When did you stop hoping that there is any way to save the declining western civilization?
Black Pill
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bruce willis looks terrible
This is defeatism, mate.
Like Paul, we know the message needs to be heard, whether it works or not is a different story.
Black Pill, is just a rationalization of why you are not taking action.
About two days ago, still reeling. The logical conclusions to me are either:
- Religion
- Embrace the nihilism (not edgelord kind), build glorious nationalistic nihilistic state and allow western man to continue the filling of boundless space which drives him.
I love vid related because to me it implies western man still has hope, but must become spacefaring.
That's Hank Schrader, pleb
Exactly, just because it's brutal doesn't mean it should take your hopes away.
Will you fight OP, or will you die like a dog?
To save western civilization the Muslim population need to be removed from our lands.
Which political parties are going to do this?
There is no hope we are done for. The demographic situation is irreversible at this point.
His name is Isaac, haven't you seen the final season?
>not rooting for it to happen so more misery spreads
Well we all know from history that the world isn't going to be saved by the Brits.
Blackpill is not defeatism, its the acceptance of the inevitable. Do not waste energy on things you cannot change. Just make yourself and everyone around you happy with the game given to you.
>- Embrace the nihilism (not edgelord kind), build glorious nationalistic nihilistic state and allow western man to continue the filling of boundless space which drives him.
That's not nihilism because you have a purpose. What you're trying to imply is that you no longer care about the consequences of specific actions
i never wanted to save it
ashes to ashes, dust to dust, trash to trash
and western civilization has become irreparable trash
don't worry tho, we'll make something better from the reusable components
Bit by bit ,brother there is a normalization of the right again in Europe. We are becoming the mainstream. Look at the election results in Holland, Germany, Hungary, Greece, and next France. There is hope.
All we need is to get out there, and openly or secretly work, push, nudge anti migrant policies, anti muslim policies, anti gay policies.
Join a church, join a political party. Be the instigator. Don't openly acknowledge your beliefs. You don't even have to share all their beliefs, focus on our agenda.
I am a member of various Catholic Organizations and Political, Think thanks in Spain and and doing what little I can. I'm sure you could do better than I am.
If you can't get active in organizations, remember:
Our Democracy's have provided the secret ballot. Our capitalism allows you to choose where, what, and who you buy from. Use the tools that you can.
What we need is the numbers. Out apathy is out death.
When Merkel got re-elected fucking again even after the train bombing.
After watching too many Peter Hitchens videos
there is a way: we have to mix with Japs, Finns and Koreans to create a new masterrace that wipes out all the subhumans
Don't worry America is gonna save the world with God Emperor Trump leading us to a gloriuous future
Checked and confirmed.
A long time ago, probably couple of years ago. But I still want to fight for the better world, I just don't see a place in it for people like me, flawed and degenerate products of our age, poisoned by nihilism, materialism and bitter humour.
How is it possible to become blackpilled when Trump is about to be president? Do you remember how grim things looked before Trump came out of NOWHERE? We were choosing between sleazy H1B Ted and cucky Rand Paul.
Our movement had literally NOTHING going for us except a vague sense that people were becoming more aware. 2 years later WE FUCKING PRESIDENT NOW
I swear, so many right wingers are addicted to despair. Like an abused wife who expects to get hit and flinches reflexively.
Even granting you the "cycles of civilization" premise, the whitepill AFTER the blackpill: we can build something better after this civilization collapses. All of our monuments and borders can be destroyed and we'll have an entirely blank slate to build something glorious and magnificent and entirely new. A renaissance like the world has never seen before. The only possible way this WON'T happen is if the PC conditioning of the past 50 years is somehow magically enforced in the event of a collapse.
You're literally retarded. Europe is still 90% white. Many of the nonwhites weren't even born there, they're transplants who may return in the event of the coming nationalist revival.
US is going to split into different regions with racial segregation, and probably eventually split into different nations entirely (such a massive country with such diversity is going to be increasingly hard to manage and it'll fall apart at some point).
I clicked that expecting the worst. Not bad.
>Will you fight OP, or will you die like a dog?
To live without hope is a fate worse than death.
>Many of the nonwhites weren't even born there
They were. That's the problem. And they're the ones with the birthrate because they just get benefits from the government which the working whites need to pay for so hey can't afford even half as many children of their own.
And same with your country. Trump will not change the demographics.
Started listening to common filth. God damn he is black pilling as fuck. Hard not to get down when listening to that, would not recommend binge listening to too many episodes.
