Thoughts on Philip Defranco?
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fucking ugly faggot!
Annoying faggot, average listener is probably 14
retarded faggot
seems like a nice guy. probably not as smart or informed as he thinks he is. pretty fast talker. no idea why he has so many subscribers, he offers nothing
Irish faggot
might as well link to his newest video
I have actually watched him for years just as a quick way to get some news, used to skip over parts where he gave his opinion because it was so dumb
he was approached to support hillary in a video during the election and didn't accept, youtube then didn't put him in the rewind and he got salty as fuck and did a video about it
since then he has been increasingly anti-sjw and redpilled, its been fun to watch him the last few months
He is being neutral, like jontron, they are not our enemies but they are not in our side either.
Loser dumbass, usually cucked
Literally who?
His wife is pretty hot.
Can confirm, I watched him when I was 14. Can you believe this guy has been doing this for over 7 years?
He's pandering to his audience too much and often he doesn't have an opinion of his own, only something in between so he can't be judged by either of the sides.
He is pretty nonbiased which is a rarity these days
nothing other than youre the next youtube faggot to hire some online marketing firm to try to viral your shit on Sup Forums
He pissed alot of them off though by thrashing Hillary as much as he thrashed Trump.
>I've watched Phil for so long I cant even remember when it started
quite happy for him that he's got a mega$$$ deal with Discovery now
and quite cool that he's a 4channer
Is that the guy from Simple Plan?
Lmao no she's not, she's a solid 5.5 plane jane, he's much better looking than her and obviously has way more money and status.
I'm not Philip DeFuckAss, I'm a fan of his tho.
He avoids being biased in his shows, only intersecting his personal beliefs with disclaimers. Honestly a decent source for news and entertainment.
Not red pilled nor /our guy/ but he isn't a retarded leftie by any stretch.
h3h3, Philip Defranco and jontron, are not our enemies but they are not in our side either, they are neutral. However, since truth and reason are not on the side of the SJW Marxists, the neutrals will and have been putting up videos where they attack their ideology. Also, we can expect them to attack us too.
are we seriously having threads about youtube """"celebrities""""" now?