>claims to be free
>doesn't own a gun
lel, it's like you WANT to be kidnapped and tortured by niggers.
>claims to be free
>doesn't own a gun
lel, it's like you WANT to be kidnapped and tortured by niggers.
>claims to be free
>has to carry a gun
>Claims to be Brit
>has to pray to Mecca 5 bongs a day
>Brit enters the thread
Are you lost Abdul?
>Posts the same thread every single day
I have about 70,000 "no means no".
well as long as you live anywhere other than shit nig democratic cities which is like .02% of the country you dont really have jack shit to worry about.
Could easily have a gun but don't need it. Neither Americans nor Brits will ever know this feel.
Sage goes in all fields
>The simple truth that America is so south africa tier they have to carry guns around
>he didn't carry a gun and shoot the simians
sure thing dude
M8 didn't a soldier in the royal army get his fucking head cut off in public?
Fuck off
>He says as a mentally disabled white lad got tortured live on facebook and it didn't even get classified as a hate crime
Even more reason to carry a gun.
What up /k/ buddy. Got the other pictures of that? I love those lol
Jelly as fuck m8
Sorry but I don't have a baby penis.
I see this thread a lot. I'm ok with it. Get a gun.
How do people stand living in Britain anymore? You cunts have completely ruined the motherland and just ignore the fact that London has fallen to Muslim no-go zones that actively out-breed you.
American in most white neighbourhoods don't need guns, but they have a right to own them all the same. Specifically their right to arms is to protect from government tyranny and to deter foreign invaders.
Why is cock the only thing you anti gunners think about?
It's true, gun owners are buying guns to compensate for their small cocks and low testosterone. They think their gun will make them feel safe.
But I do
This is one of many
Do you have images of cocks on your hard drive? Be honest.
>.22 Remington thunderbolt
But dear user
There are no black people where I live :O