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There's nothing perfect in software. Expect automated deaths out the ass when it becomes the norm. Less than regular driving deaths but they'll without a doubt be talked about more.

What if I put a thermite charge on the hood? We're gonna kill robots. We'll have the time.


CES 2017 keynote by nvidia

Perfected AI driving is complete. Nvidia wins.

Google did this already 5 years ago, where have you been?

It's better than human now.

My Nvidia graphics card melted once

Google fucked up and lost most of the talent. They worked on old technology that was mostly obsoleted by today's standards. Nothing google did 5 years is comparable to what nvidia did in a few weeks.

This is very much hardware > software

>Less than regular driving deaths but they'll without a doubt be talked about more.

This is the problem. Not that the self-driving programs don't work (they've been working better than human drivers already for years now), but that the retarded media will turn it into a huge scandal the first time one out of a million of these cars happens to get involved in an accident where someone dies. Unfairly, this will set back all self-driving car companies for years even though human drivers accidentally murder people every single day and nobody blames all other human drivers each time one specific human driver fucks up.

his name is johnnnnnnn cena.... at 28:40

I thought AMD was the one with no drivers

It seems like ai cars are making good strides lately. But I want to see how they do in bad weather. Rain, snow, ice, fog.

nvidia can't even put out a decent graphics driver lel

You won't need to, Nvida products catch fire on their own.


>But I want to see how they do in bad weather. Rain, snow, ice, fog.

The things they confuse will be interesting to see since they'll probably be different from the illusions humans fall for. It'll give us more insight into what's effectively emerging as the AI equivalent to consciousness.

Fair points but relatively unimportant. They can avoid most of those situations thanks to a wider array of sensors. Self Driving cars have already driven fine in snow and rain.

I love how he disengaged the autopilot before going down town in city traffic on city streets.

Slide thread and NVIDIA tried risibly to carry NASA's muh moon landing bucket of shite.

10 million firefighters will be needed though to put out the Nvidia truck fires though.

You have to understand that even if another car bumped into a self-driving Nvidia car; it will be front page news. Literally getting hit by another driver would cost nvidia billions of dollars in bad press.

There is a good reason to avoid any risks when showing off this tech. Tesla has "assistance" and even they get massive bad PR when a wreck happens.

Imagine the efficiency of the system. It would make life more more enjoyable, but sadly it's not happening for a long while.

Don't Teslas do this already? They have this feature in current models on the road, not a tech demo video like nvidia

>but sadly it's not happening for a long while.

by every metric it will literally be widespread by 2020

>car hits a civilian


>win case because it was by the car
>counter sue the victim
>sue Nvidia as well for mental trauma

this is your fucking future

What hardware is inside Tesla? Nvidia hardware is what drives Tesla's latest self-driving stuff.

probably is only 1.7% better than google driving cars.

also the car probably is made with wooden screws

It's extremely primitive in comparison. Tesla's technology is nothing more than cruise control+ with emergency braking built in.

But would it kill you for the greater good?

so the video is nothing new then? it's just the same technology in a different car body?

google is shit at car tech

Everyone else already passed them up. Nvidia passed them after a few months.

Google's best AI stuff is all out of deepmind and they aren't working on driving.

checks out

Because it's human error, we know humans aren't perfect but machines are supposed to be.
I think the real backlash will be when moral decision making is implemented. The "Would you swerve into an elderly woman to save a dindu on the road" type.

Tesla is required by law that you can't have your hands off the steering will during autopilot and if you release your grasp off steering wheel car will drive to a safe zone or veer off traffic to stop for safety measure.

This is all thanks to that smug retard that crashed to death while he was watching harry potter when the tesla computer couldn't see a trailer near a white vehicle because the weather was cloudy.


>Self driving cars are ten trillion times safer than humans
>Mr Goldensberg bans normal cars

Anyone else see this happening in the forseeable future?


