National Socialist Worker's Party of America

Wow!? What is this? How long has it been around? Why has everyone on /pol not joined it already?

"There has been an awakening. Our people and our nation have awakened. No longer will we surrender ourselves to mediocrity. We will not apologize for American greatness. The achievements of our ancestors are our pride and glory. No longer will we bear shame for the conquest and supremacy of our people. We are presently involved in a world race war. This war has been declared, not by us, but upon us by the race-mixing communist hordes of the Earth. These colored globalist individuals have sought to usurp us, since the dawn of our establishment as a unified power. We stand for a united America and a united white race. We proclaim ourselves to be a master race, a super race. This is self-evident in that we, alone, have created white Western Christian civilization, a feat no other people have even remotely come close to rivalling. We must all join in this crusade, each and every one of us. Awaken, white brothers and sisters! My fellow American patriots, find the true sense of reason and compassion for your own people, instead of these foreign aliens that attack us, within yourselves. We will annihilate all those who seek out our destruction. Anything they have done to us can be undone. All can be perservered. Strike our enemies down, and cast away the darkness of International Jewry and its influence, with the light of the inevitable and prosperous global Aryan future! No matter what they do to us they will never crush our spirit. Such is the purest essence and nature of our race. Never lose heart! Never lose energy. Never lose the will to carry on and fight!"

Other urls found in this thread:

thanks for the hot linkz, agent Dan!

>only whites deserve to work

Please kill yourself

What is that even supposed to mean?

What do you even mean by this? It makes literally no sense, CTR shill.

That description is ver batim what a FBI agent thinks we sound like. While we share the ideals, it's worded very poorly. It's a honeypot.

It's not poorly worded at all. It's an amazing and awe-inspiring speech from a charismatic leader of a noble and legitimate party. Your paranoid schizophrenia is showing.

It will never ever work... it is just plain stupid

I was the 4th view of the video that they uploaded. Today. 20 bucks says OP is Michael Brown.


>FBI honeypot
You guys are really slacking

reads like larp shit

fucking cringe.

>English isn't even your first language

There was a time and a place for literally being a Nazi, and it's not now and wasn't here.

I flirted with the idea of starting a NatSoc party under a different name, kind of like how the Federalists were actually anti-federalists, but they stole the name because it had crowd appeal. So if you ever see an organization that sounds like National Socialism called something like the American Democrats...

wtf is this shit?

I consider myself NatSoc, but this website is cringe as fuck.

>he actually clicked on it
I've got some bad news, user
hope you used a proxy!

>paranoid schizophrenic neckbeard
>paranoid schizophrenic shitpost
>irrelevant wetback living in a third-world shithole

You're natsoc, and wearing an SS jacket is cringe as fuck? Judgmental socially retarded autistic limp-wristed chronic-masturbating reclusive shut-in neckbearded faggot much?

>Why has everyone on /pol not joined it already?

Because all Socialists (yes, even the nationalist ones) deserve to be thrown out of fucking helicopters.

Nazi and fascist iconography is breddy comfy but Nazi racial eugenics is outdated. Human beings could have bred themselves better just like livestock but that time is past. Within one generation we'll have transcendent computer intelligence and computers that fit inside your body. Hating on "inferior" races is fucking stupid. Niggers know that they can behave like the white man when they need to and we know it too. It's just convincing them that it isn't "Acting white" its more like "acting like a fucking righteous human being."

The white man will never resolve to exterminate another fucking race of people. The Nazi didn't do it and neither will any of us.

Implying that someone actually know you exist(your animu pillow doesn't count, neither date simulators)


If I'm not mistaken, NSDAP was part of a honey pot initially. Or perhaps it was the other way around, and that Hitler was working with the government and caught organizations dipping their hand in the honey pot.

Listen, Im a Fascist, a national socialist, a falangist, but Using Nazi Imagery and the terms associated with it will only fail. People are not ready to accept it, we must be more subtle



Please do a modicum of actual research into Hitler's ACTUAL economic policy. They were left of modern Keynesians. That is a fact.

It was never stated as an intention to exterminate any race of people. The only things they're exterminating are communism and race-mixing. Negros are genetically more closely related to bonobos than Europeans. Your argument is like saying that since a chimp can wear clothes and smoke cigarettes they aren't inferior to humans.

