Are ya?
Are ya?
No. I'm not. They're just damaging their own image and making it harder for libruls to defend them.
Don't post disinformation you fucking faggot.
The only "people" who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary
>Sacrificing 1 asswhoppin to get 4 nigs off the street
Worth it imo
Shitposting even after being jailed true queen of Sup Forums
someone post shit from her fb please/ Id on't have an account
Can someone interpret what it is saying?
Those are fake right? She hasn't posted for a couple days.
Wtf? Is that English?
Bix noodish
It's the ape language the developed in Americas inner cities. It emulates mans first spoken languages.
Tweet Trump for FBI to charge civil rights violations.
>"A criminal civil rights violation involves the use or threat of force"
Offenders on video saying:
>"Fuck White People!" - Racial Intimidation
>"Fuck Trump" - Political Intimidation
>Disabled Victim - Obama bill auto makes any attack on disabled a hate crime.
What can we do to get the Trump team to pressure the FBI to press charges for civil rights violations?
Nig Nog slang is literally so fucking baseless it is a crystalline example of just fucking miraculously complex retardation capable when the mixtures of the heights of arrogance and false confidence with the lows being their consistency to find more and more and a outcasted bonobo baritone.
What's the matter whiteboi?
>hurrrr iPhones in jail
It's a fake account you leaf.
>Nig tries to be cool on pol by being a cuck
>Lives Off Welfare
>Muh "Not Muh President" insues
Inner City Cuck Niggers make my head spin
I fucking hate this nigger-speech, if you don't want to be called illiterated then stop fucking talking ooga booga