Marvel keeps up the degeneracy

Marvel keeps up the degeneracy.



Is this real?

>Make Captain America Great Again

>yeah this campus is a safe space!
>for everyone but you!

Is this satire?

Sieg Heil

Sup Forums-here

This is in fact a parody of SJWs, but by a leftist that just thinks they're too extreme.

Please understand this before you go over to Sup Forums and embarrasse yourselves.

Why are they trying to put this political crap into comics? American comics is all about sociopaths in stupid costumes beating other sociopaths in stupid costumes why are they trying so hard to make it something more?


Sort of, these guys end up getting beat up by the Good Goys but only because they want to kill people. The heroes agree with everything they say up until that point

I love how people are too stupid to realize that those led to OP's picture.

Comics are jewish anyways

Was reading some comics the other day. Don't really had very an interest in them. Most are neutral but slight pushing to SJW shit, like stronk womyn and shit. Some are flat out retarded, referencing "Bechdel" and "fursona" and gender opposite of character's.

>Comics are jewish anyways

Just trying to appeal to demographics I'm sure. Like the people selling 'white guilt' boxes and 'white people tears' mugs. If there is money to be made, someone will go after it.

Actually comic sales are at a massive low because nobody gives a shit about this stuff.

That's good to hear. Only a matter of time before they take it out then.


Yes, but OP is misleading you. These guys are the bad guys. A conservative Ann Coulter type woman is speaking on a college campus and these guys show up to try and kill her when the actual heroes show up and stop them. They're a parody of SJW's and campus outrage culture.


(((Stan Lee)))

I honestly can't believe the people in the USA were so blind entering WWII to defeat "da ebil nazis". I guess that's what happens when you have no internet and your only source of information is jews.

This user gets it. The Tumblr set was triggered to fuck by this comic, come on guys!

>reads like an ill-thought-out cheap shot that's punching down on certain readers
Like "Ethics in Hammer Wielding," "[Unsolicited opinions on Israel]," and other such highlights of modern Marvel's writing staff?

Dude they declared war on us

Oh no they were totally going to get their entire military to cross the ocean and stop us and we totally weren't going to see them coming and bomb the hell out of most of their fleets

You dummy, politics has always been in comics. That goes double for cape-shit. The internet is strangling all paper media to include comics. Their just pandering harder to a market that will buy their shit. It's also a trend in the artists and writers that are being hired these days.

This is what "Super Heroes" would be like if they really existed.

No but they were more than capable of sending American shipping to the bottoms of the ocean.

Plus the US basically conquered UK, Japan and half of Europe by wars end. Been sailing its carriers ever since. Omnomnomnomnom.

How naive are you?