Why do you deny climate change, other than to be a contrarian?

Why do you deny climate change, other than to be a contrarian?

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The bird and seal are cute.

Because I'm an evil heretic.

Because of science and anti-nwo

I don't deny climate change. I deny the impact mankind has on a global scale on the environment. The only major contributor to pollution these days is china, and volcano eruptions produce more toxins in one minute than what china produces in ten years.

When people scream the world is getting too hot, they keep forgetting that two hundred years ago, America suffered one of the world's worst winters for pioneers. And roughly a hundred years before that, a heat wave hit the Mediterranean that killed thousands.

Human impact is vastly overstated, since the earths grand ecosystem is able to stabilize itself naturally.

I'd worry more about deforestation in the rainforests than shit like air pollution.

The California government created their drought through their shitty policies.

The world gets realy fucking hot and then realy fucking cold for thousands and thousands of years in a unending cicle.
this time is somehow humans fault

I'm not ruling it out but unless these people screaming environment can offer a FEASIBLE alternative, I don't think it's an issue that needs to be discussed.

Right now people are using it in Germany just to suck money off tax payers.

Also: if people's cities are unter water, why the fuck didn't they move inland before then? Dumb idiots.

if AGW is true as the alarmists predict than the only thing that would prevent it would be disassembling enitrely industrial society in which case about 90% of the planet would die anyway due to suddenly vanishing supply chains they require to live

this means that whether the alarmists are right or not, everyone is fucked anyway

so it doesn't matter either way. i might as well live well in the meantime.

That costs money how is gonna pay for that?

because no one can prove human carbon emissions are significantly contributing to the rise in global temperature

Because everyone non ironically on Sup Forums is retarded.

The evidence is insufficient to link it to human action.

Or if you prefer: correlation does not equal causation.

Based Lindy puts it pretty well:

this is a strawman

>Trees freaking out


Everyone that wasn't a retard knew the Earth was round by like 1000BC.

It might be if people didn't regularly cite cold weather as evidence against GW

It's a strawman. Global temperatures show a trend upwards, but this is a slight increase compared to past temperatures of the Earth, and there is no reason to think the humans have the capacity to cause the change, or to reverse it.

Because the science isn't settled and they made it so like modern day fascism discussion. They want to make the actual research illegal.

>Also and most importantly

These are the people who read 'Silent Spring' without looking at research to get DDT banned when we were on the verge of eradicating all species of disease carrying mosquitoes, causing the deaths of more than 500 million people with fake data that people believe as truth today.

And these are the people who stopped nuclear research and the US going entirely nuclear, for the environment. They turned plants into coal, quadrupling the amount of greenhouse gasses we would release and releasing far more radioactive material into the atmosphere than all nuclear disasters combined. All for three mile island.

I will.always hate them.

Let me grab the pasta

Prove it is:

A: happening (which I don't doubt)

B: can be directly linked to human actions like burning fossil fuels

C: post specifics, how the parts the humans are doing is actually significant. Like what percent is our fault.

D: post specifics, about just how fast "climate is changing" since "global warming" is no longer the meme term. I want real statistics like "we are getting X warmer every year and I will have to worry about it in Y years becuase Z happened and is devastating"

E: post specifics, about just why I should give two fucks if hipsters faggots have to move their shitty cities 2 miles inland while I pay for retarded infrastructure that would probably cost more

F: if all of that is all real and shit, why I would care if it's as tragic as the lefty faggots think, when they're all just destroying our countries and children's futures with mass immigration of mudslimes and taconiggers and increased socialism to support these subhumans

G: Explain how wind turbines that are complete and utter shit, cost more fossil fuels to build and transport and assemble and shit than they save over their lifetime and only work in wind, but not too much so you have to use tradition power sources anyway, how solar isn't complete shit that get ruined by dust and only works during the day, without clouds or fog or any retard with an umbrella is within 20 miles

H: Explain why we should be pouring billions of my taxpayer money into this when it is proven the private sector is many times more efficient than any government grant program or research fund. If a company makes and patents the next big innovation in energy, they will quite literally become one of the biggest companies in existence


Good post

>The Earth's atmosphere is 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen and 1 percent other gases, including about 0.04 percent carbon dioxide.