The moral decision making stuff is low IQ trash from braindead morons like Sam Harris. Don't bring them up. Zero people working on self-driving cars give a shit about moral decisions.

I only watched this shit live because I thought I was going to see a 1080ti introduced. Fuck.

IT's inevitable.

Most likely you will still be able to "drive" but any time a wreck or traffic jam would happen, the AI takes control

underrated Sup Forums tier humour. nice m8.

The eternal Aussie strikes again kek

wouldnt want to drive a fermi nvidia card in summer

but how will it handle u-turns

Doesn't mean it won't be implemented, they will want their cars to be seen as the safest so if they can run into 1 person rather than 3 they'll likely take that route.



During the actual presentation they said the system tries to determine a confidence level on the route. If the confidence level is low it tries to become a co-pilot.

>widespread in 3 years
I'm not sure it will be that fast. I would give it at least 10 because you just know there will be retards that will fuck it up somehow and there is also security risks that need to be taken into account. When you turn something into a computer then it's bound to get hacked in one way or other.

Will the control panel have woodscrews sticking out of it?


Are you sure "no choice but to crash into someone" scenarios really exist? It might just be that every single car crash is preventable with a superhumanly competent AI driver.


It will drive at 5 kph maximum within 3 years

It's low IQ talk. Don't bring it up. It's like worrying about which planet you will live on when humans are multi planetary.

There is no point to "moral decisions" as compared to just drive great. Those edge moral decision cases are literally 1/100000th of human fatalities related to cars and will only matter when the tech is absolutely perfected

There will always be a person behind the wheel.
We would need a full grid, map, map of all signs, and everything until it is full auto.

One sticker on a stop sign by a kid and the car won't recognize it. One dim light on a freeway sign, or dip sign, or anything and it won't see it. The list goes on. If a company makes map views with sign markers and what they mean, they will make fucking billions. Shit, new idea.

The difference is that nVidia made hardware expressly designed for machine learning and it turns out the thing learns ridiculously fast and gets very very good at recognizing its surroundings just from visual photography. Most other self driving cars use LIDAR (because it includes range data) which is why they have big dumb expensive domes on the roof. This was done with half a dozen high def cameras and a modified graphics card, meaning its going to be dirt cheap relative to the cost of an entire car. And that's what makes it a game changer.

>inb4 car overheats and burns a hole in the street

A lot of companies are literally mapping everything as we speak. Tesla for instance is gathering mapping data from every single one of their vehicles.

>when you own a piece of road and your automated system hacks all the cars that drive past to drive off the cliff because they didn't pay the toll before entering your property

>One sticker on a stop sign by a kid and the car won't recognize it. One dim light on a freeway sign, or dip sign, or anything and it won't see it.

None of these things you're bringing up apply exclusively to AI. If humans can recognize them, then AI can recognize them. There's nothing inherent in AI that prevents it from being as good at recognition tasks as humans. If anything, there's evidence they can be trained to do much better than humans at recognition tasks.

Even of signs, where they are and what they say? So the car can see in it's data that a dip or ped-x is coming up?

>hack light signs to show green
>watch as dumb humans plow into eachother
>remove a stop sign and watch people die
>shine a high powered laser into a humans eye and make them go blind on the highway

it's almost like these "hacks" have existed since forever and work on humans

>car stops, carjacking technique is created
>car doesn't stop, people die


Yes and it's a ton of companies mapping everything not just tesla



No man in their right mind would want a self driving car, maybe as a bonus feature but the point of expensive cars is to be in control and be able to rev your engines at every red light like a true asshole to show you're not a poorfag

AI can't recognize them unless it's programmed it. AI is programmed for dimension, pixel patterns, and so on.When it is off by X%, it's not a match. And if the camera can't view the sign, it will magically be able to see it?