The Black Pill is just like MGTOW, you're a defeatist, and a coward. Better to go out fighting branding your name/your people in history than pussy out, William.
Would you rather die a dog, or on your feet like a man?
Some parts of what is today USA can be salvaged after its balkanized. The parts of modern day Canada and australia that'll be ruled by China in the future will be ok. The rest of the west is fucked though, yeah.
these consecutive quads. nice.
Song isn't really my current feeling just love this b& and haven't given a listen in years
>Would you rather die a dog, or on your feet like a man?
How do i go out like a man, Nige?
When the fire starts, stand with us and fan the flames.
In western civilitzation have been being dark periods as middle ages, and Napoleonic wars, WW1 & 2 but never has declined in favor of other civilitzations
>How do i go out like a man, Nige?
Remember the three S's:
Shooting, Swinging, and Screaming.
>Would you rather die a dog, or on your feet like a man?
"Fighting like a man" is against the law. Enjoy getting thrown into ISIS Training Camp formerly known as Whitemoor Prison.
You're assuming current trends continue forever. What's your rational basis for this assumption? In the face of rising nationalism and the breakdown of the PC stranglehold on speech?
It's an issue that can be addressed, unless you're a "muh purity" autist. Genetically, they can be absorbed into the European population without changing it. A nationalist government can reverse the effects with a "racial whitening" program.
Trump doesn't have to completely fix the demographics, he has to engage in damage control. "America" as an abstract concept is already done, it ended when we opened the 3rd world floodgates. But the people that make America are still here, "diversity" is extremely concentrated. Everything is segregated and it'll get more so in coming decades until we're basically different nations.
We've already hit peak POZ, why are you insistent on despair as we come out of it? The genetic impact will be, at worst, a slightly darker England and France. Much worse happened to Spain and Greece.
Train your body and mind. Be a leader or learn some leadership. Start a community watch or some kind of club to promote the safety of your community, get people connected and involved, it doesn't have to be a third reich column but just having people united is really big.
>Trump will not change the demographics.
You mean if he doesn't get his way on mass deportations?
Because border security has been a serious issue for him, I don't imagine a GOP congress and president doing nothing to stop the flood of illegals from Mexico.
It's not perfect, yet, but it's better than what you have in Cuckrope. Merkel is hoping someone will murder her or something.
Good GET's in this thread. Perhaps Kek is telling us to embrace the chaos, not cower before it.
>but never has declined in favor of other civilitzations
We declined pretty hard when the muslims separated us from Egypt's wheat in the 700s
>when the muslims separated us from Egypt's wheat in the 700s
When i was 17, im 27 now and i still think its all fucked
Here we see Sup Forums in it's natural habitat, LARPing as usual.
When I'd read based Spengler
And that's why Krautland is dying.
The economic and population crash in the Dark Ages Europe, duh. It happened when the muslims took over the formerly Roman lands in Egypt, cutting the food supply for the Byzantine empire and indirectly making all of Europe poorer.
Sad. But maybe some people will take up the calling to cleanse this filth. Some will be imprisoned where they will get even more organized and unleash hell when they get out. There must be some groups dedicated to helping white victims of your cucked legal system.
Looks good, will check in out in a few!
Absolutely fucking based:
>not giving up and masturbating to your own despair is LARPing
Protip: no one who is satisfied and happy with their life is blackpilled. It's only depressed weirdos and losers who see no future for themselves. See pic.
Reading the decline of the west should be mandatory before posting on Sup Forums
>What's your rational basis for this assumption?
Utter unwillingness from all of our political parties to limit immigration or welfare in any way. Even our "nationalist" parties welcome mass-immigration, and our "conservative" party are no such thing. We do not even have the political option of the BNP any more as they've been all but scuttled by the media and the existence of UKIP which does not stand for even half of what people would like to think it does.
> unless you're a "muh purity" autist
Nothing of the sort. The idea of individual liberty was taken with great affection by the people of Hong Kong who still fight for their liberties against a government that we are now cosying up to. It's the cultural demographics that are what we should be worried about. These people (Muslims) will simply not give theirs up which they should not, as it belongs to them. The issue is that we as the native population have been totally distanced from our history and traditions to such an extent that they don't know what 1066 is significant for or that we invented he Bill of Rights, despite what their foreign media wants us to believe.