One of the most paranoid and insane conspiracy theories I've heard yet.

They'll call us NAZIs no matter what as soon as we oppose globalism and race-mixing. Pander to the commies all you want, coward.

I'm pretty sure that's the case, actually.

Cowards can hide behind misleading names all they want. The name of this party will keep such fearful little pansies away.

How the fuck is this relevant at all?

You're incorrect. Hitler tried to coup the government, and a bunch of his accomplices were killed and injured. He went to jail for 9 months with Rudolf Hess, where he wrote "Mein Kampf".

Ah, no, I was right. Thanks for reminding me to brush up on my history, however. While he was an intelligence agent, he was tasked with infiltrating the DAP.

Just like the traditionalist workers party and the national socialist movement. 100% honeypots. Anyone who takes Nazi LARPing seriously deserved to go to federal ass pound prison.

I said that Hitler's policy was Socialist; you made a flimsy rebuttal based on a single quote from Hitler where he was essentially making a distinction between himself and Marxists. I told you to research his actual policies. I don't see how you can be asking me why that's relevant, unless you have a sub-100 IQ and poor reading comprehension. He was, in fact, a leftist, and the fact that he wasn't a complete Marxist doesn't change the fact that SOCIALISM A SHIT!

I agree that they wanted to eliminate bolshevism and race mixing and wanted to breed a stronger race of white men. Nigs might be slightly less evolved and whatnot but when it comes down to it we in America are stuck with them. They're part of our history and our culture. There's no fucking exterminating 30 million sentient people. I know plenty of fucking spades. Virtually all of them can act like a fucking civilized human being when they need to. Their niggyness is a fucking game that they've been playing since the late 60s and it's long grown tiresome.

the only way you will ever make it into politics using the Nazi rhetoric is to illegally overthrow the american government, goodluck with that

You have to work from the inside

Hitler was not a "leftist". You're calling fascism and nationalism left-wing ideologies, and my IQ is below 100? You just redefined mentally handicapped.

Since the late 60s? We were on the verge of discovering electricity, and they hadn't yet invented the wheel. Where did you get the idea of exterminating them? I never endorsed such an idea, nor did anything on their website. This is a very poor strawman. They are not "slightly" less evolved. They are LITERALLY BIOLOGICALLY CLOSER to bonobos than Europeans, with a median IQ that makes half of them functionally retarded. These are scientific facts. None of them are even exaggerations.

Tell that to George Lincoln Rockwell. When he was still alive, he was gaining hundreds, sometimes thousands of members per month. The KKK once had millions of members. Your defeatism, and the defeatism and weak will of everyone like you is the only thing stopping a movement like this from succeeding.

Considering the fact that the quotes you're posting aren't even remotely related to the subject matter, I would say it's safe to assume you have a sub-100 IQ. Jesus christ, dude. Are you fucking retarded? Hitler was economically left wing; he did not believe in the free market. The left–right spectrum is an economic one. Posting quotes that affirm Hitler's anti-Bolshevism literally proves nothing other than the fact that he staunchly opposed a different left wing ideology; just like how a Libertaria can staunchly oppose conservativism, despite the fact that those are both right wing ideologies. I don't know how else to explain this to you. Your way of thinking is black and white/absolutist, which is a hallmark of people with sub-100 IQs. It is extremely difficult to articulate these ideas to someone on your level of intelligence. I still can't get over the irony of how you had the guall to say that my reply wasn't relevant (despite the fact that I DIRECTLY replied to your argument), when you're the one who is posting images/quotes that are only vaguely related to what we're talking about. Jesus CHRIST, you are fucking retarded. I can't even put your stupidity into words, you fucking sub-human

-Literally you, times one hundred, times a million, times a thousand.

Why is it that all of the most staunch NEETsocs are the kind of retards Hitler would have killed off? God, you're fucking retarded.

Well, I can agree with that.

>16 posts by this user

Pushing it kinda hard.

I'd be interested in a Natsoc political party of america because we desperately might need something like it within 10 years of now.

However that you've got to realize that the propaganda is just too strong. Nazi name, imagery and the swastika and straight arm salute etc. are radioactive in the west.

You have to go full jew tactics and come up with a new wrapper with which you can package your brand. The brand will sell because it's naturally appealing.

That means no calling jew problem the "JEW PROBLEM" aloud. no calling niggers an "inferior race". That will never work the propaganda is too strong.

