What did she mean by this


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she's pregnant with R.Spencer's white baby

14 days until MAGA


>14 words
jesus Ann Coulter has gone full stormfront


ha don't be silly .. she is clearly telling us the right wing white death squads are being called to active duty

She wants four teens

She's counting down to Obama leaving office, however she is immediately being accused of meaning the "14 words" in "1488" by countless fag liberals on twitter

>implying she'd never have a baby out of wedlock.
>implying she's not barren

Probably the inches of that BBC she had last night!

That's the number of rural and suburban retards who follow her on twitter.

Reminder that Ann Coulter was LITERALLY Blacked by the DYN-O-MITE guy from Good Times.

are you serious?! (accusations) .. they have really lost their fucking minds (or our memes are more powerful than we thought)

Digits confirm. She also got fucked by (((Bill Maher)))

>no hover hand, white bois!

she's not racist and she said she hated black people what kind of reverse psychology shit is this?

I almost believed you (embarrassed to admit lol)
from wiki "Coulter has been engaged several times, but she has never married and has no children."

but she definitely should not be thinking of kids at her age (isn't it funny how all these attention WN (LS) chicks talk about muh whites but can never leave the spotlight long enough to have some kids)

When did that white pussy she be hatin' niggas, white boi? She luvs da bbc, bitch! You ain't be know nothin!

Hells angels?

hans just stop with the ebonics , (but it would be funny af hearing some German accented ebonics)
never mind, proceed

She practically wrote Trump's announcement speech for him, she's exempt from the duty of women.


88 = 8Hail 8Hitler .. the 8th letter of those words

making exceptions is how we got to where we are (especially since she's supposed to be a role model)
it's one thing for her to be a unknown but to influence women into muh career and I'm contributing in other ways is not to be encouraged
pic related is the real hero / role model

I still think she's a horse-faced moron.

Wants to push for a better age of consent.

Never Forget, she was the only one who got it right first.

inch fingers!

Perfect for thick cocks

she looks anorexic
t. anorexic

Kek thats fucking hilarious

Not laughing now are we ?

Wtf is up with that man's tongue?


He be lickin' dat Coulter juice off he puffy lips! Das rite white boi. He be smackin dat bitch ass all night long! You ain gon combeed! Racis cracker bitch!


>implying she didn't realize the hidden controversial nature
I like the deflection there, women don't usually get fully on board until her age.

just like the "fucking Jew" tweet a year ago, she's messing with the kike's head intentionally

I'm sure she knew about the 14 words but she most likely wasn't thinking about it when she made the tweet. She's been counting down for hundreds of days.

>for the 5 or 6 people who believe themselves to be Nazis


You think he shouted DYN-O-MITE when he busted inside her?

i think its a little of column a a little of column b

on one hand its obviously the countdown to king niggers abdication

on the other, its prime opportunity to troll naive liberals and cucks into embarrasing themselves with "muh nazi bigot reeeeeee" shit

she knows what the 14 words are im sure of it

her deflection is tiptop, carefully crafted word by word to trigger the leftist in a dismissive way,

fucking marfans


Typo, she meant "1488"

Exactly this. Based Ann meant both obvs

Hey I just bought one of her books.

stop trolling 4chin Ann. Tits or GTFO

Lel. Beat me to it.

> implying she would have a white baby


but it's 15 days...

>implying she isn't disgusted by miscegenation

I never placed my hope in her (that doesn't sound right)
(or her type .. see L.Southern)
so regardless who she's fucking it's too late at this point to help whites (she's deliberately hurting us for some relevance because she's allergic to cats)
Anne if you're in here .. you're a joke
14 ₩ 88


kek, can't tell if she did this on purpose or not

I think she's a lot smarter about strategy than most of the alt-right figureheads.

>anyone implying Ann isn't a WN

I read Adios America and holy fuck, I thought I didn't like shitskins

this woman would probably throw me in the gas chamber for being a cuck

she still has the boomer mindset and is scared being called muh Nazi by random media kikes like it matters to anyone

Trust me, every single liberal already thinks she is worse than Hitler, she might as well embrace us

14 days until the inauguration

on purpose, but with enough wiggle room to bait and deny.

shes based but shes a neocon shill

>a lot smarter
she's got the deflection down, she certainly is a pro at inciting liberal tears, her more thought out opinion articles are usually pretty verbose wish hallarious analogies and hyperbole that usually gets a chuckle from me. She isn't bad in live interviews either, nor can she be discredited as a 'nazi' like they obviously try to do over the most innocuous and banal tweets.

I've always found her witty and entertaining.

I don't know. Going on about spics...only railing against muslims...muh ebil Nazis (yes, she does that)...never mentioning (((them)))

>and she fucked (((pic related)))
Not really Sup Forums. Just your average PJW/Milo crowd. "Muh Shariah is threatening gay rights and transpeople! Help me, (((our greatest ally)))!"

So many autists on Twitter and Sup Forums alike, it's a countdown until the inauguration

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter sent out a cryptic tweet Thursday morning that some are saying is an endorsement of white supremacy


aint nothin wrong with that, senpai.

They're not laughing now!


We're fucking winning. Every day our influence spreads VISIBLY further into the mainstream. Soon it will no longer be outlandish to say openly what we all feel.


i agree

i'm not talking about articles, i'm talking about walking the fine line in the public eye. she does it well, and the faggots on BOTH SIDES of this altlight/altright divide should examine with a close eye.

Did anyone save the tweet Ann Coulter retweeted that mentioned Sup Forums by name?

considering they say whites aren't funny they sure think we joke about a lot of things

She obviously waited for the clock to hit 14 days remaining, just so she could post that and trigger the leftists... but still have a getaway plan.
Based Coulter.

14 days until 1 more day.


fuck off commie


oh look, it's a shameless liberal from moortugal
>wake up
>collect by 'basic income' for doing nothing cuz humanism
>put it into my arm

This. She's literally perfect, brehs.

>mfw she even sent the tweet around to a bunch of libfags using her fake undercover libcuck account to make sure their jimmies are properly rustled

She makes a really good point, these fucking Kikes are literally looking for reasons to call people nazis now

What's up nationalist view? :^)

Not an argument.

Sounds too good to be true, senpai

Remember when you all projected white nationalism into Trumpenstein where there was ZERO.


Wait, I got this! I speak nigger.

Ey yo moffuka, u b playna with da white bois hea? Whatcha tryna git from dem? Ezy playa! B ezy on dem white bois! U tryna git dem on oua side, member dat we need dme gibs for da hood n shite. Witout whitey we ain't no shiney shoe, we aint no bling! Gotta git dat green, boi! Member dis, ma nigga! Gotta git dat green! Den we git da white pussy!


>7 00 05 17
>000=three 0s, 3

How does it feel losing BADLY to a bunch of Stormfags, cuck?

Sup Forums is actually moving the overton window
holy fuck what a time to be alive

>the 5 or 6 nazis out there

>tfw the Zyklon 21 hits hard

ree forgot pic

Here I thought it was a reference to the 14 Goldfish and Podesta's hands, so she was finally getting onboard with Pizza gate!

>tfw the Zyklon 21 hits hard

It really is moving it, but how did it happen? was it the normie outreach program known as the_donald?

Those are the likes of what you will actually have to deal with, if you encoutner "JIDF". Only unfit and special needs persons who cannot serve in the regular IDF get assigned these jobs.

how dare you insult israel u nazi

lol all she was doing was counting down the number of days till trump takes office.

Come home, chosen man!

this triggers the SPLC though.
>making fun of retards
c'mon, that's just too far. It makes you sound like a leftist who thinks abortion would solve this problem.