Global *warming*


Other urls found in this thread: a hoax


Actually europe will get colder as the melting northern icecap will fuck with the gulf stream which provides a ton of warmth to europe.

That's why it's called climate change and not global warming anymore. Most of places will get warmer though.

>it's cold where I live
>therefore temperatures aren't rising globally

So they were wrong and changed the name instead

Right because 2016 totally hasn't been the hottest year on record

The climate changes all the time. During the 15 and 1600s Europe expierenced a little ace age, whereas during the Middle Ages the monks here in Belgium could cultivate red wine. Now you have to go beyond the Alpes to do so

The thing is it's not cold where i live. I'm 200 km from Moscow.

So what's your point then?

*rising* sealevels

It was warmer a couple years ago.

>islands in the pacific aren't disappearing

Where you live, perhaps; on a global scale, 2016 has been the hottest recorded year.

I don't know how it is in Africa, but here in Spain it has been one of the coldest years, so I call the (((records))) bullshit

Isn't -36 that warm for this time of year Siberiabro?

(((Global Warming))) is obviously a myth created by the Chinese government in order to make the United States less competitive

This kills the liberal

i bet the jews did this

fuck off snow niggers

global warming is real

>temperatures haven't been this high since last time they were this high, over a hundred years ago!
>gibs us control of all your industry, goyim, for the planet!

>tfw live in northern commiefornia
>it's cold as shit
i really could use some global warming rn desu

>running the risk of not adapting to a changing climate and suffer the consequencies

I sure could use some global warming.
Dear jews, please send some my way.

come to australia then

It's still called global warming.

Global warming = the overall avg increase of GLOBAL (NOT REGION) temps through the years

Climate change = climate fluctuations, extremes at both ends (cold and warm) in localized/regional areas.

Both can occur at the same time.

Everyone knows the global temperature has been much warming in earth's history.

However, there wasn't 7 billion + people on the planet and their infrastructure that had to deal with it. Also if the rate of change is faster than past occurrences people and other species may have a hard time adapting to the changes before dying off.

This looks like mtl, is it mtl?


>2016 has been the hottest recorded year.

>its hotter by 0.02°C than 1998
>the accuracy of the numbers are 0.1°C

What part of Russia you in, Ivan?

>>its hotter by 0.02°C than 1998
>>the accuracy of the numbers are 0.1°C
Nice sources you got there.

look up the UAH and RSS data you frog, they both show the temperature anomaly is only 0.02° higher than 1998.

>>UAH and RSS data both show the temperature anomaly is only 0.02° higher than 1998.
I don't see that, maybe I'm retarded so you'll need to show me.
But even if they are only 0.02°C hotter, it's still hotter so I'm not sure what your point is.

>>the accuracy of the numbers are 0.1°C
Still no sources on that claim.

>shutting down the industry and paying shekels for releasing harmlass gases like co2
>not eating beef and becoming a limp-wristed faggot because muh methane
>adapting to climate change

Choose one, faggot. The global warming isn't a doomsday scenario, it's a bit warmer Earth. All you fucking illiterate venusfags should just kill yourselves already.

>muh-muh storms
>muh-muh two degrees higher climate
>muh-muh coastline liberal shithole cities


>I can't use google
>spoon feed me

Global warming is real.

> there wasn't 7 billion + people on the planet and their infrastructure that had to deal with it.

And there isn't now.

There are countries with their respective population. If Africans have become too numerous and can't support themselves from their land, that'd their problem, not mine.

And if they aren't satisfied with that, we're more than happy to reduce their numbers.

>scientists everywhere see shit's fucked up
>Kid on Sup Forums has the answer though: it's the kikes

Oh I've looked at the data but I didn't see what you claimed so I can only assume you are wrong.

Unless, of course, you are able to demonstrate that I am retarded. Until then you are kindly invited to shut the fuck up :^)


I guess it's colder in california too

2% of scientist are call climate skeptics/deniers, and yet only 2% of all scientist have Chins...
I'm sure those two things are unrelated...
They put something in the water, it makes the frogs change genders... I'm sure this works of frogs...

You dumb, dumb faggot. It has been posted a million times that the Earth before plant life and photosynthesis was nothing like the Venus.

>The atmosphere of Venus is very thick and is about 90 times more massive than Earth's atmosphere. It is mostly carbon dioxide gas (about 96%)

96% fucking percent. If we would burn ALL the oxygen somehow and suffocate, the greenhouse on Earth would be nothing like the Venus.

There's no credible scientific source actually talking about some kind of a horrible doomsday. They are talking about changing climate, Russia and Canada getting a bit warmer, maybe Europe a bit colder, some bigger storms, natural life must adapt to the new circumstances.

This is what might happen. If it bothers someone then tough shit, it would happen anyway, there's absolutely no way to cool down the Earth.

And why should we even. Russia wouldn't support that anyway, they benefit massively from the whole thing.

>It has been posted a million times that the Earth before plant life and photosynthesis was nothing like the Venus.
When have I claimed that it was?
Why are you talking to me about Venus?

I asked you to show me where you got
>its hotter by 0.02°C than 1998
I asked you th show me where you got
>the accuracy of the numbers are 0.1°C

And you talk to me about something completely unrelated and call me dumb for it.

You don't want a discussion? Then, by all means, stop posting.

Isn't it funny that no matter what the problem, the government always offers taxes as the solution.