Imagine that: the total amount of C02 in the atmosphere is a few hundredths of one percent, an even tinier fraction of which can be attributed to human activity.

>Trees freaking out


Except there was immediately verifiable evidence for all those other things. The only argument for AGW relies on carefully controlled measurements and appeals to emotion which fall on their face because the people most effected by AGW would be those also most effected by actions limiting it.

All I see in those pictures are private property violations.

Sage in all fields.

Deforestation and dumping into the oceans are much bigger problems than emissions from cars and shit.

Leftists just don't understand that they can't have their same quality of life and protect the environment unless we basically wipe out Asia and Africa. 60 people driving electric cars wont offset the amount of carbon they use to fly to their tuscan villa every year. Recycling every plastic bottle they ever use won't offset the added energy that goes into making their 4 ply toilet paper.

The Bundys were burning BLM property and everytime they tried to bring it to trial it was determined that they had actually increased the value of the property burned because that's what areas like that need to thrive. The BLM should be abolished and all federal land returned to the states to either manage themselves or sell.

>the world changes, as it always does
>humans are aware that it has changed in the past

Never change, humanity.

nice american education, if it gets too hot the leaves start falling off and when you have irregular weather like like when we had snow in the end of april it broke the trees or when you get shit like glaze

>Boy Who Cried Wolf
>Chicken Little
>Emperor's New Clothes
I was taught as a child to watch for this kind of fuckery.

>Wettest month on record!
>More rain/snow in a week than we get in an average year
>6 months later
>Huhrrrr this is another drought year for the state!!! Driest on record duhhhrrrr!!!
Sorry, shitheads, my memory lasts longer than 3 months.

>Weather isn't climate!!!

Meanwhile, assholes are posting 24/7 some bullshit like
>Anyone born after 1980 will never experience an average snowfall year!
>After 19-fucking-92

>CO2 is the problem
>but we're not going to advocate nuclear, go put up some bird choppers

Impossible to take seriously

Climate change is real and the only solution is to genocide all non-whites excluding Japanese, who share our concern for the environment.

You may argue that air pollution doesn't cause climate change, but it's still a terrible phenomenon to the enivronment and general well-being of ours.

sure we can go nuclear
since you like it so much, I'm sure you won't mind if we bury nuclear waste in your backyard

we have hundreds of thousands of acres in this country without a single person, we can bury that shit underground

There are better nuclear options besides solid fuel rod waste still containing fissile material, but alarmists dismiss all nuclear as anti-environment.

SUSTAINABILITY is important. When something gets dumped into the water or atmosphere it sticks around in some form FOREVER.

You've seen the bladerunner-esque China smog pics with the fake sunrise on a massive jumbotron right? Nobody wants that shit at all, it ruins people's lives and then KILLS THEM just to add insult to injury. However the carbon dioxide meme is just that, a yuuuge scam and a yuuuuge tissue of lies, with the objective of implementing worldiwde taxation and subsequently world government. Carbon trading in the EU was just the first baby step towards the ultimate goal

Undo Carter's fucking retarded ban on reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel and you have yourself a deal

The Earth has gone through periods of heating and cooling over time. It's a problem with preferable climate, sure, but it's natural and not a fucking global crisis.

>These are the people who read 'Silent Spring' without looking at research to get DDT banned when we were on the verge of eradicating all species of disease carrying mosquitoes, causing the deaths of more than 500 million people with fake data that people believe as truth today.

>Right now people are using it in Germany just to suck money off tax payers.
This is what we want to avoid also 40 years of crying wolf isnt helping

>i'm sure you won't mind if we bury nuclear waste in your backyard
Do you have any idea how great that would be?
Best fishing spots are water cooling facilities