward.
>having an end game
Last I checked there is no end of history, so all we can do is build something that can stand the tests of time until a new group tries to recreate what we did.
I don't have an end game, I just...
I'll give some small examples
"What made America great was multiculturalism and open borders"
- America had pretty much 85% white population for most of it's history aside from former slave populations
Basically, the globalists and elites have mistakenly believed in lies, like equality of peoples. A nigger with 85 IQ is not a backbone that leads to a strong society. Genetics are real and any country should understand this when making decisions. Hence the massive mexican immigration has declined general genetics. This directly led to the housing crash and many other current problems in things like the Democrat party and universities.
Basically, the end game is simply to stop the impending fall of the West, although I doubt that happens. Personally my end game is just to enjoy watching history and I personally anticipate China winning via unrestricted warfare and killing everyone who isn't Chinese. Which I see as a good end state for humanities history.
>Do you believe we'll have AI
im basically a trans-humanist at this point.
...but the memes are the answer...
Transhumanism is the best current "ism". The GDP gain from small transhumanist changes is far beyond anything left or right offer.
Buy a house in the country and furnish it within three months.
Convince the Scottish girl who has no future without me to marry me and have my children.
Conquer Constantinople in the tenth crusade.
>Sometimes you can win with only a few pieces left.
At the end of the game, both king and pawn go in the same box.
what i mean is, i think we already have AI.
but its not what you think.
Its Us. Our brains are quantum computers and we people are used as a resource of our creators
>Our brains are quantum computers
Everything but this.
It's possible your neural net runs on a QC, but there is no evidence that your brain is anything more than a Turing machine.
To save the white race.
you are making the mistake of guessing
Any such "possibility" could be real. we are in a simulation. there is a god. Buddhism is right. etc These are all beyond current measuring capabilities and hence you can't prove or disprove any of them. You just "feel" like it is right.
It's just a guess. Hence utterly worthless and bias. Without a pattern to match with, which is impossible without dying or transcending reality, there is nothing but guesses.
See, you made the mistake of believing in human language and human perception. Everything is simply based on pattern recognitions. Since you have not died, met God/creator or whatever, or have any patterns to base these off, you are basically erratically guessing.
My endgame is to get at least 1 Michelin star and retire at 60 with kids and a house lots of chefs i know have wifes and kids already so hopefully i fall into the same pattern
Exploring antartica the way I would like too, as a a doctor in the field of geology.
Well on my way
> there is no evidence that your brain is anything more than a Turing machine
did you not get the updated model or something? What makes you think this
sense of smell alone is most likely a quantum reaction
>which is impossible without dying or transcending reality
> there is no evidence that your brain is anything more than a Turing machine
did you not get the updated model or something? What makes you think this
sense of smell alone is most likely a quantum reaction
>which is impossible without dying or transcending reality
i fkd up
People in the city are damn arrogant about Muh liberal/progressive values. Going to a university in a city can be cancerous honestly
Becoming the overgod of the omniverse.
Making the transaction from the American superpower to the Chinese one as bloodless has possible.
Finding and spreading truth, no more lies
Well said.
lulz and cheeto fingers
Truthfully I don't know yet. Continue gathering like minded people, hold more events, grow our numbers to a point where meaningful, obtainable goals can be achieved. Create a small refuge, a community for ourselves to simply be. Expand it, encourage growth, build upon the principles that we all shared that brought us together in the first place. Self sustainability, independence, accountability for ones own actions, pride in one's work. See where that takes us and work from there.
Make America Safe Again
Try showering once a week first, Pierre.
TL;DR All europeans are doomed because of europeans.
Your insight about China is correct, though now that Japon will soon arm itself with the nuke, he's also a valid bet.
Misgeneate with one of those two people, and do it now. Once the west collapse, you can bet their already tight borders will get tighter. You have around two decades to learn one of the language, become a citizen, marry a local, and breed as many times as possible.
Even in the case of a self-cleansing, your children will probably be safe, especially if they bred before the Purge since quadroons should be safe regardless of the ideology of the fascist government enforcing sanity on its nation.
Though you should really have contingencies in place for such a scenario, and survive it. There is much work to be done, and death is an obstacle to it.
Normally i would type something like "haha you funny guy i kill you last", but that would be a lie.
Your treatment of my person will be a non-factor in my judgement of whether you are worthy to be on my planet or not, only your behaviour, and so your genetics, will matters.
I used to have one but i cannot attain it anymore
so i dont know
Merci mon Dieu pour ton amour!
Erase spam.
A better world
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Have you ever programmed anything before? The brain is very far from being a Turing machine. Our brains and computers work vastly differently.
t. Computer programmer
national socialism
Ne me remercie pas trop tôt mon enfant, car l'amour n'apporte pas que du bonheur.
N'oublie jamais que tout acte est pour le bien de l'Humanité, même si pour l'individu vivant dans le bref âge des rivières de sang, ce serait difficile à accepter.
death of state
The purification of Sacred Terra, and setting the stage
for the Human domination of the known universe.
Can't you just enjoy a good game? Chess is a poor metaphor anyway, there likely isn't two sides to everything.
computer/brain stuff is a huge meme
A good life for my kids.
Live life.
On who's terms?
Watching the world burn
Decisions made on a whim will often bite you in the ass
Bishop takes queen, checkmate.
Laisser les océans rougir si notre sang devient pur.
1 race
the white race
Do you have an opening for that?
>Mfw Queen doesn't equal checkmate.
my ID is VJoTE63m, color orange
Politics has no endgame.
Politics is about methods, not goals
We are all trying to survive and further our lineage
Politics is just trying to make sure your method is used instead of somebody else, because your method benefits you the most
Hi gov't user! You losing your job soon?
Do my part to create an America that I can be proud of. Transparency, truth, honesty, and accountability are my top priorities.
it has always been about the memes.
>What's your endgame Sup Forums?
crushing this ________ with no survivors
A glorious a sustainable future in space for all humanity.
Reclaim Constantinople
To repel the shitskin invaders, whenever they come. Pic related.
Self sustainable homestead in the woods with solar panels.
I want out.
Filling the galaxy with life and ensuring the long-run survival of humanity is the only endgame. Every other value is dependent of earth not being destroyed. Not good enough senpai.
Doing your mom.
Die --> Cryonic Freezing --> literally a CyberNazi
Our endgame is to save western civilization while giggling like madmen.>
Hi Australia
Watch everything burn for teh lulz
The ride never ends, we just learned how to enjoy it.
Serve 8 years as president of the US and then make enough money to have a Amex black card (centurion card). At the absolute least I want director of CIA/DIA/other intelligence agency, or ideally DNI (director of national intelligence, the guy the director of the CIA reports to who then talks to the president).
Restore our borders and global influence to Soviet days.