This is why Trump won and the EU is falling apart

This is why Trump won and the EU is falling apart.

In the next five years the populists and the right will tank the world economy and destroy the European union.

The people will then realize that this can't go on and we will see the return of the progressive left and centrist parties.

The harder everything crashes under the right, the better it will be for all of us after. I only hope the crash won't be something that the world won't be able to recover from.

>If we get beat, we win!

Difference is pilots actually have learned skills.

Politicians don't. Any jackass can be a politician.

>Any jackass can be a politician.

>the plane is overloaded, but we're still taking on more passengers
>guys the new passengers started disassembling the wing mid-flight
>uh guys the pilot is purposefully going to crash into that mountain
>shut up you uneducated white trash, you don't even have a pilot's license

>we will see the return of the progressive left

>Identity politics that divide literally everybody over everything is going to be a major part of world politics in the future

And you managed to not even refute his point.

Someone has to edit this to make the guy Bane

Shut up, salty leech state, the only thing you're good for is cheap waifus

>The people will then realize that this can't go on and we will see the return of the progressive left and centrist parties.
How does "League of Communists of Yugoslavia" sound?

Exactly, policlticans can be anyone. You don't have to go to school for that.

What does that have to with anything?

I work at a university that trains pilots...

Trust me when I say that any jackass can be a pilot.

That's kind of the point of democracy.

What is going to kill the US (and the EU) is a trade war with china combined with recession caused by debt.

your wrong. my dad works at nintendo and, nobody your dog on the internet.

Because people are stupid and want a mooslim terrorist to fly the plane?

Requirements to be president
>Be natural born citizen over 35

Requirements to be a pilot
>Bachelor's degree or some college experience may be required
> Commercial pilots must be 23 years old and have a minimum of 1,500 flight hours logged
>Must log 250 hours of flying time and pass the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) practical test for licensing. Certification required to work for commercial airlines

Rly makes you think

Go away Nigel. You're not even in the EU anymore.

As long as they aren't manlets, of course

First post best fucking post

kek. Seriously though if you knew the kind of people that become pilots you would be afraid to fly.

ACTUALLY its more like getting in a cab and its clear the guy doesn't know the area like you do and has no idea where he's going and he keeps making wrong turns so the fare climbs higher and higher so you just say fuck it get out I'll drive for you even if I'm drunk because anything would be better at this point

More like "terrorists have taken over and are going to fly this plane into a building, who thinks we should take over and fly it into the ground instead?"

Fuck you guys.
Your future had no place for me.
You should have kept your smug mouths shut.

Came here to say this
Also it's against the principle of democracy and even representative republic that our leaders are somehow irreplaceable and a class above the common people
Once again leftist cartoon misses the point Sad

any jackass can drive a car, but we still have training and licensing.

How come then that poor people rarely do? As if, somehow money would make people more influental.
The mystery that keeps me up at night...

And despite that how many people do you see on a daily basis that should have their licenses revoked? I see about a dozen a day and I live in a small town.


>Mexican and Islamic airlines send unruly passengers to invade onto American flights to hurt them and make their flights easier
>These new "customers" take American seats from the people who invested in and bought them
>Crew does nothing because they're really trying to get all airlines under one mega-global airline, and they want to hurt the Americans who wouldn't benefit from such a deal
>An intelligent, charismatic American notices all this and wants to change things
>Americans support him
>Crew lies about him and slanders his supporters
>Americans retake the plane Flight 93 style and Make American Aviation Great Again

third-ed, came here to say exactly this. Until we do what even fucking Platon proposed 2500 years ago and start actually training people to become proper decisionmakers and governors, a politician cannot be treated as a person with a specific set of "skills" outside of what an ordinary citizen normally has.

Coming from the left that has run things into the ground for many years thats funny. So things going good is a sign of things going bad. Eu is individual nations. They will survive and in many cases be even better without chokehold eu beaureaucracy.

> yes goyim you are too stupid to make decisions
> Let us do the thinking for you goyim because we are smarter, better than u
> we don't need u, you need us

Haha very funny. But what if the pilot has lost his mind? What if he is trying to chrash the plane with no survivors? The establishment has betrayed the people and they are trying to chrash white civilisation with no survivors and we have to stop them.

Burn it all down. Starting with Israel and Jews worldwide.

Interestingly, the most succesful times in the long history of chinese empires were when highly trained and examined officials helped the emperors to govern the actual empire. There were times when they were castrated, so to remain focused on their jobs and 'saved' from nepotism

>trying to chrash white civilisation

I think you should go to bed

Obongo couldn't even get that right.

