I'll just leave this here

I'll just leave this here.

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maybe then they wouldn't have been wiped out now, would they?


The native argument works against liberals'. Its brilliant

I know this is an old comic but given the liberal guilt about injuns and what actually happened to Indians as a result of colonization, why is this such a popular satirization? You don't even have to overanalyze it to see the irony.

Meanwhile, in OP's room.


Considering they started raiding our settlements because of that very simple reason. Not to mention the fact that natives were invading eachother's land and forced assimilation. Aztecs, for example.

>Op is a faggot


Too bad theyy couldn't build up an immunity.

They should have.

It's literally the stupidest argument ever to say that

>Yeah, you're ancestors were immigrants and they genoicided the native population the remnants of which live on welfare in reserves dying off drugs and alcohol.
>So why do you have a problem accepting immigrants?

But illegal white aliens literally genocided the native population. What is the point liberlas trying to make?

But the injuns didn't have borders or walls because they had no concept of land of that size being "owned". You only controlled whatever area you were currently in, and borders didn't exists.

they probably should have

shame they didn't have Trumpajewea to MNAGA

amerindians are not native to the americas and genocided the previous inhabitants (aboriginals) into a small group in the amazon

european land acquisition from amerindians was 100% legal

I love how leftists always prove their own idiocy.

This just makes me want to build more walls.

And now all the Indians are dead and what little remains of them are stuck on shitty reservations

>libshits think this is clever and do not realize they are making our case.

This is truly the dumbest fucking argument of all time. What happened to the injuns you fucking liberal cucked faggots?

Happily, might I add. They live and die on government dole.

Cite their law.

Yeah, I've never really understood how they think they're making their point.

Europeans should have stayed in Europe? Natives committed suicide by not trying to violently repel the invader enmasse?
Or the Natives were compassionate in letting Europeans settle and we should do the same? Even if it did lead to them being driven off their lands and shattered their society

>enter illegally

What was the legal immigration process in place that admits millions of people from countless countries, before white people colonized the Americas?

The argument doesn't really work when we already take millions of people in legally every year, and people sneak in anyway because they don't like having to pay taxes and follow the law.

Americans illegally immigrated to Mexico and then declared the Republic of California and the Republic of Texas, not so far fetched to suggest that now in majority along border states they may begin to do the same if the US doesn't stop the inflow.

wtf, I love walls now

Does this fucktard even realise what he's just done?
>Equates the people who brought about the eventual destruction of the Native peoples to modern day Mexicans

If there was ever a case to be made for strict border controls it's THIS surely?

Shoot me a link to the native american immigration laws

How would they have made such neat cuts to those logs without metalworking?

This would have been a wise move on the Indians part.

This. I have no idea why liberals keep using this example.



If anything the white race should use what happened to the natives as a warning

They need to go back to Mongolia.

Because in their minds, peaceful natives living in perfect harmony with nature let in whites out of kindness of their hearts. Until whitey stabbed them in the back and nearly genocided them.

Page not found.

This would have been smart.

Native Americans are the worst pro immigration example.

I'll just leave this here...

>Bombshell report claims at least 50 Trump electors are illegitimate — and should not have voted

>Specifically, at least 16 electors lived outside the congressional districts they represented in violation of state statutory residency requirements, and at least 34 electors held dual offices, in direct violation of statutes prohibiting dual-office holding," the summary states, adding that they violated two sections of the U.S. Constitution.

That doesn't explain anything.

>Their language
Which one?
>Their culture
Which one?
>The "artist" thinks all Native Americans are one blob with one culture and language
Fucking racist man

>Most Americans stole Native American Land
>Therefore, let's let in more non-native Americans on native land.

Lols. Same result the conquistadors had on the Aztecs.

If they had done this instead of building shitty pyramids down south they'd still be in charge of this hemisphere.

>Cuz whitey needs to stay the fuck at home and stop trying to take other peoples shit like niggers.

