How long of a sentence should they get Sup Forums?


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I doubt any of those 4 know English well enough to complete a full sentence.


They look like cavemen.

Life in prison is entirely reasonable.

All psychopaths who'll never be able to function in society.

Just read her page... it's unbearable

fb username /tanishianorthpoleprincess.covington

They're the niggest looking niggers I've seen.

They should get life in prison just for looking so stupid and ugly.



Life in prison, no possibility of parole. They need to do hard time for this.

Why every single male nigger poses like that to a mugshot? Looks so smug.

Oh, and just to make a point. This happened before Trump has taken office, so lets not forget, this is a reflection of Obama's America.


12 feet

death sentence

Death penalty

The real question is how long the rope should be.

Just WeW lad hahahah

A Paddlin'

Depends on when they die.


a .44 to the back of the head

Execution by hanging, like in the good old days

0 days for enacting justice

It is very strange.
Head slightly back as if it's an attempt to look down on you.

Almost aborigenal.

yes yes I wonder what could have motivated them...

man i really dont know

So what's the latest word? Are they even in trouble?

why do niggers look so fucking dumb holy shit

jesus fuck
Sup Forums and reddit chimping out heavily about this


they're fucking TEENAGERS. fuck sake. Give em community service and some counseling

getting the book thrown at them it seems, even got the hate crime charge. No death sentence though, so that is unfortunate

two bitches should get about 20, two guys should get about 40 to life

50 years in the cotton fields

NO give them a fucking bullet to the brain.

Just send them back to Africa and show them what their shithole is really like

>Why every single male nigger poses like that to a mugshot?

They spend their entire life practicing looking hard for their mugshot.

Career training is important, even in the inner city.

last two numerals will decide

Yup yup, exactly.

I have a better punishment: Rip off their fingernails and toenails without anesthesia

Kangz of Leon

8' from a 15' tree.

No, these aren't people, they're animals. Put them down like you would do with any rabid beast. They aren't fit to be part of society.

Look them up without KFC for a week. Time served.

All nigger punishment should be immediate death sentencing.

the males are. So fucking dumb. They're gonna take it hard.

aaanyway i respect their una/pol/ogetic attitude. God knows if smart people would need it.

I like your style. Befitting of dumb nignogs.


Stole a car
Kid napped a person
Assaulted and tortured said person
Broke into downstairs neighbors home
Stole something

That's why they're doing so much time.

It wasn't an "oops" crime like "I'm ten and stole a candy bar" it's big boy crime with kid napping, burglary, auto theft, and aggravated assault.

They assaulted him specifically cause he was white, and assumed he supported trump because of it (liberal media fanning the race flames probably).

Top kek

Violates international law, and is too mild anyways.

>they're fucking TEENAGERS
Would you try to justify murder with this?

>life sentence

No I was hoping the opposite sentence.

Irrelevant, they didn't kill anyone u fucking leaf

Liberals compare all crime to nonviolent drug crimes.

>cut someones scalp upon
>liberal will say "muh prison reform"

I just want courtroom video of the sentencing. I need more for my collection.

The girl on the left is cute. Too bad that fucked up racist american society ruined her life.

Dimply turning on the camera to film before each assault proves premeditation for all charges.

This was planned, executed, and celebrated. There is no show of remorse or regret.

I hop this trial is televised. This needs to be seen by anyone not redpilled.


A lot of self-described liberals are actually silent on prison reform in the US. Challenging that particular status quo is seen as somewhat radical.

Just take em round back and shoot them, they're never gonna contribute anything to society.

Here's my sentence:

Life for males and 99 scenes in ghetto gaggers for females.

Solitary confinement for life.

Bitch has a hairhat made of virgin PoointheLoo hair

45... caliber

Honestly this is the best thing you could do. No emotion. No anger. No nothing. Just give them a few seconds to contemplate the gun pointed at their heads. Then one by one, just go down the line with a minute between each one. Give them a little time to think about what's happening.

Never say a word. Never offer a condemnation. Just do it like you'd do a dog that bit your kid. Bury them 2 feet down and don't mark the grave.

A short one - 9mm is enough.

>Dimply turning on

Holy fuck those comments

The normies are waking up.

Why sad?
He going home.

Death by public impalement; insert sharp stout rod upward through rectum, bypassing central chest organs, emerging from shoulder.
Medical personnel will where white with hoods.

>A short one - 9mm is enough.

.22 will do the job just fine. Why pay the extra money for a larger caliber. These "people" aren't worth it.

Vlad pls go

>3 are 18 and one in their 20s

Shipped back to Africa

20 minutes in the gas chamber

1 week

Vlad pls stay

Gladatorial combat until death.

>mom of 3 at 18


Just put each of them in an Aryan nation cell.
I`m sure they will make friends.

they need jesus

Can you dump some from your collection? Trying to build my own in this department.


They're adults you cock mongoling double nigger. Even if they were under 18 they deserve to be tried as adults.

I don't think they have any idea what's going on, much less the foresight to realize how much it will suck to spend 20-life in a steel cage. I don't foresee any crying.

Hanging from trees, that's the sentence

Fuck life in prison. That's a waste of fucking resources. 4 bullets is all you need. Done and done.

Inb4 Dylan roof. Double tap that faggot too.

They should be charged with terrorism.

They kidnapped that guy for political and racial reasons and made a public video/stream to spread terror to their racial and political adversaries. That is terrorism.

i dont think the bottom left one knows where he is

>no murder
you people are lost.

>I don't think they have any idea what's going on


These two see this as a win. Their street cred just got +20, and they're going to be famous. If they get mentioned in a rap song, they're going to consider themselves immortal.


>I don't think they have any idea what's going on
Do niggers have any idea what's going on?


There definitely will not be a trial. Rahm doesn't want this story to last any longer than the bare minimum. Preckwinkle and Foxx want it gone because it makes their constituents look bad.

The girl who filmed is going to cooperate in exchange for a reduced sentence. Everyone else is going to plead to a laundry list of counts so the politicians can say "these criminals are facing X years in prison" while leaving out that the terms will be served concurrently. I'll be genuinely shocked if anyone actually does more than 18 months.

Agreed. I hate ghetto niggers, and I don't see the fairness in that. I'm not prepared to sacrifice justice for m-muh revenge.

You people talk about being superior to niggers, and yet you chimp out yourselves.

20-30 years in a hard prison is more than fair.

Funny how both of these sheeboons are culturally appropriating whites by straightening and painting their hair

they definitely need to do some time. but not life lmao what the fuck is wrong with you memers

The length of a noose

does anyone have the full video
>needles under the fingernails, best torture