Trump was pretty smooth. Talking all american nationalism without talking race or JEWY JEWY JEW. Normies want to think how you do but wont bite the poisoned Nazi apple.

The good thing is that with the conditioning people never read or heard Hitler or Goebbels etc. You could deliver the same message and nobody would even know what it came from. I bet I could repackage Nazism in a new brand and get normies to slurp it up greedily.

Do you not understand how biology works, you fucking retard? If they were QUITE LITERALLY closer to bonobos, they would be able to reproduce with them, and not us. You can be a race realist without being a fucking retard about it and spewing stupid shit.

It's time to take a break user, we're all socially right leaning people. NatSoc would work if only people like us would come together as a collective

Hitler DID believe in the free market, you subhuman moronic pile of semi-aborted fetal alchohol syndrome-suffering dog shit. The fact that fascism is an economic doctrine that calls for the establishment of a corporate state, and a reasonable wealth cap that prevents independent entities from becoming as or more rich than the federal government DOES NOT make it a left wing ideology. Hitler and national socialists are as far-right as they get. Everything I've posted has been relevant. My point is that both capitalism and communism result in centralized wealth controlled by rich greedy elitist Jewish syndicates. Fascism and national socialism are the only answer.

>Anyone who disagrees with me is subpar IQ less than 100 retard

>Hitler would've gassed you because only muh opinions are correct

Anyone who calls fascism and national socialism left wing philosophies is a motherfucking complete idiot. Anything opposite or different from a laissez-faire economic system is not left-wing you insufferable pompous inbred fucking retard. Fuck you, cocksucking faggot downs syndrome little shit.

That's all shallow nonsense, in my opinion. As soon as you talk about preserving the white race, a sovereign nation for it, and a homogenous undilluted people you're called a NAZI. It does no good to conceal it. I agree that Trump is a master of working around the Jews and promoting nationalism in a seemingly non-racist way. However, there is no point in avoiding the symbolism or terminology. We will be labeled NAZIs in a heartbeat, regardless. Even Trump has been called Hitler, a nazi, and a racist almost every single day by the media.

They literally share more DNA with bonobos than Europeans. The fact that we share the same number of chromosomes is a completely separate concept, you scientifically illiterate idiot. Reproducing with another species is not about how much DNA you share with them. All it depends upon is sharing the same number of chromosomes. They are a different species that is more closely related to a bonobo than a European. There are plenty of animals that can reproduce with a different species. Hence, why hybridized animals exist. Lions and tigers can reproduce. Horses and donkeys as well. You know fuck nothing about science, you stupid verminous shithead.

>fascism is an economic doctrine that calls for the establishment of a corporate state, and a reasonable wealth cap that prevents independent entities from becoming as or more rich than the federal government
>>>>>corporate state
>>>>>Reasonable wealth cap

You just described lite-Socialism, you fucking retard. A "corporate state" means the government owns the means of production, and a """wealth cap""" is redistribution of wealth, which is degenerate and anti-success, anti-innovation, anti-productivity growth. Calling a wealth cap "reasonable" doesn't make it any more appealing.

Shoot yourself, you socialist piece of shit. Liberty or death. Get the fuck out of this country with your un-American ideas.

Yes, user. Our collectivist economy would work as long as the RIGHT PEOPLE are partaking in it. It'll work this time, I swear!

You fucking socialist pieces of shit need to be purged. Purged and thrown out of helicopters. I don't give a shit if you're socially right-leaning, if you believe in an ideology that leads to the economic decay of nations. Fuck off with this faggy socialist shit.

Also, I think it's hilarious that you socialist cocksuckers think Trump is secretly one of you. Trump is going to deregulate the shit out of our economy, and thank GOD that, for the most part, he believes in restoring true American conservatism and patriotism, and not your >>>muh thule society muhhhh odin, pagan buttgod-worshipping yurotrash collectivist bullshit.

Half of /pol are socially related hyperagressive obese or emaciated reclusive chronic masturbators who are mad, because they're still virgins at 25. So they take it out on the other races, but actually act retarded and hostile to everyone even people who are right-wingers.

>Even Trump has been called Hitler, a nazi, and a racist almost every single day by the media.

