>Days after Donald Trump won the White House vowing to deport millions of people in the country illegally and fortify the Mexican border, California farmer Kevin Herman ordered nearly $600,000 in new equipment, cutting the number of workers he'll need starting with the next harvest.
Farmers Scared of Trump!
good. hopefully we'll start cracking down on the employers of illegals.
Immigration policy is racist. There were no restrictions when white people were escaping Europe en mass.
the farmer should be fined and possibly jailed for aiding criminals, and tax evasion after admitting to paying many employees off the books and below the federal minimum wage
> california
Sup Forums always claims farmers are based but they're straight fucking kikes and one of many factors of the spic invasion
Jews are responsible
So many shit skins in my hometown because of the local farmers being greedy Jews
you're conflating corporate farmers with small farmers
Next you're going to call faggot males with checked shirts and beards, lumberjacks.
Looks like factory jobs just increased.
>oh noes, we're out of slaves
You know on one hand you might be right, and on the other I think white people are becoming lazy cunts.
Good. 99% of the field workers end up sending the money back to Mexico, anyway. This way, the money stays in the US.
>I think white people are becoming lazy cunts.
Farmers being kikes hiring wetbacks for slave wages and us whites aren't like you spics
But surely we should all learn from past experiences, that unfiltered immigration is a bad in many ways, and given that we live in a paradigm of nation states with borders (still), then why is it counter to the point that the natives of america got the short end of the stick when the europeans showed up? As for as I can see, it is a very good argument for having a state with the capacity to guard it's own borders, something that the I pressume that the natives did not have.
wrong. middle and upper class whites feel they are above manual labor and other trades because they are told from a child that only white trash do those jobs.
>tfw when $600,000 only buys you 2 new harvester bodies with no attachments
Moe like one used with a decent set.
People should hire amerindians instead of immigrants for farming, it is common sense.
Honestly its both, but its not all the farmers fault.
Labor is provided by a labor contractor. When you need labor, you call the contractor and he acts as the middle man making sure you get the labor you need at the best price. When all is said and done, you pat him and he distributes pay to his workers.
Farmers don't necessarily know if their contractor is using legal or illegal labor. The farmer simply pays the contractor whatever was stipulated in the contract so he has no idea if the workers are being paid legally or under the table.
wrong. I worked manual labor jobs like logging and roofing since i was a kid. My dad owns a home building business
Who the fuck is this middleman you speak of?
Amerindians are busy getting drunk on the reserves or running casinos
>more automation
>this is bad according to liberals
There's nothing wrong with racism when it's correctly applied.
They're also drunk a lot outside of the rez.
It really cold months several a year will black out outside and freeze to death.
Seriously they loves them some fire water.
Well can't they just hire some local folk?
nice anecdotal evidence. your father works in the trades and like a good father he taught you his work ethic and trade.
i'm talking about the majority of suburban/upper class white kids. you know what i'm saying is right. how many times in school or on tv have you heard or seen tradesmen and laborers being berated as uneducated lower class/white trash? luckily you had a father that actually showed you reality. many people don't have that because their parents work some pencil pushing job and they have no balance to the school and tv/movie brainwashing
How do you do that?
Farmers used to be based but the jew bankers screwed them out of their farms and now just care about illegals and maximizing shekels.
The kike ass farmers won't raise their bullshit wages
It's cute when trash doesn't even realize it's trash. kek.
European immigrants generally tried to contribute to the country they were moving to though, consider that
They feel they are "above" this labor because the pay is garbage for hard work.
Why is the pay so low? Because migrant and illegal and immigrant workers will work for nothing and drive wages down
Because "Whites won't do it". This is code for "I don't want to deal with someone who will demand I follow labor laws".
Name me 1 thing wrong with this
They should be scared. All of the farmers in Minnesota voted for Trump
that's part of it yes. but trades pay very well and middle/upper class whites still feel they are above that kind of work thanks to jewish stigma against actual work.
Or accept pay below minimum wage.
Agricultural jobs are exempt from minimum wage and farmers get massive subsidies from the government. They're welfare queen miser cunts.
>but trades pay very well
Tuition to a vocational is also literally 1000% that of university. At least where I live. Poor people can literally not afford to go into the trades. This is all possible because we just import the tradesmen now.
He's exactly that. The middle man.
When my grandpa started out farming, whenever he needed help he would go into town and post help wanted signs. Young people would come over to his house in the morning, work for a day, he would pay them, and tell them they would get paid again if they came back same time tommarow. These workers came from within our community and were people of all nationalities. Working the vineyards was like working a paper route, it was a good way for 15-20 gear olds to make some decent money on the side.
Times have changed. Things like liability, workers rights, and other legal concerns meant that it became too much trouble for a farmer to juggle his own needs and the needs of his workers. Hence the labor contractor. You simply sign a contract with your labor contractor and he handles everything from worker transportation to liability insurance to providing water to them. On return, you pay him instead of paying the workers directly, and he gets a cut of the money.
The problem is that a lot of these contractors hire illegal labor to drive their prices down, and even if the farmer knows about it, the prices are too good to resist. Sometimes these contractors work directly with the guides that bring illegals across the border, or worse have ties to the cartels. If an illegal owes the cartel money, than he will often work in the fields while the contractor simply turns his pay over to the cartels.
It's more important that everyone gets their faggot liberal arts indoctrination than people get good jobs.
>Tuition to a vocational is also literally 1000% that of university.
in germany you get a small loan for partaking in a vocational program
Really shows where the Elites' priorities are. Scum-sucking fuckbags.
I'm not even joking.
Tuition for 1 term of state uni in applied math
>2000 dollarydoos
>Tuition for 1 term of electrical
>20 000 FUCKING maple bucks
And remember this PER TERM. It's 40 000 dollars a year.
Germany is an industrial powerhouse and net exporter.
That's because your economies support the trades and apprenticeships are normal.
Here we just send everyone to community college so they can produce debt.
Not sure who benefits, but I'd guess it's the (((Banks))) who get to skim tens of thousands in fees and interest off everyone with their increasingly useless degrees in queer dance theory.
These farmers have been fucking us all by not paying taxes on the workers they hire.
We all have to pay to play the game of business.
Get with the times, pay your dues and either step up or be left for the lawmen of Trump. If you don't want to pay buy your way out with automation.
Actually, there was. Isn't that interesting.
Any way to go out and ICE these contractors? Worried that the rabbit hole will lead to a congressman or something?
>Farmer embraces mechanization technology earlier than his competitors, thus probably coming out in front
Elevator manager here. Currently, the price for a bushel of wheat is around $3.30. 60 lbs of wheat in a bushel. 90 loaves of bread in a bushel. The farmer sees around 3.5 cents for every loaf of bread made. Margins are hella tight in situations like this.
>The problem is that a lot of these contractors hire illegal labor to drive their prices down, and even if the farmer knows about it, the prices are too good to resist. Sometimes these contractors work directly with the guides that bring illegals across the border, or worse have ties to the cartels. If an illegal owes the cartel money, than he will often work in the fields while the contractor simply turns his pay over to the cartels.
This is beyond Jew
I'm middle class. You probably live in some shithole next to Muslims.
Sending money across strengthens your dollar dumb
Come on, you know farmers are scum who can't manage money.
>dude this lull in prices is killing me
>didn't you have more than a million dollars in profit last year
>yeah but muh costs
>*pumps out all the groundwater and collects subsidies*
Farmers are greedy idiots.
t. someone who grew up around agriculture