Britain YES!

> Margaret D'Anjoy was descrived like one of the most beautiful girl of her days, fair and delicate with long blonde hair and blue eyes become the Queen of England at 15.
> Who played her role in The Hollow Crown?
> A young beauty actress like Emma Watson or Felicity Jones? Of course not, a black woman in her 50.
Britain YES! Post your best one.

Other urls found in this thread:

Kangz confirmed


Whats wrong goy? Its called ACTING for a reason. The person can be black white or asian and it doesnt make a difference to the character they portray.

The UK needs its own cuck memes. It's worthy of them. YES belongs to Sweden, its a timeless classic.

It's like making 12 years a slave about white people as slaves and black as master.

How about "Ye olde"... sounds more fitting

Chris Wood is a traitorous cunt who should be hung.

>Sophie Okonedo
I wonder who is behind this.

Every. Fucking. Time.


Anjou was never white

hes better hung than you

Looks like your average french woman to me

>A young beauty actress like Emma Watson or Felicity Jones?
>implying (((BBC))) can afford them

It's a play, who gives a shit about plays?

>we wuz kingz

Shit like this really gets under my skin. I can tolerate modern day mixed casts, and I can also understand changing the races of superheros, for example. But when it is literally my history that is being edited, chopped up and often being completely fabricated, I find it disgusting. How can we just brush under the carpet the fact that this is an utter and blatant lie. Regardless of whether this is based on Shakespeare or not, Margaret of Anjou was a real historical figure and to use the excuse of "It might be surprising for TV audiences to adjust to the idea that what they are watching is a myth, right. So it’s the best actor..." is a blatant fucking lie.

Why do they want to erase our history? This is literally the exact same as Stalin's regime editing photos to distort history, there is no difference whatsoever. If black people want to see themselves in historical roles they can go and act in performances that are actually historically accurate, not in roles that pervert and steal white history.

do you guys mind if I join?

>Why do they want to erase our history?

So when white people are gone there's a fully formed national narrative in place for the replacement population.

If anyone were to watch a modern British drama today, historical or not, they would assume that we live somewhere between Africa and India. It's fucking unbelievable, and I hope we stand up and claim back our rights as true natives to this country within the next decade or so.

>we stand up and claim back our rights as true natives to this country within the next decade or so

How would we? Don't you know the entire establishment is working together with our replacements?

Not just here, but across the entire western world.

>white plays someone who was historically sandnigger, chink, or nigger
>patriarchy and racism. fire people, kill people!

>nig nog or other subhuman plays a white person
>b-but they can't be racist so it is fine

Sigh are leftists just complete retards or do they know how hypocritical they are but do it anyway?


They're not hypocrites. They just hate white people, their history, and their culture.

We're still the majority by a vast amount.

1/3 births are to migrant or migrant-descended parents,

guess who they will blame for the rise in violent crime and rape?

Well atleast she looks more human than the Hermione nigger.

What the fuck is this?

Cheerio Britain!

You can do better than this, Hans.

moors you uncultured leaf

Poor little Britbongs...

>we wuz Brexitz n shieeett

You sure do get around.

What happened to you saying you'd never talk in Anglo language?

Britain got BBC'd by the BBC

How many of those are white migrants?

Cultural appropriation

I can't, sorry Harry.

Obviously. I'm asking what show it's from you retard.

Bah...quelques mots parfois pour que ces chiens me comprennent bien...

M8 that's a 12/10 in Bongistan. Anglo "women" are disgusting.



I always thought you were all insane for believing this shit.. but it's all real.

Iberians you dumb streetshitter.

It has plenty.

Sadiq Khan

Not to mention International Jewry HQ City of London


Mein Gott, sprich deutsch.

Hilarious, you're worse than us Fritz.

Anyway, about that chick you're posting, Amber Hayes. A quick Google search resulted in a video of her twerking, so I gotta ask: is she a coalburner?

Good rainy day to you, Sir.