Yeah but because he's never said anything exactly racist or Nazi-leaning in the media it only serves to discredit his attackers. Brilliantly turning the strategy on it's head. And even still a huge segment of the population believed he was the next Hitler just because (((they))) said he was.

You'll never get anywhere in this country openly promoting
>preserving the white race,
>a sovereign nation for it,
>and a homogenous undilluted people

And you don't need to. Look how hard (((they))) are pushing transgenders and shit. Stoking the anger is all you need to do. People are naturally angry about shit like that.

yes I'm better than most Americans at it.

Horses and donkeys are part of what we refer to in science as a "ring species"; the same goes for lions and tigers. Humans are NOT in a ring species with bonobos; we only share common cousins with them. The so-called hybrid animal pairings you're referring to all produce infertile offspring. The fact that negros and whites can produce fertile offspring suggests that our DNA is extremely close.

None of the drivel that you're spouting is actual science, you fucking mongoloid.

>They literally share more DNA with bonobos than Europeans.
They don't.
>The fact that we share the same number of chromosomes is a completely separate concept
What do you think determines the amount of chromosomes you have?
It's DNA.

Also, this. OP is too fucking retarded to realize that chromosones are determined by DNA. DNA is literally the instructions/building blocks for life. OP is such an unbelievably scientifically illiterate faggot.

They said that in the 70's nobody would have to work and life would be one of leasure as robots did everything.

And having implants controlled by (((Microsoft))) and (((Google))) in you and controlling your car, locks, PC and windows is a fucking nightmare scenario.

>I'm Christian, like Hitler.
>Trump is a populist, not a conservative.
>NAZI Germany has almost no crime, poverty, unemployment, homelessness, illiteracy, or hunger before sanctions and armed conflicts ruined the success of their economic policies, "It'll work THIS TIME" When did it not?

I don't care at all how "how far" you think we will get. I don't agree with you at all. You're a defeatist coward who surrenders your cause the moment you face adversity. Sickening.

No, you're a fucking idiot who calls anything passionate or genuinely from the heart, regarding a sensitive and dramatic topic "Larping", aka a dumb faggot.

>They do
>It is possible to share more DNA with a species that does not have the same number of chromosomes as your own than with one that does. Sharing more DNA with a species does not necessarily mean you have the same number of chromosomes. Sharing the same number of chromosomes does not mean you necessarily share more DNA with one than one with which you do not. Study biology more. Nice try though, fool.


>It is possible to share more DNA with a species that does not have the same number of chromosomes as your own than with one that does. Sharing more DNA with a species does not necessarily mean you have the same number of chromosomes. Sharing the same number of chromosomes does not mean you necessarily share more DNA with one than one with which you do not. Study biology more. Nice try though, fool.

Good god, you are fucking stupid. Populism is not a separate ideology. Populism and conservatism are not mutually exclusive. A populist is just someone who believes in the power of the electorate of a small group of oligarchs. It is not an ideology. Also, funnily enough, you're endorsing someone who you claim is a populist whilst simultaneously touting National Socialism, a one party system, as the only successful ideology. Not only that, but you endorsed wealth caps, so no one could become more powerful/influental than the government, yet you're promoting someone who you described as a populist. user, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Also, the "no crime, poverty or unemployment" claims about Nazi Germany are myths that have been thoroughly debunked time and time again. e.g. The "0% unemployment" (which is fucking impossible, due to the existence of the elderly and physically disabled) claim is a myth, rooted in the fact that the government would employ two people in the same public sector job, and consider them both employed. Employing everyone in cushy government jobs isn't a road to real economic growth. You're an economically illiterate faggot.

Having the same number of chromosones is not the only prerequisite for a species being able to reproduce. Chromosones are DETERMINED by DNA. You're talking about them as if they're two separate things. Quit sperging out in all caps and spamming the same text wall. We already thoroughly debunked it. If you're too retarded to comprehend what we said, I don't know what else to tell you.


Don't make profoundly retarded claims about biology, and I won't be forced to explain to you why black people are not more closely related to bonobos (a species who is only related to us through a distant cousin) than they are to Europeans.

Meant to type

>the power of the electorate OVER a small group of oligarchs

Good god you are a fucking retard. "Conservatives" believe in a government that does not enforce morality or interfere in citizens' personal lives.

"Populists" believe in enforcing morality and common values legislatively, i.e. banning Islam.