>voting fraud doesn't happen

>except when Trump wins

Rev up that reading comprehension senpai
>Natives LET whites in


>I'll just leave this here
>With no link or citation
hey man don't just leave your trash here

Settlers, not immigrants. An immigrant is a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country. There was no country here. We came, we settled, we created a country.

We didn't even stab them in the back. The story you've heard about them welcoming us and showing us how to grow corn like we didn't know what the fuck farming even was is bullshit. Thanksgiving itself is bullshit.

We showed up, and then decided everything we grew, found, and killed would be shared. The end result was no one did any work because they thought it'd be provided to them. Essentially, the pilgrims gave us an early taste of what socialism was. So when they all nearly starved to death, they got to work and actually made something of themselves. Around the time corn and indigo, which the Indians did not have exclusive knowledge of, became huge crops being exported by the pilgrims, the Indians stopped looking at the pilgrims as a bunch of harmless idiots who were a step away from starving. As territorial expansions for farming happened, Indians chimped out and were wiped out. Yeah our military probably killed their fair share of women and children, but never let some fucking numale tell you the Indians never did their share of that shit either.

War is a brutal thing, and if we're all human then that means it isn't exclusive to white people.

>White people are the Muslim Horde of the past.

>can make a wall blocking off white people
>can't make a wheel or make piece with other tribes

The funny thing is, if the red skins had built a wall they'd still be alive.

If the cartoon is implying whats whites are going the way of the injun, we'd better do something drastic.

>The story you've heard about them welcoming us and showing us how to grow corn like we didn't know what the fuck farming even was is bullshit.
Well, that was my point user. The problem is that leftists believe it and use it as an excuse to let more immigrants enter.

>Witch hunts
If there was an actual concern over our electoral process, why wasn't Hillary's Electorals analyzed?

Welp they should have done that instead of eating horses and building pyramids. This just reinforces the need to build a wall; to be in control of our destiny.


>make piece

You're right, but try telling that to leftists who make the argument.

We wanted land. Ambition is a great empire builder. America was one of the most resourceful places to live, and Indians did absolutely nothing with it but jerk each other off and hunt deer. If the shoe were on the other foot they'd have done the same shit. "Human nature" isn't called "White nature" for a reason. God damn niggers need to learn this more than anyone.


im not sure what your argueing here. the natives building walls would have been the correct call. if they'd have put all their efforts into isolationism, salted earth style warfare, and refusal to make peace maybe they wouldn't have been genocided.

maybe they should have beat us militarily

people who make these comparisons to indians are pleb tier retards. I love when someones brings it up to try and "guilt check mate" me as if I'm some sort of bluepilled normie.

nigga I spent my entire 20's killing muslims for no reason other than it was fun. If the indians wanted their land, they should have killed the white people.

Unfortunately for them, white people are really good at killing things and they've been doing it for thousands of years. We're fucking immune to diseases that wiped out the entire indian civilizations.

We really shouldn't have reservations either, consolation prizes are for cucks.

I do love it when lefties make our arguments for us

>Around the time corn and indigo, which the Indians did not have exclusive knowledge of,

Just a point of fact in your otherwise excellent post: "Corn" is an old word which meant "most prolific wheat crop in a given region". "Indian corn" was maize. Rye was German. Oats was Scotland. Etc. Eventually "Indian" was dropped and it just became "corn" while other "corn" fell out of disuse in other regions.

Pedantic, maybe. But, maize is a New World crop. Growing other wheat crops would have been known to the settlers, but not maize.

Yeah, and?

What a stupid comic. In humanity, as in Nature, you strive upwards, never down (unless you are Satanic). So why would the civilized Europeans assimilate to the savage Natives? That is against nature, against humanity, and against common sense. Instead, the Europeans helped to lift up the Natives, and if you read real biographies of the Natives, written in the 1800s and early 1900s, you will read how most of them were very happy with the Europeans and their lives improved immensely.

Dirt worshippers with cave man brains don't possess the ability to build complex objects. Time to die.

Instead the red man is now dead and lost his land to the white man.

Should have built that wall, red man.