>putting a bandaid on a cut limb

Agreed that's bullshit.
There were a couple of spells of pollution peak in Paris and all the town thought about doing was alternating the traffic by selling badges to people wishing to drive in Paris.
Soon, other big cities followed suit.
It is complete bollox but lefties are saying it's a step in the right direction.

>Why are you talking to me about Venus?
Because that is a doomsday scenario.

Rearranged climates, where African countries that can't support their population isn't a doomsday.

If they die of starvation that provides us with a good laugh, but it's not that interesting to be quite honest.

Recognizing changes in the environment and adapting them is completely fine. But trying to reverse something that probably has even a supporting natural trend and can't be reversed anyway at the expense of the industrial output is insane.

Global warming is a hoax industry, reckless and insincere people making profit providing absolutely nothing. And while they don't provide any solution they get incredible amount of funding.

It's a lie, it's a scam.

why aren't you more concerned with the millions of non whites in your country?

Well if it reduces the smog and people are fine with public transportation, then it's worth it.

Smog and air pollution are real problems.

Unlike the meme global warming.

>There are countries with their respective population. If Africans have become too numerous and can't support themselves from their land, that'd their problem, not mine
Silly Janos, you're supposed to invite five starving Africans to live in your home

>Because that is a doomsday scenario.
But I don't give a shit about the doomsday scenario.
I'm saying the temperatures are rising and that we have to adapt to it instead of ignoring it like a bumbling retard for no fucking reason whatsoever.

I am, and rising temperatures mean more will come in the future. And in your country too, so you should be worried too

Except it didn't help. It only made people spend money.

>a bandaid
at least a bandaid actually does something
charging me more for gas, heat, and food, does not reduce my intake. Nobody makes more waste per dollar than the government.
If their concerns were genuine, they would ban front lawns and make you plant corn, beans, and squash instead. They used to subsidize solar panels for your home, now they charge carbon tax on them.
Don't ever look to the government for solutions, fix shit yourself.

You are an idiot. It was +1 in Russia this new year, are you not convinced?

Its just a bait.


Its Hong Kong

>If their concerns were genuine, they would ban front lawns and make you plant corn, beans, and squash instead.
Hear hear.

>fix shit yourself
Yeah I can't really do much against all the shit industries throw in the air or make people not drive their cars every fucking day.

Cities should help people buy electric cars instead.

Reminder Al Gore told us in 2002 with 100% certainty the ice caps would be gone by the distant year 2014.

No, you fucktard. The avg global temp will still increase (as it has been)

global warming is a scam designed to tax the shit out of nations for eternity.
First the globe itself is a hoax, we live on a flat plane, always have.
Second, nothing is warming, the weather is fucked up that's for sure and the reason is to be found in the sky.
watch the sky serfs, turn off the television.
welcome in the real world.

>electric cars
have you looked at these

No it's a Machiavellian last ditch effort to maintain control.

Be living in oil age, know for some time now fossil fuels are depleting and we may be at or past peak energy. Invent a meme making the by product of spent fossil fuels out as evil and to be sequestered, regulated and rationed at all costs to save the planet and all life on it.

>The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it

Pic related, attached at the hip. In fact a devout Roman Catholic is heading up the UN starting in 2017 and this monstrosity hopes to really get rolling with the meme, rolling right over the first world, bring it down to third world standards because they are easier to subjugate that way.
Fucking despots.

Fuck you Lee coming to brag about your tropical paradise.

I hope Nips awaken and use you for testing their blades.


>global temp rises by about 1 degree
it's actually only going to get colder in europe now, enjoy the second ice age.

>dat flag

>makes claim
>"y-you get the proof..!"

It'll effect everyone. Any nearshore community that has a fishery could be effected if species distributions change.

All first world nations have smaller populations than 3rd world, but their affluence is much higher (resources consumed per capita), so this offsets our small pop size.

Ya fuck science. The entire scientific community is paid off, I only trust politicians and oil barons.

>being this retarded
>not knowing shit about how research works.

>this dude will never make a manga about the Otomo clan, the christians, and the Portuguese/Dutch coming to Japan

Feels bad man.

So you study chemistry ?

Great stuff but you still need something to power an air compressor.

put your wife on a pedal powered generator, keep her fit

Kys retard it was +3 a few days ago
Plus fucking three in the middle of winter

+3 is like a really cold winter, if it gets to +3 in the middle of the day we're fucked

You must be new here. Allow me to formally welcome you to your new abode newcomer.

Irony is the irony of Sup Forums which is unironically a board of peace and acceptance.

>tfw it's -39C right now
fight me

A bit warmer Earth? Are you fucking retarded? Do you even understand all the environmental changes caused by this "a bit warmer Earth?"
How it's fucking up animal natural habitats? Or how the increased temperatures are affecting them
How about the decrease of snow coverage in the Northern hemisphere? Ice sheet melting which already causes sea level rise and it's estimated that millions will lose their homes because of this?

Or how about the effects on the oceans? The increased acidic levels are bound to kick in eventually, fucking up a large number of species.

A shit ton of evidence has been gathered throughout the century, there's an insane increase in global temperature levels since we started overusing fossil fuels, seasonal phenomena are changing, animals are migrating towards higher altitudes in the North, and all this geographically points out to increased warming in areas where there is human activity. That humanity is the primary driver of global warming is a fucking scientific consensus.
That global warming is a lot fucking more than "a bit warmer Earth" is also a scientific consensus.

>tfw 34º