You're an arrogant know-it-all little faggot who takes all his rage out on the internet. If you said this to my face, you'd be busy spitting out your own teeth, and unable to talk this much shit anymore. You're probably some weakling impotent little nutless shit who feels powerless in the real world so you insult strangers over the internet who can't hurt you. Let me guess you're under 5'8" and either over 300 pounds or under 150. You little asshole. Fuck you. You're drawing contradictions where there aren't any. None of my views or statements are conflicting at all. You stupid arrogant little bitch. I wish you were close enough to me now for me to crack your fucking skull open.

In the 70s they were wrong. I dont know I wasn't around. This time they're right.

Strong words. I'm just telling you that the message will only sell to normies if you repackage it. The propaganda you're up against is the strongest and worst in the history of the world. Violently smashing your head into it like a brick wall isn't 'noble' or valiantly battling adversity - it's foolish. You want to beat the jew you have to think like the jew. Get over or around the propeganda by eliminating the superficial stuff that they've vilified and taking advantage of the fact that nobody has actually heard the message so they don't even know the speech is from Hitler or Goebbels.

Chromosomes are determined by DNA =/= same number of chromosomes makes two species genetically closer than they are to another species that does not share that number

I never said chromosomes are not determined by DNA. You're the one with a nigger monkey IQ and/or illiteracy as well as the reading comprehension abilities of dog shit.

Let me repeat this for your stupid cerebral palsey having ass.






















Look up the definition of populism, you absolute fucking moron. When I referred to Hitler as a Conservative, I meant that he was one in the economic sense, which is something you seem to be directly opposed to, because you just advocated for government control of the means of production and a "reasonable wealth cap", you fucking Socialist piece of shit. You're using terms that you don't even know the definition of. This is why we can't have an actual political discourse, because sub-100 IQ retards like you exist. It almost makes me want to believe in eugenics, but I would settle for a simple IQ test and/or a test on government/economics in order to be granted voting rights.

Also, it's hilarious that you're going on about low IQ niggers, when the last paragraph of your retort was you CHIMPING OUT and threatening to beat the shit out of me because I made you upset over the internet (which is something a literal Bonobo would do).

What the fuck are you sperging on about? Half of that was incoherent. No, you don't understand how it works at all. Chromosones are determined by DNA. You can't reproduce with a separate species, because they will ALWAYS have different chromosones and DNA; that is literally what DETERMINES their biological traits (e.g. What makes them a separate species in the first place). These concepts are all inextricably tied.

If black people were more closely related to bonobos, they would have similar DNA, and by virtue of that fact, they would have the same chromosones. Bonobo monkeys are literally a separate species which blacks or whites cannot make fertile offspring with. There is a biological basis to race, but there is absolutely zero scientific evidence behind the claim that negros are, in any way, related to Bonobos. They are an entirely separate species. We split lines with them hundreds of thousands of yesrs ago, you literal fucking buffoon.

You stupid little bitch. I could snap your fucking neck like a twig. I know the definitions of all the words I've used. You just refer to everyone with whom you disagree as "sub-100 iq retards", and fabricate nonexisting contradictions in my statements. For one thing, a "retard" is someone with a sub-70 IQ, academically illiterate faggot. The reason we can't have political discourse is because insecure pompous nigger dick-sucking pussies like you like to defend inferior races, while talking non-stop shit, and immediately referring to someone who believes in a different economic system than you retarded and a bunch of other ad hominem attacks. You literally use nothing other than ad hominems and strawmans, both textbook logical fallacies, while simultaneously referring to all of your opposition as unintelligent. If you were actually intelligent you could dispute an argument in favor of socialism by actually addressing the substance of it and providing support evidence. Instead you call me a bunch of shit you wouldn't dare say to my face, and try to call my remarks illogical when they aren't. I literally wish you were here. I would actually put you in a fucking coma.

>presenting yourselves as nazis

I can't believe you haven't woken up yet
This movement will fail like the countless blatantly neo-nazi movements before it
The public have been brainwashed to hate Nazism





Above your reading comprehension level = incoherent

Sorry, I wish I was fluent enough in moronic dumbfuck so I could help you understand. Maybe learn English bitch?

