How is Sup Forums coming along on the no fap challenge? i just started two days ago and going strong. if you haven't started yet, daily reminder that it is not to late now.
No Fap
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I tried it and then realized that there's really no evidence it actually does anything but cause prostate cancer so stopped.
That's pretty bluepilled. You realize your body needs to cycle out old semen, right? And even if you don't masturbate, eventually you'll just ejaculate in the night.
nofap is for retards
no offense
There are wet dreams to release the semen and practice sex virtually.
15 days into no porn, going strong.
There's really no point of not masturbating as long as you're not looking at stimuli. Eventually you'll get horny to the point where it's a distraction, makes you less productive.
>porn is fine guys
And that's why Germany is crumbling.
If you have ever masterbated in your life you are going to HELL
no fap is pushed by the CIA and other various government agencies as well as men hating groups in order to cause mass prostate cancer in men.
you have been warned.
ehh i work in a factory if anything it will turn me gay
none takin
yes and your body naturally does that as says. id prefer my body to it naturally and get my dopamine while sleeping instead of forcing it and needing it
you can try one week wont give you prostate cancer.
yes porn is fine and no germany isn't crumbling
Nofap does not cause a prostate cancer, idiot
No porn* yes its going great
>all these b8 posts replying to each other's b8....
Great video watch it. I am 2 days in too
im sure ill crumble into jacking it. but for now its no fap for me. Ive jacked it every day if not twice day for as long as i can remember
>dat image
I didn't fap for 2 weeks because I was sick and then I had to visit grandma for 7 days.
After 2 weeks I wasn't feeling better I was so horny I started to like my ugly cousin who looks like my uncle even if she is a girl.
Just print this and hang it in your bedroom. Problem solved.
Everyone who is common with esotericism knows that fapping decreases magical creative power. you should gain control over your flesh, and you will gain the control over the universe
desu i have a trump pic on my welder at work. kinda motivates me and makes me laugh
you have no control over your body then
Eh, I haven't noticed a difference so far, other than I wake up at like 5am every morning with a rock hard cock. It's pretty annoying, but whatever, it's not like I feel like jacking it all the time, I do it mostly out of boredom.
keep it up user, don't let the Jews destroy your body and soul.
Porn is the problem. Not so much the mastutbation. I could still name a couple things wrong with masturbation but the real culprit is porn.
For me porn was almost impossible to quite. I was at a point were I was jacking off 2-3 times daily because I wanted to look at some good ficky ficky. Porn fucks your brain up no joke It's virtually a drug and there's studies to prove this.
I'm 2-3 months clean from porn. I'm down to jacking off once every day to two days. Feels good man. I feel more manly and have more confidence and feel definitely more IN CONTROL. Before I just felt out of control and I think that's the real issue here for all of us. We want control. Control of the economy, politics, the country, whatever. And not having control of ourselves has really eaten all of us to our cores. I always say control is one of the cornerstones of being a man.
Anyways rant over. Don't go crazy and cold turkey. Just try cutting the porn out, gaurantee you some of you won't be able to.
TLDR: Porn is the problem. Just try quiting it first.
Nofap also transforms 5/10 chicks into 10/10.
I'm on mobile and can't see webms.
Too bad looks hot. What's she doin.
>phonefag can't enjoy my webms
Stages of nofap:
1. No porn
2. No fap
3. Sex without ejaculation
4. No sex
5. Ability to impregnate by sight
i can not jack it with out porn tho, pics and imagination do not do it any more. so i need to cut it all to go back to being 12 and have a porn fap free mind again.
get an android fag, but she twerking slightly, nice bottom on her tho.
I was the same way. It took all I had to quit porn. Best of luck to you. Sometimes just mustering up the self control is the only way of quiting something.
Does it still count if you don't ejaculate?
Is semen retention the goal?
I decided to try TheGoldenOne's 4 month no porn/no fap. I'm on day 2.
I don't think going 100% masturbation free is a good idea. But a 4 month break won't kill me either. I may as well have that be my early start to Lent.
Please do your part to report all posts like these , maybe one day Sup Forums will be rid of porn degeneracy
I just fell thanks to degenerate kraut
you can't stop me :)
I'm on day 8 of my nofap and plan on doing for 31 days, making it a point to hit the gym at least 3 times a week. I eventually want to stop fapping and watching porn, but I have to take baby steps.