>why are you insistent on despair as we come out of it
You haven't come out of it. None of us have. Our media will still brainwash people to diversity, and the native traditions and culture will be swept away in the name of tolerance. And while the coming-of-age generation may be "more conservative" they're still not going to know the first thing about what our once free and safe societies were like.
Sharia-bound Islam is coming to Europe, and they will sweep aside our historic cultures just as quickly as the progressives did, but they wont make the mistake of letting it exist so that people could learn of it.
LARPing how? When the right talks about organizing politically it's a fantasy, but when the left does it's "Activism". Give me a break.
Unlike Germany, Fascism isn't seen as a universal evil in Spain. There are a myriad of political and family religious organizations that one must only join to help turn the tide.
Your country is doing it's best to end the EU by sowing divisions. Throw Merkel out, and help save the Europe. Join Pegida and the AfD.
The one thing America really has going for it is that it's really big. We're 12% black, yeah, but they aren't evenly distributed.
>white people build a great place to live
>shitskins move in
>shitskin population rises
>white people leave
>place falls apart
>white people make another place a great place to live
We can do this dance for a couple hundred years, and if the country ever does split, it's not going to split evenly on racial grounds. There'll be one country that's like 40% black, one that's 6%, and one that's 2% or something like that.
When I stopped seeing our past as something decent that we lost. 1-2 years ago, maybe.
Maybe it can't be "saved".
But we can plant the seeds of it's rebirth, even if we don't live long enough to settle in it's shade.
That's what gives me drive.
>tfw pic related is me
oh fug
This spurred out colonization of Africa, and discovery of the new world.
There was no fall.
Yesterday I was discussing how to save civ. with a friend, and every possible solution we came up with both of us has counters that had evidence to back them up. There is no saving the world. Only by purging it with nuclear fire shall the meek inherit the earth.
>But maybe some people will take up the calling to cleanse this filth
They can take up the calling as much as they like. But when said filth are protected by the entire establishment from both "sides" (really they're the same from top to bottom) then there can be no removal.
> Some will be imprisoned where they will get even more organized and unleash hell when they get out
No they'll be "accidentally" locked in a cell with a gang of Muslims who will beat them to death. Very nearly happened to Tommy Robinson twice, with another instance of them trying to melt his face off with boiling sugar water.
> There must be some groups dedicated to helping white victims of your cucked legal system.
Why would a system that despises any dissent allow such a thing?
> How is it possible to become blackpilled when Trump is about to be president?
You mean that Trump whose daughter is married to a Jew?
> we can build something better after this civilization collapses
There will be no "us".
>When the right talks about organizing politically it's a fantasy,
Actually it's all but a crime, and your organisation will be destroyed through controlled opposition should you dare break the narrative.
>Your country is doing it's best to end the EU by sowing divisions
The EU is the least of our worries in terms of culture and demographics.
Of course it's better to fight even if for nothing, but not everyone has the courage. Dreams of some glorious death are not for everyone too.
>The genetic impact will be, at worst, a slightly darker England and France
If you're willing to accept this outcome you've already surrendered, and you call blackpillers defeatists.
Spain actually isn't that blandaa'd, Muslims ruled from afar, Greece is though, the cradle of western civilisation reduced to an almost 3rd world status. And you're implying that would be a tolerable fate for Britannia in the centuries to come.
>Utter unwillingness from all of our political parties to limit immigration or welfare in any way.
But what do the people say? Are they content to let it continue forever? Or are they unhappy with it? (this matters) You don't think Brexit was symbolic of any coming change at all?
You don't see Trump influencing this at all? It's just ALWAYS going to be that way and never change until 100 million Muslims come in and take over?
You're clearly VERY wedded to the idea that everything is doomed and there's no possible way out, so I won't bother arguing with you anymore.
Just remember something irrefutable: You would have said the same thing about America 2 years ago. And now we have a self-described NATIONALIST as President.
>You would have said the same thing about America 2 years ago. And now we have a self-described NATIONALIST as President.
This. And we have elections in France and Holland that can change turn this whole thing around.
Your "happy life" will end when this unsustainable "modern" life ends.
>The EU is the least of our worries in terms of culture and demographics.
For sure. The issue I have Germany and the "EU", is that they are now splitting the famaily of nations. Poland and Hungary are being punished using EU legislation at the behest of the Germans.
For what? Trying to protect their people.
I think the point he's making is don't let up and think "oh well I guess it's getting better now" but rather it really has to be hammered home now, as the people pushing this shit will be trying even harder because they fear they might lose.
