Are we clear, Sup Forums ?

are we clear, Sup Forums ?

this is the fault of the system, not the 4 teenagers.

there will be no justice in this case.

>they are arrested and will be convicted to the fullest extent of the law.
>beacuse that is what the system does

then why is BML even exist for?

>team of nogs abduct and torture a white guy with a few loose screws
>they want a helpful justice system that serves the people
>cop does their job and they all start chimping out
>"kill dem fuckin cops mang"
>"whitey got us down, we gotta fight the system"

niggas be using them big words

Fucking niggers

So when a cop kills another unarmed pavement ape he can just apologies and try to make amends, or will BLM still chimpout?

Yes, let them go bigots. 48 hours of community work will show them how to behave.

i openly despise people who believe in restorative justice. it is literally never brought up for the benefit of anyone but the offender. die marxist scum.

Niggers are just dumber darker jews

the opposite

> There won't be restorative justice, making amends, recompense.

And there SHOULDN'T BE.

Let's be real when BLM groups or any other civil rights group drone on about "restorative justice". Just call it what it is, a slap on the wrist. We've been doing this society thing for centuries now and a majority of the west understand the rule: If you harm another person severely enough, you get your freedoms revoked and sent to a box to rot."

> We don't consider this justice for the victim"

I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU THINK IS "RIGHT" for the victim. You ain't the victim!


Don't forget Jews were created by racemixing with niggers and gooks.

So when is BLM of Chicago gonna cut a check to the victim?

Asking for reparations is nigger behavior. We exist to serve the OverSoul


I believe they are born of ancient racemixing because I am a racially mixed uberjew that isnt even jewish

Tweet Trump for FBI to charge civil rights violations.
>"A criminal civil rights violation involves the use or threat of force"
Offenders on video saying:
>"Fuck White People!" - Racial Intimidation
>"Fuck Trump" - Political Intimidation
>Suspect was disabled. - Obama bill auto makes any attack on disabled a hate crime.

What can we do to get the Trump team to pressure the FBI to press charges for civil rights violations?

Okay whatever that means. In the post BLM said they wanted treatment for the victim not for people to place blame on them. Well, why don't they donate some money?

>shaun king
You're correct though.

>the system is anti-black (AKA PRO WHITE)
>it's the systems fault not the people who did it
no, it's their fault first and foremost, their punishment is the systems fult

Well, this actually sounds pretty reasonable. As wrong as it feels, but I think I agree with most of that.

Checks out

In case you aren't b8ing, BLM has consistantly vilified people and called for their punishment. At no point in their history has BLM ever suggested that any white person be able to make amends or better themselves in any way.

It's textbook double standards, kraut

How would this case be in the FBI's jurisdiction? They didn't like flee the state with him

No wonder Germanistan is so fucked up. It beggars belief.

Yeah but it's about the message, not the messenger.

Same 2bh. Our justice system is certainly not in the business of healing or putting criminals on a corrective course.

Prisons make people worse monsters than they were when they went in.

>niggers commit crime
>"They were arrested and that's all that can be done."
>whites commit crime
>"Arresting them is not enough!"


>punishment =/= justice
what kind of logic is this? What exactly is Soros' point?

This so much

>We've been doing this society thing for centuries now

And niggers still can't into civilization even though we've been supporting them for a few hundred years in trying to develop their own

What would be your first step in "rehabilitating" these feral negroes? Or any criminal for that matter? Let me guess, they need more education, right?

I dont want healing, I dont want restoration, I don't care for justice.

I just want niggers to fuck off. I really just want them to go fuck off.

They can have alabama or whatever shit tier state that was the biggest supporter of slavery-its their responsibility.

I just want niggers to fuck off .

as the brownshirts of the democratic party.

Niggers belong in one of three places:

a) Africa
b) prison
c) a casket

BLM sensationalizes everything.

They'd be rioting right now if the races were reversed.

kidnapping is a federal crime

Isnt this guy a jew?

And he is shouting for revolution in America?

Fuck this peice of shit. Give me 5 minutes in a fucking ring with this bastard.

>these teens

These 18 year adults*

Just tweet it at him.

Oh, sweet

Fuck those mud people

oh snap if we get the FBI on this, their done for. they wont be laughing about it like they are blaming whites for them getting arrested which their doing now.

The only part of this that's reasonable is that jail isn't a good punishment for these crimes. Physical punishment is the only way people learn. Locking them up with a bunch of other people who are like or worse than them does nothing but make them shittier people and waste resources.

If a man steals, give him 5 public lashes. If a man commits assault, give him 10 (or more, depending on the level of assault) lashes. If a man murders, hang him. These adults severely assaulted, beat, degraded, and tortured a mentally retarded man. They split open his scalp, put out a cigarette on it, made him drink piss, and caused other bodily harm as well as degraded him. They should be whipped in public side by side, 30 lashes, and it should be broadcast.

But in our system, they will instead serve a minimum 20 years for the federal crime of aggravated kidnapping, and pay no smaller fine than $50,000, no including what the man's family will likely sue for to compensate for at least his medical bills.

"What do we want? Dead cops!"

Strike b from your list and I agree, seems kind of useless when c offers a better alternative that doesn't rely on my tax money

Not all blacks are niggers but SK is a fucking nigger

Jail to niggers is like high school. It's a joke. Ever been to jail? It's literally just niggers hooting and hollering about card games and honeybuns all day. It has no effect on them. They dont even have the capacity to realize how shitty of a situation they are in.

>the FBI only handles child kidnapping

he's whiter than most whites. his fake nigger haircut and john waters moustache are the damning proof.

Kek welll said.
Did you ever see that one picture of him without his shirt on? Looked like pedo edition Adam Sandler.

It's literally just a part of life to them. All of them have at least one close member of their family that's been to prison, if it's not their father.

HEs still a fucking nigger

Idc if both of his parents are redheaded honkeys from ireland

Hes a fucking nigger