Sup Forums, is fapping strictly to females absent of any males as harmful? For me, seeing the male actors makes me feel inferior and like a limp dick cuck. However, if I'm focusing entirely on my attraction to females without any men present, I feel that's actually healthier mentally, if only a bit.
Red-pill me Sup Forums, am I wrong?
It will set you free
i came here for this cuck's porn. It's like a mind challenge.
Wow. True oldfags, with pic to prove it.
i'll try again tomorrow
It's always him. He's jacking off to your failure. Wow. Imagine that.
I bet he's fat and blonde.
I tried one week (Still going) and so far it has given me less motivation at work, making me more stressed and more clumsy. This is obviosly bullshit.
i skip through the video, check the girls, then close them. Willpower son. It is a muscle.
>I tried one week (Still going) and so far it has given me less motivation at work, making me more stressed and more clumsy
its the adaptation period, your dopamine neuron paths need to be reformed, that is why, Im backsliding recently due to ponr on pol , but once I managed over 40 days it was fantastic like on steroids, focused agressive, motivated...
GF broke up with me, so I gotta fap or I'll go insane with depression.
I'll pick it up again when I'm over this desu
Story behind this pic?
So this is Sup Forums version of The Contest.
Spoiler alert.
Jerry won
George cheated
>It is a muscle.
and so is muh dick
your dopamine levels are still rising watching females only
I see, so it's still harmful. Well, like I said baby steps. However, at least mentally/emotionally female only makes me feel less insecure about myself. I feel a strong sense of horrible jealous when I see certain porn scenes with the girls and guys.
I think that girl only is at least a good step in the right direction for me as a person as I continue onwards to dropping porn entirely one day.
if baby steps is what you need then do it. gods speed user
No fap for two days. No porn. I feel like a man again
Then no one is going to heaven.
>actually believes in this nonsense
>posting soft-core porn
dude Ive jacked it to traps for the last year. this does nothing. i like the attempt tho.
you're gay and you belong into a gas chamber
You belong into a gas chamber you wanker.
>whacked it 3 times today
feel the same way about it, 2 times, but it feels so shollow running for short term pleasure
It doesn't cause prostate cancer, but a man who ejaculates a few times per day will have decreased risk of prostate cancer
>being a Zoroastrian
You're the wrong religion, buddy
Haven't touched the sausage since the Nativity Fast began in November, it's not difficult as long as you have other things to do
>11+ posts by this id.
Why are you always in these threads rabbi ?
ps.that girl is ugly af and only helps in nofap.
>Why are you always in these threads rabbi ?
why are nofap cultists think they can recruit more retards here?
>tfw can't keep it up with a condom on
>tfw can only cum bareback
>tfw can't fuck young women with my benis
>tfw the only women that let me fuck them without a condom were 50-ish
>two days
Day 5 nigga
not working schlomo im going to beat this
Kek checked and kek approved
NOFAP is the way of true men
Stop beating your dick and beat women with your dick instead
you fucking faggots
>that girl is ugly af
Niqqa u smoke good dope shes got god tier looking vagina too
excuse me ill be getting my rope ready
>started on new year's day
>relapsed after 2 days
hahaha kill me please
You can do it nigga
just dont touch your peepee
im on day 5
I feel drained
Im taking alot of naps
My legs hurt when I sleep
Cant think straight
But there is a light at the end of the tunnel
Suffer for yourself and be a better man
I'll take the nofap pledge
Maybe ask them to prove that nofap actually does anything instead of posting tang
More into thicc's
I love nofap because the struggle is a big part of the human experience. We know porn is fake and we want to connect with the real world. we want the drive and the ambition to move us out from plastic models and towards the real experience
If you beat your dick to porn you are lining schlomo shekelbergs pockets
Nofapping is a boycott of Israel.
Everytime you dont fap an israeli loses one shekel
I hate it, and pol is too blame, literally porn is everywhere on pol and I cant not go on pol.
when I dont visit pol I can usually last 2 weeks far more easily, when I visit the grills on pol mess my self control.
So put a porn blocker on and dont be a fag
Theres an extension out there that turns all pictures into cuddly animals. I cant remember which one
Praise fapping
That would make me fap more.
checked praise kek
perfect captcha for the report
Nice try schlomo
and one reconnect later i'm back :)
> top kek
> I only fap to girl solo and even then I gotta find the right girl.
> I'm doing no degenerate porn guy girl lesbian and anything besides solo
He didnt fap.
Niggha. Porn is poison. Stop it you fucking degenerate. Become a better man.