Work over the coming years to turn this withdrawal into a total rout.
>But what do the people say?
Anything they want. Why do you think they care what the people say?
>Are they content to let it continue forever?
The politicians? Of course they are. It's been very lucrative for them. The longer such a situation goes on the better it will be for them. If you mean the people, then they can throw as many hissy fits and protests as they want, but the politicians will do whatever they so desire to do. Which is why over 85% of the people wanted no mass-immigration when it was only a few thousand, but the government just ramped it up to millions.
>Or are they unhappy with it?
Immensely so, Why do you think this matters?
>You don't think Brexit was symbolic of any coming change at all?
I think it was the exact opposite. In my mind it was a rebellion against a system that had no intention of listening to what they said the moment they went home. Brexit might "mean Brexit" but it wont be the one the people voted for. it will be one that most benefits the establishment and the rich. Which is why, despite the promise to bring back jobs, there's already a promise to make a loophole for cheap farm labour.
>You don't see Trump influencing this at all?
> It's just ALWAYS going to be that way and never change until 100 million Muslims come in and take over?
They wont need that many they're already breeding themselves to democratic power through money stolen from the working class and given to them.
>You're clearly VERY wedded to the idea that everything is doomed and there's no possible way out, so I won't bother arguing with you anymore.
The only way out is mass deportations of born-citizens or mass exterminations. Neither will happen. Neither will a hard cultural battle be waged when the people deciding what the British culture is despise the entire history of the Island before the end of the Empire.
>NATIONALIST as President.
We'll see. One benefit of an older country is that you have lots of history to learn from.
>And you're implying that would be a tolerable fate for Britannia in the centuries to come.
>Much worse happened to Spain and Greece.
also: lol @ how limited you all think. did you not see the racial whitening wiki link? you realize there will be no constraints once PC culture is seen as a relic of the past right?
There's really no excuse for pessimism of this kind. It's a moral failing because it prevents any potential rebound or renaissance. Defeatist allies are more pernicious and evil than idealist enemies.
>The only way out is mass deportations of born-citizens or mass exterminations. Neither will happen.
Global nuclear war might happen at this rate.
London would be sure to cop one in the exchange.....a few actually.
Let me ask you this: what is the FUNCTION of your pessimism? If it truly doesn't matter, why not just live like a hedonist and ignore the issues?
> western civilization
You mean Western Europe. Czechia survived crusades, Habsburks, nazis, comunists. And you think bunch of sandniggers and cucks will destroy us?
>you realize there will be no constraints once PC culture is seen as a relic of the past right
It wont be. It's far too firmly entrenched into our national narratives. The genie is out of the bottle, the cat is out of the bag. All they'll do is change tactics. They'll refuse to act on Islamic rape gangs, not because of "racism," but because they "don't have he manpower to stop it." Of course the manpower will instantly be found should someone else need to stop it. Like the PEGIDA protests in Germany after Cologne broke, where instantly the streets were swarming with armed state thugs that apparently didn't exist a week before.
>There's really no excuse for pessimism of this kind.
There is no solution that will ever be entertained by the people who decide he solutions.
> It's a moral failing because it prevents any potential rebound or renaissance.
There can be none. There will be no discovery of European culture because it was all destroyed, first in the mind by the progressives who took it out of school and daily lives, then by the hammers of Islam.
> Defeatist allies are more pernicious and evil than idealist enemies.
If you're such an ally you could stop escalating wars that are giving an excuse to let every brown-faced miscreant into our countries.
make up your mind you tortured cunt lmao!
>London would be sure to cop one in the exchange
The city with a Muslim mayor? That would be safe as it's likely the ones shooting them off will be Islamists since "mutually assured destruction" is a fine outcome for them.
>what is the FUNCTION of your pessimism?
Simple acknowledgement of reality. People have been hating the states we've been in for decades. Why no suddenly listen to them when the ones complaining are dying out and being replaced by those who wan the change to come?
>You mean Western Europe. Czechia survived crusades, Habsburks, nazis, comunists. And you think bunch of sandniggers and cucks will destroy us?
It died years ago, mate.
There is a way, we just haven't done it yet
>burn all niggers
>And you think bunch of sandniggers and cucks will destroy us?
They're certainly going to keep trying their best, my dude.
All the former threats you listed, while indeed grave - didn't have the same racial threat as the current wave. The idea is "well maybe we can't beat *you*...but we can get to the next generation".
>Simple acknowledgement of reality.
This isn't a function.