>Populism is bad

This comic might as well be arguing for a return to feudalism. The political class and their pocket "journalists" view themselves how monarchs and lords used to.

Idiot croat. You of all people should know.

Also, pilots are known for being competent and doing their job correctly. How often is there an airplane crash and when there is, how often is it due to pilot error? Almost never. Meanwhile, how often is there some social, political, or economic crisis in a nation and how often is it due to politicians ineptitude? Constantly.

If pilots were crashing planes on a daily basis the way politicians crash nations, then yes, it wouldn't be unreasonable for the passengers to demand a turn at the controls.

>how often is it due to pilot error? Almost never.

It's usually always pilot error...

>In fact, pilot error is the leading cause of commercial airline accidents, with close to 80% percent of accidents caused by pilot error, according to Boeing. The other 20% are mainly due to faulty equipment and unsafe, weather-related flying conditions.

Based Magyarbro

I stand corrected. In any case, of all the countless flights there are annually around the globe, how many crashes are there? Very, very few. Pilots have credibility. Politicians do not.

veteran pilots have credibility just like veteran politicians have credibility even if their ideology is cucked.

New pilots fly shit for quite awhile and observe even longer. Airlines don't trust new pilots at all for quite awhile.

Also flying an Airpline has a set amount of variables that you learn as you gain experience. Politics is abstract as fuck.

Why is he left so certain that their policies and oppinions are invariably correct and morally superior

Fuck off

underrated post

>exhibit 1 Donald Trump

look, the point is that the analogy in OPs cartoon doesn't make sense. Politicians are always fucking up. Pilots are not. If they were, people would be correct in being skeptical of them.

Veteran politicians don't have any credibility. If anything they are less credible in what they say as they have a lifetime track record of lying and ineptitude and years of experience in being a corrupt political parasites. Like Trump said about Crooked H.: "She has experience but it's bad experience"


Listening to someone all the time because they belong to a profession with apparent credibility is a terribly cucked way to go through life.

Doctors have credibility, would you not agree? I know people personally that would have had dead children if they didn't take their kids out of the hands of a doctor.

I will stick to questioning everyone. Nobody with a particular credential impresses me unless I know they can do their job properly.

This is basically what has happened in Latin America during the last 15 years.

Left-wing populists have gained power in countries like Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina. They have implemented their policies and they have failed so hard that the left has been discredited for a generation.

Excuse me let me elaborate
>politicians are just public servants
>somehow people have begun to worship politicians
>we have begun reverting presidents like some prophets
>everyone needs to act with upmost decorum and class tompoliticians
>even when they are corrupt and steal from you and send your children to war


Politicians are parasites, the president is a fuck, congress is full of rats

It's about time the "respect" for government gets taken down 100 slots and they be seen as the roaches and busybodies that thy are

No experience ? Good
Shut the government down! Wonderful
D.C. Gets nukes off the earth? God I pray for it

The president isn't a king, he is not a god, he needs no experience

Experienced politician means an expert in lying and stealing

Fuck political reverence

Fuck the government the. West part of trump so that all these political names and dynasties for he last several decades have been whiped away and sent to go die slow lonely geriatric deaths

Good riddance bey will not be missed


It's not edgy it's the American ethos and losers like you and liberals in our country have tried to hide suppress.

No man is above the law, government is force and it should fear us.

If you want to be meek stay in whatever shithole nation rules you, if you want to live for yourself the way god eintended you know where to go

Should be an edit for the "sweating man over buttons" comic

>Politicians are just like everyday people!
>Donald Trump can't run for president, he's not a politician!

shorter people are perfect candidates for F-series pilots though.

>implying being a governmental leader needs special qualification

It's not about running the country the "right" way it's about running it the way the people fucking WANT it to be run.
If we want the country to be run into the ground that our prerogative because it's OUR country.
If we want it to be great again at the expense of a bunch of shitters riding our coattails that's also our prerogative.

More like

>Pilot is drunk, lost, has the fuel dump pumps engaged and is in a nosedive
>Passangers have to storm the cockpit just to get his ass out so he doesn't kill everybody

I would trust a plumber, electrician, or white collar manager over any career politician anyday, just like I would trust someone without a pilots license over a drunk retarded pilot.

We can't really just not have any. You have to choose your battles if you want to get anything done, user, and it's foolish to think that everyone in power has nothing but selfish motives.

wow, you actually unironically wrote "American ethos" and "live the way god intended"

This is something a teenager who just read some "big books for grown ups" would write.

I can't talk to you anymore.