But the cowboy movies told me otherwise

Wait I thought they were genocidial religious extremists?
Genocided the native americans and were some hardcore reactionaries (some like the Armish are so hardcore conservative they haven't changed their habits ever since they came to the US)

Spain had a very hard time colonizing the area. The history of Mexican Tejas and the Republic of Texas basically amounted to a bunch of incompetent Spaniards attempting to exploit a region that wasn't even settled. Every time it started to succeed the Spanish would make a new law or tax or tariff and then abandon the colony when they needed help fighting the Apache. Americans were eager to settle the area, but were kept out. In typical Mexican fashion, revolution and counter revolution kept the area in turmoil until the end of Spanish rule.

The truth is that Tennessean and Louisiana influence is what make Texas a viable colony and later republic, which entered the United States under its own terms. Sam Houston was a loyalist, which from his perspective I respect.

really deep..............

based David Yeagley, rip

I found the original!

They need MAGA hats.


>We didn't even stab them in the back.
Yeah we literally did. After the first settlers ran out of food they started raiding the native villages.

>The story you've heard about them welcoming us and showing us how to grow corn like we didn't know what the fuck farming even was is bullshit.
Actually they showed the settlers how to gather mollusks but the bible prohibits shellfish and they thought they'd rather starve than sin.

>We showed up, and then decided everything we grew, found, and killed would be shared.
No, the corporations did that, but they fucked it all up by putting too much economic burden on each settler.

>The end result was no one did any work because they thought it'd be provided to them. Essentially, the pilgrims gave us an early taste of what socialism was.
Socialism didn't exist at Plymouth Colony in 1620. The Plymouth Company, a jointly-owned royal charter corporation contracted with each family to lease as consideration 50 acres of land including the price of the ticket to board on the Speedwell and Mayflower. These families financed their voyage with another corporation, Merchant Adventures. They all still owed the company store a substantial amount in commodity contracts upon arrival. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plymouth_Company

Their first governor was commissioned by the corporation, not elected by the people.

The Pilgrims only had what supplies they brought and what the company store loaned them. Apparently, critical food and water provisions were removed to make room for more passengers. Today that kind of greed-based logistical mismanagement would be seen as programmed to fail, not to mention cruel and inhumane.
The native Americans, who did not own land, who really were communal collectivists, saved the venture capitalists by giving them free labor, free local expertise and free training.

First is always the best.

>Actually they showed the settlers how to gather mollusks but the bible prohibits shellfish and they thought they'd rather starve than sin.

Lmao wtf.

No it doesn't.




This. What happened to the native americans is a WARNING.

Doesn't this argument just prove the need for a wall? The natives are extinct. They let us in and they all died.


looks like I have to update my copy pasta

Ayyyy lmao, he mentioned Kosovo!

Leviticus 11:9-12

>9 These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat.

>10 And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you:

>11 They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination.

>12 Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you.

Why did the settlers bring a Rabbi?

They weren't even refugees. Literally sent over here by their rulers.


Literally why we want to build a wall - to protect or nation and our culture.

Do they really not get that their own common talking point is the death of natives thanks to immigration?

They are the primary guardians whenever it's about keeping white people out or down, like in current South Africa. But the logic pretzel then wants them to be pro open borders.

Kek, if they somehow had the means of building a giant fucking wall, literally or figuratively, that would have been smart.

>The natives were slaughtered by europeans!
>we have to let immigrants in like native americans did
made my almonds go round and round/10

David Yeagly on toxic masculinity.....

i smell a meme

The left is so cucked they honestly think this is a good argument for their side

anyone know the music in he beginning?

I wonder that the artist doesn't get bored or demoralized halfway through drawing this.

This cartoon is unironically correct though

based canal man

Maybe if tge Natives weren't stupid savages they could have prevented their replacement. The difference is we are civilized people and could stop it but instead are just letting it happen.

This argument is so stupid. The native Americans did not protect continental borders, their culture, and society from outsiders who had no intention of integrating. Look at how well this worked out for Native Americans.