>what purpose does your pessimism serve? what goal does it further?
>The city with a Muslim mayor? That would be safe as it's likely the ones shooting them off will be Islamists since "mutually assured destruction" is a fine outcome for them.
This bullshit tree of "Russia is gonna get us!" may yet bear fruit if a takeover attempt is done on Russia and they nuke the west.
How do they contradict in any way? The people don't want more migrants, but the entirety of all our establishments do, and with America starting another war it's a good excuse to bring in several million young men to prop up the ponzy scheme economy.
A few weeks ago. It is impossible. The task is too enormous. Most white people literally don't see colour, or race as an issue. Degenerate habits are so ingrained there is no going back. Look at how people eat. Look what they spend their money on. How they spend their free time. They are so weak and apathetic. How does a man live knowing he couldn't defend his family in a home invasion. All around me I just see total weakness, degeneracy, complete lack of culture.
Our views are extremely fringe. Try broaching even a mild Sup Forums topic such as gender roles with people and see the incredulous look you get
There is no goal, because there is no outcome for this that would benefit us in anyway. Either we will be a very culturally powerful Islamic country, or a culturally dead and rootless brown one. The idea of the Britain of Kipling ever existing again is past it; no one even knows who he is.
Not only that but many men are willing to make themselves compliant to the invader rather than even act hostile to them in any way.
decade ago, when it was clear to me what globalism aims for, but kept myself disassociated with few doses of burger made docs still a bit engaged as an observer.
Then saw the beast close up and lost my fucking faith, heartbreaking shit.
But last year gave some hope, though i don't see all this shit that was laid by bureaucratic minions and corporate master cunts not ending in serious conflict - however it plays out.
It also takes too long to fully red pill, even people who are susceptible to the truth. It took me many months to get the bottom of everything, its like a maze.
Most normies for example believe that the super wealthy are rich old white Republicans who hate minorities. It makes for a clear right/wrong scenario in their psyche. This hasn't been the case for 100 years. But it is a convenient illusion. In fact the ultra wealthy are the ones funding the LEFTISTS now. The same crowd who protested at Occupy Wall street, are actually being funded by wall street players in their various protests and anti white organizations!!!
Trying to untangle this web can take ages like I said. Trying to reveal the truth in one sitting will make people think youre fucking crazy, obviously. And 99% of people have no interest in spending enough time on Sup Forums to see otherwise.
Only the horrors of today's warfare could bring change to their mindsets, but only at the cost of million of lives.
There is like 5000 Muslims in Czechia. We aren't scared of the possibility that they might overrun us one day.
Just wait till there's 50,000
If all the other European nations were to fall into chaos while you stayed safe and happy, consider where all the refugees (both muslims and Europeans) will swarm next.
Around last November. It was through great pain and discomfort that I realized that any of this chaos and injustice is not unique and dangerous, but a feature of the phase of society we're experiencing. The hyper-sexualization/sexual focus of everything, the rampant moral and ethical depravity, the abandonment of all essentially all things that kept societies and families together, all in the name of
>postmodern deconstructivism
It has all happened before. It happened most famously in Greece and Rome, and it's happening again.
Ra's al Ghul was right. It's over, and it's okay, what we're witnessing is the early autumn of the civilization life cycle.
Trying to save this civilization is like keeping a disease-ridden human on a respirator.
As long as they are being integrated into society, they aren't a problem. The reason why France and Germany etc. are fucked, is that they let all Muslims live in places that are segregated from the rest of the country. We have a similar problem with gypsies, because a lot of them live in villages and apartments where they learn how to steal and how to be lazy. But those who live outside of these communities are actually nice people. Same can be applied for Muslims.
That's absurdism
When they are "integrated" into your society, the perspective that there is nothing wrong with muslims/gypsies "as long as they integrate" will gain more ground, and you will be at the same level as the rest of us.
Don't ever believe that different cultures don't conflict, at first it might sound good, but it is a vastly utopian and unachievable ideal.
According to Spengler's cycle theory, Western civilization still has a lot of mileage.
It's really hard to sprinkle them around more sparsely, there are a lot of reasons why that doesn't work. The only way to integrate them is to accept very small numbers of them. If you let too many in, they will not integrate.
If these migrants keep coming in and pushing people into ethnic tensions and white flight, I don't think you guys will be able to stay detached in the long run either. You might be safe right now, but so were we back in 1990. I went to a 100% white Finnish school, but nowadays I see muslims every time I go to the city.