Yes, goyim can't make decisions

>not everyone in power is selfish

Oh Kate, now who is beig neive

I'm sorry that years of stale European deafetist trhinking has beaten you down to this point

It doesn't need to be like this friend

Worst attempt at Trolling so far in 2017

I'm serious. Blind cynicism is just as idiotic as blind idealism, and much more common because some people have got it in their heads that cynical = intelligent. It's demoralization.

Just like it was going to lead to hyperinflation in Germany before WWII

Lol the rights crashing the lefts plane with no survivors. And out of that we'll make a better faster more comfy plane if you catch my drift

you betcha

And to match your point in this analogy I'm sure if we let everyone be a politician we'd be holding referendums constantly to remove some from office. I'm glad you're working through this.

What does the federal government do?

I would challenge you to find any real impact it has on you

Most of anything you need is done by your state or city

The federal government was meant to regulate state relationships and have an army

That's it

We don't need any of them

We could nuke D.C. And build a single office building in Missouri for the entirety of the the federal government to operate in and it wouldn't make one real difference in our prosperity

In fact it would probably help

But that's not really my point my point is that we have begun to revere our rulers, that we "need them". No we don't they need us

They are a tool to help us and people need to remember that

"These smug pilotscompletely ignore science, facts and common sense. I'm an experienced mechanical engineer, with helicopter flying experience, and these people here are my co-pilots, with a decent amount of flight experience. Who thinks I should fly the plane?"


every human acts in their own self interest
sometimes it's in your best interest to act benevolently
in representative democracy those in power seek power
there are such things as nepotism but george w. wasn't born an heir to the throne

listen you idiot, without organized societies, without nations and governments, you would be living in the forest trying to not get eaten by a bear.

maybe you think that's awesome, but the rest of the world would rather have medicine, roads and water.

>Any jackass can be a politician.
Correction, any jackass born in the ruling elite can become a politician.

You are well cucked men built systems as tools

The government did not create civilization government is a result of civilization

You have your effect before your cause

that doesn't mean people need to revere those in power and envision them as heavenly ubermensch

civilization and government can't exist one without the other

of course not

but not everyone can or should be able to govern a nation.

that doesn't mean you need to passively accept things as they are
animals do that

once again, of course not. But you should know when someone can do something better than you, when someone has more experience, and when to respect the system. It's there for a reason, and IF IT WORKS it beneficial for everyone.

according to whom?

STFU low budget Serbia

is it working?
do you really think brussels really has your best interests at heart?

Cheers OP. Its great to hear a reasonable voice on Sup Forums

Yeah and anyone can fly a plane too. It takes some training not to crash tho

That is not true

Government is a result of civilization that's like saying "civilization can't exsist without academia"

What? Government is just an institution to help govern civilization. It is a tool or a "social construct" you might say.

Literally the entire enlightenment of the 1700's is about saying anybody can actually govern

according to fucking nature!

not everyone can write a book, not everyone can run 100 meters in under 10 seconds, not everyone can fix an engine - different people are good at different things.

If the pilot was nose diving the plane then I'd be happy for anyone else to have a crack at saving us.

When did the left become so establishment?

I don't think the right need to "crash" the west, it just needs to undo the damage the left has done while retaining the good

>Some people are good at legislation

Top fucking kek

In theory, absolutely. In practice, yes, 80 percent of the time but just because it's insanely difficult to manage the EU.

That's because most commercial airplanes are flown via remote control. It's like auto-pilot. Pilots are there just in case something goes wrong, like with Captain Sully.

Some form of government has always been there, ever since the earliest forms of human societies. There was always a leader.

So those two concepts have always been interlinked.

>Some people are good at legislation

Yes, some people ARE good at legislation.

They really rustled my jimmies

You literally believe that some people are good at telling other people what to do

Just off yourself you fucking slave

How can you refute that some are better at governing than others? There ae obvious cases of horrible leadership doing very bad things to their country. Pol pot is one horrible example. Meanwhile our founding fathers are a perfect example of exellent legislative ability. Are you this dumb?

This is literally the kind of argument a king or dictator would use to argue that they should remain in power.

When did Sup Forums become the most sensible place on the Internet?

That comic is beyond stupid. The analogy does not even make sense. Since when does a pilot have to be in touch with regular people? A politician has to be, but not a pilot. Fuck off with that stupid shit.


So you're telling me that a guy who went to, lets say, law school, who was an active member of various organizations, maybe started in a city council, then later became a senator, or governor, or whatever, who knows the system, who knows how global politics works, WOULD NOT make a better president than a guy who did none of those things?

You can't possibly think that, no matter what your political views are.