As long as every individual who gets in an accident with one of these can sue the fuck out of Nvidia

>perfect self driving
Kek, a little bit of snow, or some fog on the sensors and it goes apeshit. Computer can't even see the lines on the ground with a snow storm. The only real way to achieve a decent self-driving car is with the help of the government, installing sensors under roads, a detailed gps map, accurate to the goddamn millimeter, with speed limits and road signs embedded in it, as well as every building, every speed bump, which will guide the computer. Also, every pedestrian should be holding some kind of device to alert other computers of their presence (such explosive nanochips embedded in their neck), only then would you have a half-decent self-driving car. And that's just the tip of the iceberg, it would require not only spotless coding to avoid any error on the computer side, but also the infrastructures on the roads to help guide the computer. All it takes is one piece of black ice, or a snow bank covering a pedestrian to turn the whole thing into a shitfest. And that's not even going into the new issues it would bring such as hacking the ECU, and sending someone to their death.

neat. But won't go to Mashable.

thats not how this tech works

It can deal with high variation due to statistical methods

Surprisingly accurate as I stare at my fried nvidia video card

It's not necessarily for what works but for advertising. Assuming your self-driving technology is on the same level as the others, if you have an added moral system to create the least casualties then yours is the safest.

The whole point of machine learning is that it can teach itself.

Exactly, we're getting to the point now where most of the criticisms of AI are just that it's almost as stupid as we are.

Good, trucks won't need explosives anymore.

>AI can't recognize them unless it's programmed it.
That's not how it works. AI isn't hard-coded.

ayy what up Sup Forums

> I'll take statistical methods into mind the next time I see new spray paint from a kid on a stop sign.

go back to reading Twilight or something.

Can it recognize niggers surrounding it? That one mobile robot didn't.

AMD just has bad drivers
they will patch it

It has to be taught what to learn, what to look for, and what to do with it. You guys are pretty mixed up on what AI is right now.

It will ask the cloud what's up and see there was a stop sign at the location. It will then slow down and stop as a cautionary measure, saving the occupant inside from a wreck.

How easy would this be to sabotage? It seems like it'd be really easy to give these camera false positives.

Ok, we decided to make green lights red now. AI will just learn that on it's own?

I have never heard a counter to this. I have automotive engineer relatives who are working on autonomous vehicles and they just get uncomfortable and change the subject.

no more private ownership of cars aka freedom of movement. soon you'll only be able to rent a car.
>I'm sorry Dave, that location is frequented by white supremacists. You're not a nazi are you?

nightmare fast approaching. scary shit.

>NVIDIA AI encountering BLM protest on highway
>AI can't make sense of that many people
>wut do

also, asian M W female

when does the white man rise up and take his world back?


Which is programmed. It is asking. New stop sign goes up, the AI that speaks to these people will know the sec it goes up because it magically learns things without humans help.

>AI can't recognize them unless it's programmed it.

That's not true. Some of the programming I do for my day job involve ANN (neural networks) for tasks like predicting customer attrition or classifying unlabeled call center agent text notes, and the whole point of them is you can bypass having to explicitly program rules and instead just train them to learn things through an error function minimizing algorithm that runs through known data sets so that when you get the error on those data sets low enough they'll be able to give the correct answers to similar unknown data sets.

>And if the camera can't view the sign, it will magically be able to see it?

If a human's eyes were blocked from viewing a sign, would you magically expect them to see it too?

>tfw automated truck attacks
No one needs a baby killing automatic assault truck!

because it is stupid

>steal that networked car with 20 HD cameras on it and that doesn't have a driving wheel.

The security on these things is about 2000x better than a traditional car. These are networked, have huge amounts of sensors constantly sending data home, etc

You won't be able to just hot wire it or grab the keys.

ty user I was looking for a new entry into NVDA after they were targeted by that massive short.

Gave me a hearty chuckle, Australia. Good job.

>Disengage autopilot
Too many syllables for an emergency situation.

Jokes aside, personally I think if you're on the road illegally the car should act like you don't exist.