>It'll work this time I swear
It worked you degenerative kike, there's a reason it was opposed in the first place

kek is watching, behave yourselves

user, I'm pretty sure that someone who is sub-70 IQ is still sub-100 IQ, so I was literally just using a broader term. What I said was not incorrect. Also, you can't just ignore all of my actual refutations of your arguments by saying "w-well you're fabricating contradictions". That's not how it works. You have to address the claims that I made and explain why they're not true, instead of just yelling "wahhhhh user is just FABRICATING the logic and evidence he's using to prove me wrong :'("

I don't see how I'm "defending" another race. I am taking a morally neutral position and simply correcting your incredibly scientifically inaccurate statement.

I'd also like to point out that me merely insulting you is not an ad-hominem fallacy. If the basis of my argument was an insult, you would be correct in that accusation, but the insults merely accompanied my actual arguments, which you've refused to even directly address, and instead just copped out and said "y-you're faaaabricating statements, but I'm not actually going to explain what you're fabricating, because I'm a fucking idiot"

>I literally wish you were here. I would actually put you in a fucking coma.
>You stupid little bitch. I could snap your fucking neck like a twig.
Toppest of KEK

>talks about low IQ niggers and bonobos
>acts like a literal violent bonobo pack animal

You are a fucking riot, user. I can't wait to read the all caps rage post from you that just popped up below.



holy fucking kek

So you think calling someone a sub-100 IQ retard and a bunch of other shit while making weak ass illogical arguments makes you better than everyone on the board, and the fact that I get frustrated that I can't beat your skinny shrimp ass, because you hide behind a computer screen and disrupt a serious political discussion with non-stop insulting hurling makes me an ape? Everyone has anger. Everyone is irritated by such outrageous and degrading comments. Not just niggers, not just monkeys. You are the aggressor and the adgitator. You say all socialists should die. You literally say I should get killed for believing in a different form of economy than you. Then, you call ME an animal when I say I wish I could knock your obnoxious ass out. Unbelievably hypocritical pseudo-intellectual dick-sucking homo. FUCK OFF.

>Niggers know that they can behave like the white man when they need to

Aaaaahaaaa haaaa haaa haa ha ahhh haaa haaa jesus. Ahhhhh haaaaha.

>Gives awe-inspiring and charismatic beautiful speech
>You cringe
What a stupid fag.

Yes, chromosones are determined by a small section of DNA, and that small section is determined by what genus you actually belong to, you dribbling idiot. Whites are blacks are all a part of genus homo. Modern europeans and negroids (homo sapien sapiens) all descend from our most recent ancestors (homo sapiens) in Africa. You can acknowledge racial differences in IQ distribution without spewing unscientific nonsense that blacks are closely related to Bonobos. What fucking scientist did you read this from? Every bit of science and fossil evidence I have digested on the matter is wholly conclusive that negros and humans belong to the same genus.

It's incoherent because it's not based on actual science. Literal nonsense

>"wahhhh everyone who disagrees with me is a kike"

Not an argument.

NatSoc is just degenerate. Leftist economic policies do not work.

It's obvious that it's you that made that speech and your little meme party m8

"Race, Evolution, and Behavior"

Hitler brought Germany out of the Great Depression and one of the worst financial collapses in history, and ushered them into a golden stage of prosperity in less than once decade.

>NatSoc doesn't work. Nearly no crime = degenerate
>Fucking kek

I've had enough debating with sub-100 IQ retards for tonight. gg /pol

It's obvious that you literally won't do anything real and just post memes on the internet, while making snarky comments about anyone that's an actual activist. BTFO fag.

thread is hilarious

OP made that speech

Westerners said the EXACT same things when they visited the Soviet Union upon its inception, and we all know how that turned out. Not an argument.

I mean, you believe in an ideology that would aggressively seize power and euthanize people, so yeah. I don't have a problem with you being thrown out of a helicopter. I was just watching a movie where Augusto Pinochet's Junta in 1973 was displacing and executing Communist faggots and I thought it was hilarious. Like, you were supposed to feel bad for them, but I didn't, because at the end of the day, they were people who advocated for a shitty oppressive system that had already brought human suffering to magnitudes not yet witnessed in recent history. So, the same goes for you, you socialist faggot.

Also, I will be eternally keking at the rage and physical threats in your posts. No over the age of 15 does that unironically. Fucking kek, user.