Dude that's genius. Someone needs to make an MLK biopic starring Brad Pitt as MLK or something.

You mean you're this new?

Is it just me or does anyone else think that that nignog in armour looks a bit like the dude on the cover of aoe II?

historical accuracy?? like Jesus Christ being a white??? come on now bongs, these are the new britons.

>Born in France

seems accurate to me

She's thick and has a cross on her neck, so the answer is yes

>Mein Gott, sprich deutsch.

Je vais actuellement des efforts pour apprendre l'Allemand, Klaus...Duolingo...

Fuck off tripfag.

>A quick Google search resulted in a video of her twerking, so I gotta ask: is she a coalburner?

Brah, une bitch blanche qui twerk ne veut pas automatiquement dire qu'elle brule du charbon...


She could be just an average slut.

But it is highly indicative of such a behavior.

I mean, if you emulate one particular part of black (((culture))), it's not that far off that she might be more into it than just shaking her ass.

Dann sei es so. Viel Spaß noch.

Happy days!

Duolingo sucks, you dont learn the fundamentals which will allow you to become native-tier fluent, you just repeat sentences without understanding the logic behind it. Garbage-tier if you want to actually read, speak and think in German.

t. C1 level german

>I mean, if you emulate one particular part of black (((culture))), it's not that far off that she might be more into it than just shaking her ass.

Tout le monde dit que aimez les gros culs est suis un pur Normand Paien et j'adore les gros ne veut rien dire...

Tu connais d'autres sites gratuits, James ?

I'm not judging you for liking big asses. Hell, I like them myself from time to time, though my preferred body type on a woman is more slim.

south spaniards in the 9th century according to history channel in the series of vikings

Hollywood loves to "culturally appropriate" white culture.


Reminds me of that black guy in Beowulf. I 'm sure black warriors were among the Anglo-Saxons in pre-1000 AC England, hwæt!

I wonder what it would be like having a white guy playing an African king of Ethiopia, I 'm sure that's historically accurate too and wouldn't enrage Ethiopians at all!



Apprends de pdfs et de livres physiques comme dans le bon vieux temps, le gros. Y a pas de theorie sur les sites d'hab.

>I'm not judging you for liking big asses.

J'espere, Ivan...

I would expect them to look like Berbers or Maghreb Africans, not like black Bantu Africans

>Apprends de pdfs et de livres physiques comme dans le bon vieux temps

Ciboire Kevin...est ce que j'ai l'air du genre de negre qui paie 80$ pour un caliss de livre...

Slobodan, actually, my dear Maximilien.

this thicc meme needs to stop. pic related is best proportion.

Would you be okay with black people playing elves In LOTR?


Tiens va sur gougoune et tape ca: "German an essential grammar", clique sur le lien pdf. T'es bienvenue.

they came from what is morocco/algeria nowadays and pic related is how they look, so yeah, pretty accurate

hear hear

Comme tu veux, Slob...

Anglos and jews.

Bad news!

It does when the character is white and it's played by a nigger. That's just dumb as hell, breaks immersion and is done purely for political reasons, not artistic, reasons that happen to be anti-white. Just can't stop thinking, what the fuck is a nigger doing there. Nigger, please go, you don't belong in medieval Britain. I can't watch Lawrence Olivier's Othello for the same reason and he was one of the greatest actors in history.


If you want to shorten it, use Boban.

By the way, where do you get all these .webms and photos anyway?



Tu es un vrai, Kevin...

im mixed race and i have to say this PC casting is fucking stupid.. sure its fine putting some ethnicity chars in starwars and othre tv shows and movies because ultimately movies is a business.. but why cast historical characters differently?

>mfw lancelot only had 52% of being white if he was american
>mfw americans are THE most cucked people on earth


Seriously, why do Anglos hate Iberians so much?

Damn it, quoted the wrong guy.

Meant it for

yeah, man....""""Asian""""

Swedish girl?