>Nazi Germany being destroyed is not worth the the argument
your nose is showing behind the post, at this point we can disregard everything you posted now, nice bait though you're getting much better

I just want to remind people that the whole "NatSoc is leftist" argument is the new tactic used by shills to try and divide and conquer. By portraying NatSoc as a leftist ideology they're trying to make it seem less appealing to the Alt-Right. Don't fall for it. NatSoc is as right wing as you can do and it's economic model has been demonstrated to work wonders for a nations economy and the betterment of the average citizen.

Do not allow these kike shills to smear NatSoc by falsely portraying it as being the same as Socialism

>actual activist

Kek the only thing you'll be is a neo-nazi strawman for the media to attack and laugh at, that is if you gain enough popularity (you won't)

[citation needed] for literally all of those sensationalist claims. I already explained how Nazi Germany would employ multiple people in the same government occupation and call it "full employment", which isn't a status for long-term growth. It is the same trick the Communist Chinese pulled when, instead of giving their workers efficient equipment to dig holes on construction projects, they gave them shovels, and referred to it as a "jobs program". Well, yes, you have everyone employed, but is your operation a net benefit on society? Not even close. That's just basic economics.

user, it is not a new argument. I have been making the same argument on this board since 2013. I am not a shill for disagreeing with you. All of the research I have done into Hitler's economic policies has pointed me towards the plain and clear fact that, at the very least, he is left of center. The "right and left" spectrum is an economic one. You can go and shill for NatSoc all you want, but don't call it right wing. If you can provide evidence for your claims, go ahead and do so, but so far, all OP has done is threaten to beat the shit out of me, and you're just whining about me being a shill because I penetrated your echo chamber. Go cry about it more. It's not a divide and conquer tactic. You are behaving like a liberal who has gone their whole life without their beliefs being challenged.

Also, it's hilarious that your only evidence for your claim is the fact that, Wikipedia, a LITERAL LEFTIST STRONGHOLD calls them far-right. Newsflash, you literal fucking moron: leftists have been trying to associate Nazism with American Conservatives for DECADES.

>sckeptic human.

>The "right and left" spectrum is an economic one
No, they're not. They refer to views on social issues. The left and right spectrum doesn't even make sense for economic issues apart from broad generalizations like the left likes more welfare and the right leans further toward laissez faire capitalism. Not only are you a shill you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

This whole thread shows why thr US is doomed n the next 50 years or so and Europe will soon follow.No unity,when someone disagrees with you do not accept that someone might have a different view,you instead lash out violently.In the next decades if things dont change i will personally get myself a gun ,kill some gypsys and then get raped and killed in prison by them,i will not go down without afight and that is that.What is your resolution,argueing with some retards on the internet?!

Go click on that link all of Sup Forums
its the best site ever. We are all NatSocs here after all, hhh you aren't ?then gtfo CTR shill.

What are the key beliefs/tenants of natsoc?

The right and left spectrum has been historically defined as government control of markets. You are buying into a warped leftist interpretation because you're uneducated. In a traditional political compass, right and left/economic views would be plotted on the x axis, and social issues on the y axis. And actually, the right and left spectrum defines economics quite well, as one end (the left) is a full command economy, and the other end (the right) is an unregulated economy. You can move right or left on that spectrum, based on to WHAT degree you believe in government ownership of the means of production. These are very basic concepts, and the fact that you have to resort to calling me a shill proves that you're likely not confident in any of the views that you're spouting. You probably think I "slid" this thread, but in reality, OP derailed his own thread by completely sperging out and all-caps raging at me and making a fucking spectacle of himself. This is what it looks like when someone who actually knows what they're talking about penetrates your shitty echo chamber. Go on and call me a shill, but you're only saying that because you know that you're wrong.

Also, all of the points that I made in regards to Hitler being left of Keynesians are completely valid. His method of fixing economic issues was through creating MASSIVE public works (which are maintained with tax dollars), that, at the end of the day, don't lead to actual economic/productivity growth. Goverment public works projects temporarily employ people, but you can only build so many bridges. It is only a more tame version of what Communists have engaged in throughout history, and a more extreme version of the flimsy "joh programs" Democrats advocate for here in the states. Uncle Adolf also instituted public benefits through his "kdf" program (which is literal redistribution of wealth, a leftist concept), and put wage controls in place when inflation insued from his exorbitant spending.

T. 30% whitey